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What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
अनुभवी ट्रेडर्स
Mar 30, 2015 at 12:57
I don't need to comment on a martingale anything, as the martingale will stand or fall on its own but I will have to side with CrazyTrader on showing live accounts on an open web, you are just begging for problems. In the States there is a company that helps protect against identity theft. To sell his service the own put his social security number on the side of a truck with his advertisement for lifelock. Not only did his bank accounts get hacked but so did his business. He didn't have so much money that it got hackers interested in him, it was just his brazen claims of being safe....
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
अनुभवी ट्रेडर्स
Mar 30, 2015 at 00:11
Another way to do a martingale would be to double the range size instead of the lot size. You would decide whether to buy or sell by finding the center price and buying below it and selling above. Just increase the lot size by 1. In other words we start with .01 lots then .02, .03, .04, ... until we win and then start over. While our range size (range = open - stop-loss) starts at 10 pips then doubles to 20 pips, 40, 80 ... pips. This will slow down the trades when the price is going against us but give a better return shorting the range size when the price is going in our favor. Doing it...
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
अनुभवी ट्रेडर्स
Mar 28, 2015 at 19:34
No, different things all together.
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
अनुभवी ट्रेडर्स
Mar 28, 2015 at 16:51
Recovery is making up for lost trades. A martingale is on type of recovery system, but there are others. Dollar price averaging could be called a recovery system but in that case, it is recovering from a loss not yet incurred. I cover that in my book.Hey, CrazyTrader, if you got some time, how about reading my intro, the first three chapters in the book and the first seminar. They are zipped here. Let me know what you think, yes, I want your feedback, stop grinning.http://thesafeinvestor.com/tsiDownloads/sampleTSIseminar.zipYou can private post me if it's really good and you don't ...
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
अनुभवी ट्रेडर्स
Mar 28, 2015 at 13:44
"as soon as you apply this in a strong trend, you are pretty much going to blow your account."But since the martingale doesn't make you trade against the trend, why is your trading system taking trades the wrong way? Some times one of my robots gets mixed up and can't figure out which way to go, after a set number of trades that lose, the system pauses and waits for me to see what is happening and help to choose the right direction. Sometimes I don't know what's happening either so we wait until it begins to make sense. CrazyTrader, I know I'm not telling you an...
Some help would be appreciated
नए ट्रेडरों
Mar 28, 2015 at 07:57
Fritz, thinking before trading??? You're going to do alright.Bob
Traders Give Birth to a New Idea, premier announcement
नए ट्रेडरों
Mar 28, 2015 at 07:47
But we do have something that all humans have in common, the desire for money. It will help business to communicate with foreign markets. To make money, many people will learn the "business" language which will become the internet language. Right now it is impossible to have a website in every language in the world, or even most of the big ones but one in the native language and one more in an international language is a piece of cake. It will save business money and time. So while businesses are paving the way, we could find a better way to communicate with others that we don'...
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
अनुभवी ट्रेडर्स
Mar 28, 2015 at 07:16
Trading systems determine, entry points, exit points, direction of the trade and size.A recovery system is a way to make up for a loss. A simple recovery system would be to double all of your trades until a loss was recovered. That's called a slow recovery and is used in conjunction with a martingale or some other fast recovery. Fast recovery systems recover all the loss in one trade. So if you have a pretty good trading system so that your win ratio is greater than 50% you can add on some type of recovery system and make your profits a little better.Bob
Some help would be appreciated
नए ट्रेडरों
Mar 20, 2015 at 04:01
Turtle Traders? That was back in the 80s I think, and those miracle students were in stocks, and there isn't anything cute about an Armadillo. Bob
Some help would be appreciated
नए ट्रेडरों
Mar 19, 2015 at 23:02
Yea, I know what you mean, I can feel it too. Nothing I can put my finger on, but something doesn't feel right. I sold out of my US real estate, I am thinking that I want to go international. I am even thinking that we may want to use more than one bank in different countries, diversifying banks just seems important. I hope you're wrong, but fear you may be right.Take a look at the aud/nzd, Little New Zealand that just had an earth quake and a glacier or something break loose and cause all kinds of destruction, its currency is so strong that the price broke its historical low. I...
