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If the open trades are locked...
Jan 08, 2010 at 00:46
The mostly likely replacement for oil is frozen methane. There's a lot more of that than there ever was oil. That's all going to be ROV work, to deep for diving.It's also heavily implicated in at least one of the six major extinctions!http://marine.usgs.gov/fact-sheets/gas-hydrates/title.html
If the open trades are locked...
Jan 08, 2010 at 00:17
And it sounds mind boggling to go do, but your first jobs you'll be doing the coffee while the big dogs show you how it's done. You get experienced into it. It isn't this mind blowing do or die experience that it looks like at first glance. Except for the diving, there's only one way to do a dive...do or go home.
If the open trades are locked...
Jan 08, 2010 at 00:10
You put down your money's, go do the course and then phone everyone in the book till you get a break. http://www.theunderwatercentre.co.uk/Not that difficult, you'll need to do one additional course, offshore survial: http://vhost2.onyx.net/~falcknutec.com/worldwide.htmlAnd that's it. All it takes. I wouldn't suggest diving though, I had a navy back ground, so I was qualified at 19 already when I was stupid and young. Made it easier.I would suggest ROV's, it's the way of the future: http://www.theunderwatercentre.co.uk/rov.aspOr LST, Life Support Technician, i.o.w you ...
If the open trades are locked...
Jan 07, 2010 at 11:00
They compliment each other. I just get tired of all the code, results, stats, the thought processes. Sometimes its nice to just do, not think. So the one is a break from the other. Offshore is like a spa. No booze, plenty of water, plenty of cardio exercise (diving is heavy cardio work), buffet meals, a gym, poor internet mostly so no point in trying to trade. When I'm off I don't do tv or computers, but books. Old school.Often I have to wait for results. So I put down code and go work, come back in 2 months with full pockets to a solid set of data to work with, rested and fit. I only ...
If the open trades are locked...
Jan 07, 2010 at 06:48
Unless mother market has another nasty surprise for me, which is also quite likely...
If the open trades are locked...
Jan 07, 2010 at 06:30
Think about this though, at 200 m's takes 8 days to bring you back to surface, at 600 m's take about 24 days to get back to surface. One of our divers shot himself in the eye with a bungy cord at about 100m's, by the time they got him back to surface to get medical attention the eye had died. He lost it.In 2007 alone in the Gulf of Mexico they had 7 fatalities. I worked there that year after Katrina. Was my worst and best year. We lost a guy on my boat as well. Some would call it a accident, I think it was nothing short of a murder for profit. All that counted was getting the job d...
If the open trades are locked...
Jan 07, 2010 at 00:13
Fun is not a word I'd use in that context. But it does keep me grounded and in shape. Lost 6kg's in Saudi in 6 weeks...!!After about 60m or so it becomes cheaper to run SAT divers, so I don't go much deeper than that, and even there you're on a different gas mix, not good for the body. Bone necrosis and so on a real danger when breathing heliox.Sat divers have worked up to 600m's.
Tick Database
Jan 07, 2010 at 00:09
I'll have to ask. My partner did load something, but we don't wait for the CPU usage to go moggy, we do pre-emptave strikes and re-boot once a day. Somewhere between US and Asian session...All you do is put the mt4 shortcut in the startup menu - comes back up on its own then.
Tick Database
Jan 06, 2010 at 15:04
I just run live. If I want to test something I put down another Mt4 directory on the server and let it run. Haven't looked at MT 5, I'm at the stage where I need to get off Mt and go C++ and API's...MQL and C++ is very similar and it's a bit more professional to pitch up with something that can work with all broker platforms, instead of demanding MT 4 or MT 10 or whatever the latest version will be.On average I have about 7 to 10 MT4's running at the same time. Have to watch for memory leaks though, every now and then it chews through the memory and you start missing trade...
If the open trades are locked...
Jan 06, 2010 at 13:05
And I still dive offshore on rigs. I guess that will have to stop soon.
Tick Database
Jan 06, 2010 at 13:02
It's because Mt4 goes and fetches data if it can. Quite a bit on that on the mt4 forum. But it stands to reason that a week-end result will be different to a week result then.Basically it's just such a #$%$ mess that I don't bother. No one should take it seriously.
If the open trades are locked...
Jan 06, 2010 at 12:20
We put down our first line of code 2004 and yes to both. But no retail clients. I'm not a front office guy and I don't want a thousand bosses. I just want to sit on a mountain or something and count my pips. And when the pips are thin, I look at the flowers, the goats and maybe if I'm lucky Heidi (who should be 30 at this point) streaks by in the nude. I want a simple life...
Tick Database
Jan 06, 2010 at 12:01
It's not that the rates are different at point of entry, but the data feed we calculate on is so different that over a 24 hour period it makes that big difference in entry...so what chance does back testing stand?
Tick Database
Jan 06, 2010 at 11:42
And another thing,I'm sitting here scratching my head, we're running on IBFX and Varengold bank, one bucket shop, one ECN, both live, same code. Same signal, 190 pips difference in entry. How the F$%#k is that possible?And now we want to throw back testing into it...?!
Tick Database
Jan 06, 2010 at 11:13
There are many good systems in the dustbin because of back testing. Metatrader takes guesses at data. I got so frustrated once I spent a month just running test then comparing to live results. Using different machines. It was chaos. I didn't get one coherent result.Any point I make is intentional. And it's not like we don't know what we're doing. The same code that fails in back testing is now running live for us, perfectly profitable. Data has a lot to do with it, but before we even get to data, the processors have differences. Back testing hardly works for anything, all it...
Tick Database
Jan 06, 2010 at 10:27
Here's an exercise,Run the same data, same processor once online then offline on a period you have live date for. You'll end up with three different results as metatrader will decide to make up stuff or not depending on how online and offline you are. Then run the tests on a different machine, online offline. See what happens. 6 results.There's only one way to test. Run it live....
Tick Database
Jan 06, 2010 at 10:20
Dunno hey,Have you guys ever tried running the same data, with the same code, on a different processor?No matter how good your data, a different processor will give a different result. And I'm not talking 1% or 2% here. On one pc the system will margin call the next it will do 1000%.I have never, ever, been able to match a back test for a period to a real result. Back testing is la la land....Before you put any energy into it, test back testing. My humble suggestion.
Tick Database
Jan 06, 2010 at 08:09
Why are ticks worth looking for?
Currency Stability
Jan 05, 2010 at 22:13
Fx is easier to automate. And stocks is a lot of waiting. Fx is daily profit.
If the open trades are locked...
Jan 05, 2010 at 22:12
I'll never stop fiddling. It's in the blood now. But I'd rather take my current system to other instruments, gold, oil, cfd's....
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