FAP Turbo Extrem (由 boersenautomat)


FAP Turbo Extrem 討論

Jan 04, 2011 at 21:18
20 Replies
會員從Sep 23, 2010開始   5帖子
Jan 11, 2011 at 23:46
was ist das für ein ea?
Immer das beste machen
會員從Apr 19, 2010開始   17帖子
Jan 12, 2011 at 07:34
hallo tommy,

es ist im grunder der fapturbo, ich habe nur versucht die einstellungen der entwickler nachzuahmen!

die diese leider nicht öffentlich machen, aber aufjedenfall ein sehr hohes risiko haben, denn wenn wirklich mal ne possi ins minus geht dann ist der gewinn schnell weg und oder das konto platt. wollte dies nur mal zeigen das es immer auf ein gutes moneymanagement ankommt.

posste ja auch eins das ist auch der fapturbo aber mit festen einstellungen, wo das risiko weit aus geringer ist.

會員從Feb 01, 2011開始   4帖子
Feb 04, 2011 at 19:19
Sir what EA are you using?
會員從Jul 21, 2010開始   106帖子
Feb 04, 2011 at 21:01
Fabturbo Extreme
會員從Feb 01, 2011開始   4帖子
Feb 04, 2011 at 21:24
fabturbo or fapturbo?

can you share their site so i could check it out? thanks. 😄
會員從Apr 19, 2010開始   17帖子
Feb 05, 2011 at 09:38
also es ist immer der fapturbo mit verschieden einstellungen

die erste ist eine leicht abgewandelte version von orignal.... der wichtigste punkt ist da das kein faktor eingestellt ist sondern eine feste lotzahl festgelegt wurde in dem fall 0,5 bei 5000 euro start.

und das 2 also das extrem ist mal versucht das nachzuempfinden was fapturbo selber auf der seite darstellt.... also ein hoher faktor (risikoverhältnis) problem dabei ist eigentlich das es meisnt schon im ersten monat tot ist aber da der januar und der februar bis her so gut waren lebt das extrem konto noch.

wollte mit dem konto eigentlich zeigen da es sehr wichtig ist das risikoverrhältnis zu beacht weil schnelle das konto leer sein kann... habe wohl damit das gegen teil erreicht.. lol ... im letzten jahr gab es monate wenn da angefangen hätte mit der extrem variaant dann wäre man nach einem monat pleite gewesen. ich weis selber das das sehr verlocken aus sieht aber die erfahrung hat gezeigt das es besser ist einen sehr kleine faktor oder lotzahl zu handeln und auf lange sicht gewinne zu machen.

so hffe das beantwortet erstmal alles

會員從Nov 15, 2010開始   183帖子
Feb 05, 2011 at 11:17
You are not fooling anyone here with your over leveraging. Your first 6 trades had a total of 45 mini lots open at one time on a $5k account, which is why you have 500:1 leverage, and that's totally ridiculous to be trading with that much risk. But its your money that your risking here, and you would never get these results if you traded your account with regular risk.

 The original FAP Turbo is a piece of junk along with all of the upgrades, and those guys are a bunch of scam artists, and they are the same group as the MegaDroid and the Leo Trader Pro.
會員從Feb 16, 2010開始   1332帖子
Feb 05, 2011 at 11:37

pipsquick1957 posted:
    You are not fooling anyone here with your over leveraging. Your first 6 trades had a total of 45 mini lots open at one time on a $5k account, which is why you have 500:1 leverage, and that's totally ridiculous to be trading with that much risk. But its your money that your risking here, and you would never get these results if you traded your account with regular risk.

 The original FAP Turbo is a piece of junk along with all of the upgrades, and those guys are a bunch of scam artists, and they are the same group as the MegaDroid and the Leo Trader Pro.

"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
會員從Apr 19, 2010開始   17帖子
Feb 05, 2011 at 12:28
wer lesen kann ist klar im vorteil würde ich sagen!!!!

oben steht das ich mit diesen einstellung zeigen möchte das es total verrückt wäre es so zu handeln wie es fapturbo auf der eingenen seite tut!!!

https://www.myfxbook.com/members/boersenautomat/ak03/68433 das ist ein live gehandeltes!!! werde mal 2 tag zeigen was da gehandelt wurde!!!

https://www.myfxbook.com/members/boersenautomat/fapturbo/73303 diese demo zeit bei nem 5000k die max. lot größe die ich handel würde! natürlich ist zu empfehlem es mit 0,1 bis 0,2 zuhandeln!!

das die 3 zusammen gehören oder zusammen arbeiten ist mir schon seit dem ich sie kenne klar!!! aber nicht des do trotz ist es möglich damit geld zu verdienen wenn man das risiko vernüftige wählt!

was bei allen handels system sehr wichtig ist die richtig broker wahl wir haben viel lehr geld gezahlt weil die broker so große diverenz haben zu demo und live und zusätzlich den kurs nach belieben verzeren....

alpari ist unserer meinung nach da sehr genau in den aus führungen.

