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Amirhosein Doosty
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 03, 2024 at 14:19
Hello Amirhosein DoostyI’m reaching out as the Regional Director for Doo Group across Latin America. I came across your profile, and it’s clear that you have years of experience and a remarkable track record in the industry, which is why I wanted to connect with you.I’d like to introduce Doo Group with the goal of exploring a strategic, win-win relationship. We are a global group committed to supporting our strategic partners in a personalized way. For example:If you’re looking for support to organize events, we can provide financing.If your goal is to strengthen your b...
Daniele Plati
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Nov 22, 2024 at 16:30
Dear DanielUnderstoodCould you please give me your personal number so we can have more direct communication or write to me at mine + 598 99 731 147?
Mosquito EA
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Nov 22, 2024 at 15:05
Dear FrancescoGood dayNice to meet youMy name is Matias OlaizolaLook I tell youI currently represent Doo Group as Regional Director for all of Latam.I saw your profile, it shows that you have years of experience and track record working in the field and that is why I would like to introduce you to Doo Group with the aim of creating a strategic win-win relationship for both of us.For example, if what you are looking for is to have leverage to hold events, we can finance you; if you are looking for branding, we can put together a travel package to all our offices and to Manchester United, which ...
Daniele Plati
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Nov 22, 2024 at 15:02
Dear DanieleGood dayNice to meet youMy name is Matias OlaizolaLook I tell youI am currently representing Doo Group as Regional Director for all of Latam.I saw your profile, it shows that you have years of experience and experience working in the field and that is why I would like to introduce you to Doo Group with the aim of creating a strategic win-win relationship for both of us.For example, if what you are looking for is to have leverage to hold events, we can finance you, if you are looking for branding, we can put together a travel package to all our offices and to Manchester United, whic...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Nov 22, 2024 at 14:37
Hola estimado EdwinMuy buenos dias Espero este mensaje te encuentre muy bien.Mira te comentoActualmente estoy representando a Doo Group como director Regional para todo Latam.Vi tu perfil, se nota que tenes años de experiencia y trayectoria trabajando en el rubro y por eso me gustaria presentarte Doo Group con el objetivo de crear una relación estratégica para ambos de ganar-ganar.Ejemplo, si lo que estas buscando es tener apalancamiento para hacer eventos, podemos financiarte, si buscas branding, podemos armar un paquete de viajes a todas nuestras oficinas y al Mancheste...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Nov 18, 2024 at 16:15
Hola muy buenos dias DiegoComo andas ?Un placer saludarte !Mi nombre es Matias OlaizolaMira te comentoActualmente estoy representando a Doo Group como director Regional para todo Latam.Vi tu perfil, se nota que tenes años de experiencia y trayectoria trabajando en el rubro y por eso me gustaria presentarte Doo Group con el objetivo de crear una relación estratégica para ambos de ganar-ganar.Ejemplo, si lo que estas buscando es tener apalancamiento para hacer eventos, podemos financiarte, si buscas branding, podemos armar un paquete de viajes a todas nuestras oficinas y al...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Nov 11, 2024 at 19:28
Dear NataliHow are you ?|I am currently representing Doo Group as Regional Director for all of Latam.I saw your profile, it shows that you have years of experience and track record working in the field and that is why I would like to introduce you to Doo Group with the aim of creating a strategic win-win relationship for both of us.For example, if what you are looking for is to have leverage to hold events, we can finance you, if you are looking for branding, we can put together a travel package to all our offices and to Manchester United, which is our main partner, if you are looking for bett...
Rudi Supriadi Surawinata
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Nov 11, 2024 at 19:25
Hello dear RudiHow are you ?My name is Matías Olaizola I currently represent Doo Group as Regional Director for all of Latam.I saw your profile, it shows that you have years of experience and track record working in the field and that is why I would like to introduce you to Doo Group with the aim of creating a strategic win-win relationship for both of us.For example, if what you are looking for is to have leverage to hold events, we can finance you; if you are looking for branding, we can put together a travel package to all our offices and to Manchester United, which is our main partn...
Andy Verduga Villafuerte
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Nov 08, 2024 at 19:28
Mira te comentoActualmente estoy representando a Doo Group como director Regional para todo Latam.Vi tu perfil, se nota que tenes años de experiencia y trayectoria trabajando en el rubro y por eso me gustaria presentarte Doo Group con el objetivo de crear una relación estratégica para ambos de ganar-ganar.Ejemplo, si lo que estas buscando es tener apalancamiento para hacer eventos, podemos financiarte, si buscas branding, podemos armar un paquete de viajes a todas nuestras oficinas y al Manchester United, el cual es nuestro socio principal, si buscas mejores condiciones d...
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