Contest - pipthagorian (由 pipthagorian)
收益: | -100.11% |
縮減 | 100.00% |
點: | -63039.9 |
交易 | 95 |
贏得: |
損失:。 |
類型: | 演示 |
杠杆率: | 1:50 |
交易: | 未知 |
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Contest - pipthagorian討論
會員從Nov 09, 2010開始
Jul 06, 2011 at 16:24
會員從Jun 27, 2011開始
IF that does NOT happen... you will become my hero! I may build an extra room on my house and will offer you food and shelter so that you can trade for me... IF that will end on GREEN :)
btw any stragety or EA that you might be using?
I need to open my portfolio to trade CFD's and Metals.
btw any stragety or EA that you might be using?
I need to open my portfolio to trade CFD's and Metals.
會員從Nov 09, 2010開始
Jul 07, 2011 at 00:08
會員從Nov 09, 2010開始
@EliteFxPT I dont use EA. Let's see later, if it will mode downward I would be happy but if it wont then i am doomed. My account will down to 15k.
@thomas123 Look at the property of ITA40 or btw try it in your account.
@thomas123 Look at the property of ITA40 or btw try it in your account.
Blessings come to those who wait.
會員從Nov 09, 2010開始
會員從Nov 09, 2010開始
會員從Nov 09, 2010開始