Mtrader (由 iminwarn)

收益: +3507.78%
縮減 82.46%
點: 756592.0
交易 8725
模型品質: 25.0%
測試中的條數。 13683
模擬的點數: 38962368
前進測試 555


Dec 14, 2023 at 20:34
3 Replies
會員從Jun 19, 2024開始   13帖子
Aug 03 at 20:13
Hello, great strategies. How can i come in contact with you please?
High Net Funding for Great Trading Strategies
會員從Jan 19, 2016開始   39帖子
Aug 04 at 03:41
HedgeF posted:
Hello, great strategies. How can i come in contact with you please?
Dradown 82% its not great
會員從Jun 19, 2024開始   13帖子
Aug 04 at 06:36
I was reffering to your axi 555 strategy or H traders oil

Please I need to come in contact with you. Thank you
High Net Funding for Great Trading Strategies
會員從Aug 04, 2024開始   3帖子
Aug 04 at 21:27
HedgeF posted:
Hello, great strategies. How can i come in contact with you please?

How do I copy this strategy?
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