aeron-fxpro3 (由 aeronsofts)
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會員從Jun 24, 2010開始
會員從Jun 24, 2010開始
Jan 18, 2013 at 09:24
會員從Jun 24, 2010開始
We recommend all default settings of this EA.
Minimum amount requirements can be understand as following:
For one currency pairs: you should have atleast 100 times of amount required to open minimum lots size provided by broker at 100:1 leverage. For eg. if your broker needs $1 to open 0.01 lots size on 100:1 leverage then you should have atleast 100X$1=$100 in your account. Similiary if your broker needs $1 to open 0.01 lots size on 200:1 levarge then it means you requires $2 at 100:1 leverage, so you should have atleast 100X$1X2=$200 in your account
Minimum amount requirements can be understand as following:
For one currency pairs: you should have atleast 100 times of amount required to open minimum lots size provided by broker at 100:1 leverage. For eg. if your broker needs $1 to open 0.01 lots size on 100:1 leverage then you should have atleast 100X$1=$100 in your account. Similiary if your broker needs $1 to open 0.01 lots size on 200:1 levarge then it means you requires $2 at 100:1 leverage, so you should have atleast 100X$1X2=$200 in your account