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Hi all I am new to trading any advice would be helpful :0)
नए ट्रेडरों
Apr 14, 2014 at 23:31
Hey, How about "Robotic Investing", by Bob LLewellyn?😄Bob
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
अनुभवी ट्रेडर्स
Apr 14, 2014 at 23:05
@FxMasterGuru No, all of that is available in the added information, that's where you got it I believe, so nothing is hidden. Some people understand the difference between systemic trading systems (a subset of fundamental trading) and technical systems. Technical traders had better pay attention to draw down, where its not so important with systemic systems because I can tell you what the draw down will be for any price. It's all mathematical. But if you don't know that then the dd will scare you away and you will stay with the technical systems that you're comfortable with...
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
अनुभवी ट्रेडर्स
Apr 14, 2014 at 20:43
Getting a higher return is easy, getting a higher return while maintaining a safe risk level, that's what is hard. It's not that it isn't doable, there was that one trader that was using hedging to reduce risk, had 9 pages of open trades which made my head swim but the hedging seems to work. As I showed, I can get 4% with the P-I-G and still be safe but I can also get 2% a month and be even safer. Every place on all of these forums we see trader carrying the banner of high profits, above 4% a month, 4-10% a month... So what, it is meaningless without also applying some correl...
Overnight Interest
नए ट्रेडरों
Apr 14, 2014 at 06:14
Yes, very astute there Mr. Silverthorn.Playing for the swap is also called the carry trade, do a search for that and you will find a lot of helpful information. It used to be more mainstream but the banks change the swap rate. Some currencies actually have a negative swap for both buy and sell now. There is another long hold way to profit from the swap plus a little more. Look for a currency where the price is very low and the currency pair has a positive swap for buys then buy about 10% of what you wanted to invest then when the market moves away from center maybe 50 pips buy another 10%...
im new in forex trading
नए ट्रेडरों
Apr 14, 2014 at 05:40
Yep, there are some good robots out there, and a lot that are not so good.There are fully automated ones for investors and assistant type program that helps the trader but does not do everything for him.So to point you in the right direction, let me ask you what it is that you would like to accomplish? More money, more freedom? What is your time frame? Why are you here? Answer that and you probably won't need anyone to point you in any direction but if you do, we'll be here for you. Just tell us how you answered those questions.Good Luck,Bob
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
अनुभवी ट्रेडर्स
Apr 13, 2014 at 20:02
"No EA can be successful long term left as is."I guess I would have to ask what is "long term". "Market changes and it might change on a dime within just 1 day."Possible but if your money management system is in place, any losses will be negligible. Still any actively traded account will do better than a fully automated one, unless better means that you add in all the other benefits of dancing on the beach in the evenings and lazy walks through the markada as apposed to working for a living. Traders should make more they are after all working for it. I am retir...
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
अनुभवी ट्रेडर्स
Apr 13, 2014 at 18:54
FxMasterGuru, which system are you commenting on? I will assume that it was mine because it is not the 4% that someone wanted but I was only pivoting off of the quoted comment, wait, I'll do it again'There is no such fully automated system exits for selling for long term consistent gain.'Notice how the comment was not 'There is no such fully automated system exits for selling for long term consistent gain - over 4%.' If someone is making provably wrong statements, doesn't it behoove us to try to at least prove them wrong? Or is it your contention that we should leave...
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
अनुभवी ट्रेडर्स
Apr 13, 2014 at 10:17
"There is no such fully automated system exits for selling for long term consistent gain."BlueSapphirFX, welcome to the forum, I think that you may now get a chance to see that your previous statement is no longer correct and that there are a lot of really smart people on here along with some that are just starting out. I will start you off with a completely automated robot that I check once a week or so. Averages around 12% a year, In the last 13 months, RISE took 125 trades and lost 2. But to be fair, if you look at the average profit and compare the 2 losses you can see that it ...
How To: Truth about Managed Account
Apr 12, 2014 at 18:09
@ExcellenceFX I understand what you want to accomplish, but I was only offering feedback. If I am representative of the whole, you would never get me to the point where I would be on skype with you because your tactic for not confusing me would move me from possibly interested to not interested. What you wanted to accomplish, never enters the picture. Now how do I know this? I have to deal with what I think to what the others think on a regular basis. (It's part of the development aspect of research and development). What I do is trust my customers/students/etc. If you want them to tr...
नए ट्रेडरों
Apr 12, 2014 at 17:50
Test yourself, what is wrong with this statement.A leverage of 200 is the ratio of $200 of margin to $1 trade size.
