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Kill Bill 5 - 2k Acc ( Alpa Abort)
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 07, 2010 at 05:57
For don't want to see MC happened as in 500 Acc, I put 2k in Demo Account for test from 14Sep-29Dec '09 without withdraw.Period : 3.5 month. NetProfit : 1946.63 USDAverageProfit/month : 556 USD-------------------------------------------------------------Jan'10 Start 2k Acc again.Period : 4 monthNet Profit : 693.24 USDAverageProfit/month : 173.31 USD7.5 month tested , average profit/month : 354.38 USD ( 17.72% ROI )* 9 April '10 - Upgraded to Kill Bill 5.
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 07, 2010 at 03:49
Nice strategy, the EA contribute about 600++ USD, and your manual trading earn 4k. Or the EA did not use magic number?
I Kill You Later 2 - Upgraded (Beta Test)
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 06, 2010 at 18:00
29Aprl'10 (63.40%) ROI. Balance: 817.03Average ROI of 7 m 69.04%.6May'10 : (146.88%) ROI. Balance: 1488.96.Even with same broker, the ROI of same EA will be trigger differently. As it open order on the stochastic cross window, and this crossing over is quite sensitive which not every account will trigger the same price action. Thus result some big different when using martingale lot fast scalping.Other factor will be the internet speed and the server PC power.As I using 3 VPS.VPS(A) : 12 platformVPS(B) : 8 platformVPS(C) : 9 platform29 Demo has been testing, as do have problem of plat...
Kill Bill 5 - (Alpha Test)
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 06, 2010 at 17:32
29Apr'10 : Balance start with : 929.39USD. 4 Days after....6May'10 : Balance 1438.66 , Net profit : 509.27 USD, 101% ROI.The problem of trading : Is an addiction that you can hardly stop the EA after gain 100% and wait for next month. You will always think there is still opportunity of trade and want to wait till the end of month. Will you able to control yourself after earn what your targeted ROI ? Hardly... Hopefully not like last month April, reach 100%, then drop to 0% then clim...
Island 5 (Mission Fail)
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 06, 2010 at 14:46
Open up till 10 level of 270 pip grid range. But the trend is keep going down 350 pip and continue to 500 pip down.The martingale concept has to making high ROI to cover a month like this, yet the Island is stably gain 10% of initial deposit monthly. Changing strategy using martingale x1, grid step 50 grid. Baby Island start with 67.10 USD
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 06, 2010 at 06:46
Excellent ROI, is it fully automated or got interrupt of manual trade ?Using martingale recovery system or just scalping ?Can you brief about your strategy system ? A commercial EA or own writing EA ?
What is the leverage for contests account?
May 06, 2010 at 04:13
Leverage is 1:200 on FXDD demo. U can put EA that provide account info to check.
Alpari demo problem - Account Disable
नए ट्रेडरों
May 05, 2010 at 00:18
Anyone having the problem of suddenly account is disable in demo ?This started when my Pc times set back to 2009 after i reboot my computer.When create new account will run o.k, but when restart platform the account will disable as system recognize it as outdated.Then i set back the time correctly to this year.Open a new account and running for 2 days without closing platform.Then suddenly this morning account is disable again.Now i try to reinstall the platform again and hopefully account not get disable again.Anyone experience this technical problem before ?
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 05, 2010 at 00:04
Open your broker name in your report, still in private. They delay your payment or email you said just want to refund your initial deposit only ?
Cyborg Suicide (History Record)
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 04, 2010 at 09:56
7 Days to reach 100% ROI and on that 7 days itself it explore into negative account. Mission suicide accomplish.
So the contest has just began...
May 04, 2010 at 08:09
Well as he said he use live account to do testing, sure i think it will suffered great draw down ad loss. But the important point is it has make enough profit to cover the bad moment of fashion.Average of 50% ROI by full automated is sound very good, but so far only 2 month result is nothing much to confirm yet.My last time martingale system have 3 month continues 100% ROI every month, the 4 month onward start to fail when market price become violent.My another demo system 7.5 month fully automated average ROI 60%. 500 Ac fresh start every month without compounding.The pattern curve of balanc...
Billion Project Mini (1) - (Demo Haywire)
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 04, 2010 at 06:10
Have to restart new demo again as the demo server having haywire.http://www.myfxbook.com/my/members/ForexSeeker/billion-project-mini-2/29721
So the contest has just began...
May 04, 2010 at 05:49
Another confuse statement :1. I never done a demo in my life.2. The 25k in demo is correct3. I have EAs that will make over $25k per day on Demos4. my own experience has proven to me that you can never go by what a demo does.So you never run a demo test b4, but your experience in live proven that forex is dealing with many extra variables that you do not have in a demo feed. What extra variable you talking about ?The variable we all know is :1. Demo always accepted you order without many re-quote.2. Live will experience unable to make order as busy context when votality price movement.So you ...
So the contest has just began...
May 04, 2010 at 04:34
Contradiction - So Randy can actually win every demo contest since he said that able make 25k per days in demo. But Randy never join demo contest to win the broker money.Conclusion 1 : Using abrigate Ea that only work on certain broker. So it didn't work on most broker contest.Conclusion 2 : Randy is very rich, after demo give him good result but live result make him lose money. He decided to put real money for live test instead trusting demo test and back test. And he finally got the system he want through the live exper...
So the contest has just began...
May 04, 2010 at 03:36
Sound like an abrigate EA. So you can easily win the Contest in FXDD. Since you so sure of what you said in above statement. Why not you setup a 1000 demo FXDD, and just show us how you able make million in one month.Let see you really have a genius EA or just bombastic EA in FXDD.
Manual Rojak (History Record)
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 04, 2010 at 00:01
\This is not something you can see everyday. The haywire of demo sever 2, other demo server seem fine.So you actually can have negative account if go haywire.
Kill Bill 5 ( 2k Acc )
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 03, 2010 at 15:47
For safety draw down, I put 2k in Demo Account for test from 14Sep-29Dec '09 without withdraw.Period : 3.5 month. NetProfit : 1946.63 USDAverageProfit/month : 556 USD-------------------------------------------------------------Jan'10 Start 2k Acc again.Period : 4 monthNet Profit : 693.24 USDAverageProfit/month : 173.31 USD7.5 month tested , average profit/month : 354.38 USD ( 17.72% ROI )* 9 April '10 - Upgraded to Kill Bill 5.
Kill Bill 5 - 5k Acc (History Record)
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 03, 2010 at 14:41
Having some chaos moment today as the PC time setting result the data history of MT4 not able to present.As open few times demo account thinking that is the problem of archive data, and wrongly open 50k Acc.If everything set accordingly , will have extra 920.50.
The Weakness of EA myFxBook
सुझाव का डब्बा
May 03, 2010 at 03:54
If using MT4 publisher, the statement can be update even on Sat or Sun.But using EA myfxbook. the statement only able update when market open.Problem occurred :As I open demo account on Sunday end of the month. Putting the EA myfxbook ready.Monday open market, the demo account delete all data history last month include the starting deposit value.Result , all my 11 new demo setup have to reopen account again. And the statement can not upload as account number is different already.And i have to wait admin to reset all my setting.There should be modify the EA, so it can upload like MT4 publisher...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 02, 2010 at 12:21
7 pair trade with mm risk method, and recovery system of martingale. Amazingly it survive all the wave challenge.Does all pair have the same setting ? How many EA actually use ?What strategy your EA open trade ? By stochastic and RSI or bolinger band ?
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