Contest - kitook (由 kitook)

收益: -32.83%
縮減 96.27%
點: 941.9
交易 28
類型: 演示
杠杆率: 1:200
交易: 手動

Contest - kitook討論

Apr 23, 2012 at 10:48
1 Replies
會員從Aug 24, 2011開始   19帖子
May 18, 2012 at 18:06
Hello mate,

Nice strategy. Could you pls share your contacts with me.

I like your strategy, you follow the trends and that is very cautious, Let me know if you are willing to trade or manage accounts, as I am looking for a strong team here.

Best Regards,


all the best ok.
會員從Mar 26, 2011開始   2帖子
May 18, 2012 at 23:10
i use price action, no complicate indicator...
& i use R:R 1:2 or more...

patience, discipline and simplicity...

glad to see you friend...
patience, discipline and simplicity...
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