नए ट्रेडरों
Apr 12, 2014 at 17:30
for Canadam;"Or if you don't make money, i.e. make unprofitable decisions, then you lose it faster. "Ah, no, not exactly. Forget the leverage for a moment. Lets say that you have $1000 in your account and open 1 trade for 1 lot and the currency price temporarily heads the wrong direction. You have $1000 to protect that trade from being closed because the draw-down would have eaten up all of your money. But your broker is afraid that if you run out of money, you may not have all of your trades closed in time and will still owe him money. So he sneaks in behind you and closes y...
नए ट्रेडरों
Apr 12, 2014 at 02:38
"but if you want to race a high powered car you need some very advanced driving skills."OK, good point.Bob
नए ट्रेडरों
Apr 12, 2014 at 02:20
Hear - hear, sage advice, would make Obi-Wan proud.It just this one thing, "When you've done this you can then think about trading an EA. If you can't trade manually you are not going to have success trading EAs." I hope your wrong, I have put a lot of years into developing ultra safe robots for the casual investors. If they all have to be competent traders before they can run a single EA, I'm wasting my time. But you don't have to be a mechanic to drive a car, you just have to know how to operate it. I believe that I can train investors enough to operate a pro...
नए ट्रेडरों
Apr 11, 2014 at 20:52
"High leverage means you will need much less capital to make same amount of money,"Now I think we got it. Low leverage means that you have to leave money in your account that you can not use to protect open trades or to make new ones. An Aussie can make a better profit that I can as an American. Just got to live with that but if you can get 200-500:1 and don't, you are telling everyone that you don't quite understand the leveraging situation on the forex market. Well, depending on the trading system, One excellent trader limits his leverage to 100:1 because of the type of ...
Martingales; Good, Bad, or just Misunderstood.
नए ट्रेडरों
Apr 11, 2014 at 10:18
togr wrote back on the previous page, "The thing is it is special XE Market account on which all trades are divided by 100."And, just where did you find such a beast? this "XE Market Account" thing.BobMy friend, you are a constant source of amazement.
Hi all I am new to trading any advice would be helpful :0)
नए ट्रेडरों
Apr 11, 2014 at 10:00
"Is it really to get profitable trading with this option? "Only if "Option" is the name of some girl that you met at the bar.Just kidding, its just that we are mostly forex here. But yes, if you want a full time job, you can make good money in futures but all of the Wall Street Pros are trading against you on that market. However, if you think that you're that level of good, go for it.Bob
नए ट्रेडरों
Apr 11, 2014 at 02:11
You know Silverthorn, I think that you pegged the leverage difference, as my systems are mostly grid based, if there ever is a margin call, it will close slowly, with my oldest trades closing first then it will quit closing trades if the price moves the right direction. With that being the case I may not need as much marginal reserve, but for me it is like taxes. I'll pay it when I have to. I would rather send in a check to make up the difference rather than to let someone else hold back my money for me. But that's just me.But I wanted to thank you for bringing up this topic as there ...
Your best system
Apr 10, 2014 at 20:45
Oh, thanks B1FXprof, kind of you for saying such, but I think you may give me too much credit. The people that use my systems free are mostly just doing it on a demo, then they either buy it or steel it. The ones that steel have life problems and I don't add to them. But I guess that it's partially true, I have given programs away. Mostly to military vets that return home banged up. They still have to fund their account but I'll give them the program and knowledge of how to use it.. But if you really want to change the world for the good, I know how we can do it. There are th...
Martingales; Good, Bad, or just Misunderstood.
नए ट्रेडरों
Apr 10, 2014 at 18:53
Togr, help me out with something.Here's the arithmetic, 100,000 units per lot is 1000 units per .01 lots. A pip is .0001 Multiplying this out 1000 X .0001 = .10 units per each 1 pip change in price. Lets change that to Euros to mach your trades. Therefore we would expect a 1 euro profit or loss for a 10 pip change in price for every .01 lot traded.This trade was from your account, it closed on 04.08.2014 15:28Currency EURUSD direction Buy Lot size 0.06 SL -35.80 PipsTP 30.20 PipsOpen at 1.37563 Closed at 1.37865 Pip Profit 30.2 Cash profit 0...
नए ट्रेडरों
Apr 10, 2014 at 07:56
Wow, thanks man, I will certainly check these out. You're a good person to have as a friend, so you can add me to the friends list any time you like. Maybe you don't think that knowing 4 brokers that will still accept Americans is all that impressive but I have contacted what has to be a hundred or more brokers, without success. So thanks again.Bob
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