Contest - aj90151 (由 aj901512)
收益: | +0.0% |
縮減 | 0.00% |
點: | 0.0 |
交易 | 0 |
贏得: |
損失:。 |
類型: | 演示 |
杠杆率: | 1:200 |
交易: | 未知 |
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Contest - aj90151討論
Nov 14, 2012 at 14:19
會員從Sep 15, 2011開始
first impression... its balls
whats with the requote? anyone else having like 10 in a row. just wont accept an order, says 'off quotes' i have seen this from one other broker, and seriously if i wanna get in the trade i want now, not having to repeat so many times that i give up.. spread is also a tad large and no commodites.. some may be disappointed with that. bon chance y'll
whats with the requote? anyone else having like 10 in a row. just wont accept an order, says 'off quotes' i have seen this from one other broker, and seriously if i wanna get in the trade i want now, not having to repeat so many times that i give up.. spread is also a tad large and no commodites.. some may be disappointed with that. bon chance y'll
We are all faced with a series of great opportunities, brilliantly disguised as unsolvable problems - John W Gardener
會員從Oct 21, 2012開始
會員從Nov 12, 2012開始
會員從Nov 12, 2012開始
會員從Nov 09, 2012開始
會員從Nov 12, 2012開始
Nov 14, 2012 at 16:38
會員從Sep 15, 2011開始
SuperPipper posted:
I had to enable "enable maximum deviation from..." and then select the maximum pips deviation for trades to go through
thanks but could you let us know how or where this option is.. cheers
We are all faced with a series of great opportunities, brilliantly disguised as unsolvable problems - John W Gardener