Axel Lerman ProfitLab FX x3 (由 FONDONMA)

收益: +52.26%
縮減 12.44%
點: -15118.5
交易 6628
類型: 真實
杠杆率: 1:1000
交易: 未知

Axel Lerman ProfitLab FX x3討論

Oct 10 at 17:43
1 Replies
會員從Oct 10, 2024開始   5帖子
Oct 10 at 22:02
My name is Danny. I am just starting to get into 4x trading. Can I ask what software you use/ if you have any helpful tips. I have been watching YouTube videos. I am confused on how to actually know when to trade. Are you willing to teach haha. Thank you for your time.
會員從Mar 02, 2022開始   1帖子
Oct 11 at 12:52
Hi Danny, it's a personal copy trading system. on dooprime. It's an in-house development.
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