Contest - Randa1001 (由 Randa1001)
收益: | +51.83% |
縮減 | 0.00% |
點: | 216.5 |
交易 | 2 |
贏得: |
損失:。 |
類型: | 演示 |
杠杆率: | 1:50 |
交易: | 手動 |
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Contest - Randa1001討論
會員從Apr 05, 2010開始
會員從Apr 05, 2010開始
Jul 14, 2011 at 22:13
會員從Feb 05, 2011開始
Considero que si bien puede parecer sospechoso, hay que tener en cuenta que quizas el usuario este suscripto a algun servicio de señales y operaciones automatizadas.
I believe that, while it may seem suspect,we should consider that maybe, the user is subscribed to some signal service and automated operations.
I believe that, while it may seem suspect,we should consider that maybe, the user is subscribed to some signal service and automated operations.