Aladdin8.3 -2003 -100k Acc (由 ForexSeeker)
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Aladdin8.3 -2003 -100k Acc討論
會員從Apr 20, 2010開始
Sep 13, 2014 at 23:15
會員從Apr 20, 2010開始
There were 2 times OverKill happened in 2003.
1) 2Apr - Profit 28k from the First Over Kill.
2) 30Jun - Profit 1.1k from 2nd Over Kill.
Conclusion : Vessels 8.3 equip with 100k bullet now able to shoot 13 leverage.
If market period of Consolidation is Extreme long, vessels 8.3 still will sink in Battle Field.
1) 2Apr - Profit 28k from the First Over Kill.
2) 30Jun - Profit 1.1k from 2nd Over Kill.
Conclusion : Vessels 8.3 equip with 100k bullet now able to shoot 13 leverage.
If market period of Consolidation is Extreme long, vessels 8.3 still will sink in Battle Field.
Information is Gold when come to organised.