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RobinScalper EA
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 29, 2013 at 09:27
Hi everyone,I have end that forward test.The results are not so bad but still represent some risk. I have complete a new set of parameter that will grow the profitability and reduce the risk. In the new version all the work around providing the expert signals broadly by IP as been made.I can provide in a split of second signals to hundreds of customers. The whole system are more stable and easier to install.Let's see now what would be the results for any customer in the future in that next forward test.Oblivian
RobinScalper EA
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Feb 13, 2013 at 06:38
Hi everyone.Ok in the last two weeks I have made possible to apply the same strategy on multipairs.I have use this account to test and as usual, we got few bugs with new version of the expert.And this is the reason why I got some draw-down and few bad trades.But now since yesterday, all bugs that came with multipairs have been solved.No new or old bugs since 24 hours. I expect that the account will grow back to 30% this week or even more.I just want to mention that this expert are actually in forward test.That I'm apply some ANN (Artificial Neural Network) principals putting in network ma...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Feb 06, 2013 at 06:31
Ok , we have discover a bug that use to affect results we got this week.My system was unable to take more then one pair at the time.Now we can!Also the news filter failed and we also solve it.But most important everything look working perfectly now.It's a lot of work my friends.Now let's check the rest of the week without sleeping 😲Oblivian
Exclusive Renko Scalper
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Feb 02, 2013 at 11:11
Ok guys, I will try to open web site this weekend to start registrations.I actually working on it.Regards,Oblivian
Exclusive Renko Scalper
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Feb 02, 2013 at 09:24
Ok Mr.ProfixUnless my record are verify...And my tracking record are verify.I'm preoccupy by the fact that I want to make sure that people do not loose there hard made money with my system.Incremental system do not mean necessarily pure Martingale.My system give mostly exact same trades live then in demo account.And because I'm not one of those scammers, I will give away about 20 to 50 licenses for free for about 30 days for any good will person that would like to make part of the team.And all together by the results they get, we will fix any bug they could face.And when the system are...
Exclusive Renko Scalper
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Feb 01, 2013 at 07:28
I see that equity now! OMG!!!!I have work on Renko expert and made thousand of backtest that were looking like that equity and failed big time.Even more just to see the equity you can feel now how it's dangerous to use Martingale.A lot of people losing a lot of money with it, it very sad.Many where hoping the best for there live, and here again they probably lost everything.Do you know what your doing?When you say ''The important Line on the chart is the Yellow Equity Line and It's going Up.''Look at it today it's scary!!No serious investor will bet on your system...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Jan 31, 2013 at 12:31
Hi Viltus,That system are not for sale purpose.I will decide what I really do with all that soon.Go see sometimes on robinscalper.comSome betatester are wanted when the site open.Many are called, but only few will be.RegardsOblivian
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