der unterschied von demo zu live classic konto ist gering nämlich das spread. wir haben uns den spass gemacht es auf eine pro konto 3 monate zu testen und wenn man die trads verglichen hatte war der unterschied meist nur das spread oder der trade wurde auf dem classic konto garnicht erst ausgelösst. insgesammt halten wir garnichts von demo teste oder backtest selbst mit duksdaten!!

alles systeme die in einer demo gute ergebnisse erzieheln werden live getestet.

wir werden natürlich nicht alle unser live und demo konto öffentlich posten. im moment testen wir 50 verschieden demos und mindestens 20 live varianten von verschieden systemen und deren einstellungsmöglichekeiten!

also wenn ihr nur schlecht erfahrung mit fap und mega gemacht habt das ist das schade für euch !!!

aber wir sind natürlich an jeder meinung interessiert und oder vorschlägen für ander systeme die es wert wären zu testen!

was mich mal noch interessieren würde solar und pipsquick1957 bei euch sieht man halt leider nicht was ihr so treibt!!! also was handelt ihr?


會員從Feb 03, 2011開始   43帖子
Feb 06, 2011 at 01:58
pipsquick1957 posted:
    You are not fooling anyone here with your over leveraging. Your first 6 trades had a total of 45 mini lots open at one time on a $5k account, which is why you have 500:1 leverage, and that's totally ridiculous to be trading with that much risk. But its your money that your risking here, and you would never get these results if you traded your account with regular risk.

 The original FAP Turbo is a piece of junk along with all of the upgrades, and those guys are a bunch of scam artists, and they are the same group as the MegaDroid and the Leo Trader Pro.

I agree 100% 😄.
會員從Apr 19, 2010開始   17帖子
Feb 06, 2011 at 10:00
again for ... people are too stupid to a transparent translation processing program to use.

and so here you have to take a ton or not you can not express otherwise.

but whatever you or you've got to see for the not in here.

at least I have the egg in the pants to check my things to posst no matter how it turns out ... you two probably could not talk auser offend people and therefore stupid or is it envy because you want to have any success?

But what will matter to those unqualified not reply unless you occupied prove his statement with concrete.

down again by the posst before so you can read it all

beautiful live

who can read would be a clear advantage, I say!!

above is that I want to show it to this setting, it would be crazy to act like it Fapturbo on the loaded side is doing!

https://www.myfxbook.com/members/boersenautomat/ak03/68433 this is a live traded! time will show what was there 2 day trading!

https://www.myfxbook.com/members/boersenautomat/fapturbo/73303 demo this time in the NEM 5000k max. lot size that I would trade! Of course it is recommended zuhandeln with 0.1 to 0.2!

which the three belong together or work together I have since I clearly know! But despite the do not it is possible to make money when using the risk very sensible!

which is very important in all the right broker trade system either we have a lot of money paid instructive because the broker so great to have diverenz demo and live and also distort the price at will ....

Alpari we believe to be very precisely as guides in the.

different from the demo to live classic account is low ie the spread. we have the fun to test it on a per account 3 months and if you had the Trads compared, the difference was usually only the spread of the trade or not at all on the classic account is only triggered off. We hold a total of nothing most of demo or test yourself with duksdaten back!

erzieheln all systems in a democratic good results can be tested live.

We will of course not all post our live and demo account publicly. the moment we are testing 50 different demos and live versions of at least 20 different systems and their possible settings!

so if you just made bad experience with FAP and the mega have is a pity for you!

but we are naturally interested in any opinion and or suggestions for other systems it would be worth to test!

what would interest me even more in solar and pipsquick1957 you can see, unfortunately, not containing what drives you so! So what is it?

會員從Apr 19, 2010開始   17帖子
Feb 06, 2011 at 12:37
Dear Pipsquick1957, Solar and Primeval,

it seems you are very upset about something that we can't understand nor follow your logic.
At first, yes we are from Germany and second yes we speak English! But if there is a question asked in German, why should we answer in English? It's true that Myfxbook is run in English but have you ever thought about the fact that there may be others not being able to speak or understand it? Hence shoule we exclude all of them? Give me a break!

If you have questions regarding the conversation earlier that was German only and you don't understand what's being said, we are totally happy to translate every single word. Abusing us is a different story.

You may have noticed also that we are testing not only FAP Turbo and Megadroid but also other systems!
We have spent a lot of time, effort and passion in developing those not only for ourselves but also for others to see what can work and what can't.

If you Pipsquick1957 think that our risk is too high, then this is your point of view, others may think different.

I myself have a live account matching our FAP Turbo Demo almost 1:1. Only difference is that I run it only with 0.10 lot.
So don't tell me that is all crap and scam. The profit with my account is down to the cent 1/5 compared to our FAP Turbo demo (not the extreme version) and this is what it should be. Btw. this is also what we wanted to find out. Does a demo acount place different trades to a live account. Conclusion so far, it doesn't.

Next point, how come you guys share nothing but criticise us for doing what we think must be done before taking the risk ourselves? Don't you think that being so critical towards us should be undermined with some constructive feedback rather then just abuse?

In the end, we don't care who you are and what drives you. Keep abusing us. Nevermind.