Some help would be appreciated
नए ट्रेडरों
Mar 19, 2015 at 11:47
Silverthorn, damn it's good to see you back around. We miss your presence and insights here my friend. There's quite a few new names now days, some are pretty good too. I'm still here, looking to see if someone comes up with something new, not been to much of that but the young ones aren't doing to bad. The attrition rate seems to be lower at any rate. They're asking good questions like what drives the market, not in those words of course, like this one concerning bank rates. Still, we may be getting past the rough edges when new traders were getting roughed up in t...
Some help would be appreciated
नए ट्रेडरों
Mar 17, 2015 at 23:17
"200 or 300 pips SL is no differences than no SL "?
New Trading Strategy :)...
नए ट्रेडरों
Mar 17, 2015 at 23:15
Curious as to why you don't hedge out those large draw-downs instead of taking such a big hit? I will keep watching to see how you handle this. I am not put off but will watch a little longer to see how this goes. Then, if I see you got something, I'll be in touch. So far, this looks interesting.Bob
Some help would be appreciated
नए ट्रेडरों
Mar 17, 2015 at 20:01
Not with only .02 lots. Each pip would be worth 20 cents, times 300 pips is $60 dollars. Bob
नए ट्रेडरों
Mar 16, 2015 at 12:29
Click on the name or picture icon of the person that you wish to see and the system shows the allowed trading accounts. I have two and of course they are both mine. They are both different strategies, only the P.I.G. will work in the US.I hope I answered your question but if not, ask it again and I'll re-try.Bob
नए ट्रेडरों
Mar 14, 2015 at 03:59
When they don't share their history, or even the current trade, they have something to hide. This is called a black box. Do you need warned about black boxes? I'm sure you have heard about these before. Let me give the same advice once evangelized by none other than the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Edward Buffett. Never invest in something that you don't understand. All that glitters is not gold. The return sheets may look good but if they don't tell you how the robots work, look for the next opportunity and there is always another opportunity. If you look at my trade curves, i...
New Trading Strategy :)...
नए ट्रेडरों
Mar 13, 2015 at 11:49
No transparency, no trade details, no history... No interest.Bob
Is the Forex Market Mathematically Controlled?
अनुभवी ट्रेडर्स
Mar 11, 2015 at 09:08
With a straight line like you have attached, you don't need a martingale. That line is not indicative of a martingale curve as there are no dips to indicate a loss that a martingale would recover from. Most likely a grid system, there aren't too many things that can give that level of consistency.
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
अनुभवी ट्रेडर्स
Mar 10, 2015 at 04:00
This was posted back on Feb 8th and I promised that I would answer the question in a way where it would make sense. Short blurbs would only miss the point awfully so I now have the first three chapter available as a sample of what I teach in systemic trading. It will answer the center point and limits questions but it doesn't go as far as explaining the systems but since it is significantly different enough from everything else seen here, I think that you will find it rather interesting. I hope so anyhow. Anyway, I gave it it's own thread, http://www.myfxbook.com/community/new-tra...
Is the Forex Market Mathematically Controlled?
अनुभवी ट्रेडर्स
Mar 10, 2015 at 01:19
Yes Alexforex, it goes back to what is normal for that pair. I can't quite wrap my brain around fractal forex, but when Maverick pulled those fractal trucks out of his bag of tricks, well I just can't argue with that. However, we were talking about the concepts of limits which he mentioned above. I had promised on that other thread that I would upload the first three chapters and the first video that went with it when I got it back from the editor. So if you would like to take a look at another way of trading, maybe to help diversify your portfolio, you can read those chapters that ...
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