We will continue to provide a service for people that don't have the technical background to do all that testing by themselves and
that are equally thankful for us trying. We understand Myfxbook as a community of teamplayers and not egocentric, selfish, single minded people.

If you have a personal problem with the creators of FAP, Megadoid and others, go and address them but what good does it to address us? We are not related or involved in any kind of business with them.

All we try is to make a living from forex and at the same time, prove or disapprove certain robots or strategies.

Best Regards,
會員從Nov 21, 2009開始   6帖子
Mar 31, 2011 at 12:23
Primeval tries to push his own EA by bashing other ones... Very unprofessional! The statements of both show that they don´t know anything, they are stupid people posting stupid things! FAP has nothing to do with Megadroid and LTP. Why i know this? Because i know Mike and Steve personally and i know the Programmers of MD and LTP. It´s normal that you know each other in the Forex EA market, thats like in other business.

I also don´t understand why FAP and MD are Scam??? Both robots has a great track record and work well! FAP sometimes has his drawdown like all systems and traders but it recovers fast. MD is the best one i saw ever. 95 % winning trades on a live account for over one Year!

Something i learned in the last years is that the Forexmarket is full of stupid people (Sellers and customers) but there are at least some individuals which know how you can be successfull.
會員從Mar 19, 2011開始   6帖子
Apr 08, 2011 at 09:27
Hey Bruder Jorn,
so hast du auch FAPturbo testen? Ich ( wie sag mal 'I'm trading' auf Deutsch). I'm trading live mit FAPturbo zur Zeit. Das finde ziemlich gut. Dies robot hat aber gut win/loss ratio Ich muss sagen, nur Du muss mit original setting bleiben, sonst es schmeiss dein Konto weg sehr schnell. Ich bin mit FXCBS. So noch einmal Was fuer settingen hast du? wenn Ich bitten duerfte?

Are u trading live with other bots except FAP?

Danke schoen fuer deine Bemuehungen

會員從Mar 19, 2011開始   6帖子
May 14, 2011 at 02:47
So Bruder, welche TP und SL hast du denn benutzt? versuche nun nur das standard Stellungen von FAPturbo. Dein Demo ueberasch mich, sehr sehr wunderbar.

Danke schoen mal.....

nice job Bruder.
會員從Mar 25, 2010開始   193帖子
May 14, 2011 at 17:16

pipsquick1957 posted:
    You are not fooling anyone here with your over leveraging. Your first 6 trades had a total of 45 mini lots open at one time on a $5k account, which is why you have 500:1 leverage, and that's totally ridiculous to be trading with that much risk. But its your money that your risking here, and you would never get these results if you traded your account with regular risk.

 The original FAP Turbo is a piece of junk along with all of the upgrades, and those guys are a bunch of scam artists, and they are the same group as the MegaDroid and the Leo Trader Pro.
Yeah i know my grammar sucks, I speak spanish. Sorry if something doesnt make sense ;)
會員從Feb 03, 2011開始   43帖子
May 14, 2011 at 17:42
Yeah, the great FAT Turdo:

<a href='https://www.myfxbook.com/files/primeval/FAT_Turdo.png' target='_blank'><img src='https://www.myfxbook.com/files/primeval/FAT_Turdo.png'/></a>
會員從Feb 03, 2011開始   43帖子
May 14, 2011 at 17:44
pipsquick1957 posted:
    You are not fooling anyone here with your over leveraging. Your first 6 trades had a total of 45 mini lots open at one time on a $5k account, which is why you have 500:1 leverage, and that's totally ridiculous to be trading with that much risk. But its your money that your risking here, and you would never get these results if you traded your account with regular risk.

 The original FAP Turbo is a piece of junk along with all of the upgrades, and those guys are a bunch of scam artists, and they are the same group as the MegaDroid and the Leo Trader Pro.

會員從Apr 19, 2010開始   17帖子
May 14, 2011 at 19:36
hello to all again

the demos are running the defaults with the Fapturbo!

einziege the difference between normal and extem these are normal is always lot with 0.5 and the extreme version with NEM factor (risk of 15) is therefore the more money the demo has to pay the greater dielot!

and l nochma I would never wanted to act extremely so it is actually showing the murder itself but unfortunately runs the accounts demos are better than live!

lt the demo with the 0.5 setting I also trade live like that!

and you can all moan like wa you wanted to put it simply making available to everyone specially to make his picture of it!

Primeval's to you:

can post what you want! before you do not even show what you can not I take you seriously!! can only say that I am using the Fapturbo to he in the plus and I've been using for over 1 year! I'm sure I'm not always thrilled but there is no system which is gaining power!

so even more suggestions from you
會員從Nov 21, 2009開始   6帖子
Jun 08, 2011 at 07:09
The shown Forexpeacearmy Test is not correct, they forgot to restart the Metatrader after daylight saving time switch... @primeeval: why the only thing you can do is insulting other people? I saw the mails you wrote to Donna from Donnaforex.com... https://www.donnaforex.com/forum/index.php?topic=3759.0 very interesting and it shows who you are in reality...
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