USDSGD Exchange Rate


यूएस डॉलर बनाम सिंगापुर डॉलर Exchange Rate (USD to SGD)

-0.03% -4.0 pips
Bid/Ask: 1.35459/1.35499
दैनिक रेंज: 1.35107 - 1.36157
1 मिनट की रेंज
5 मिनटों की रेंज
15 मिनटों की रेंज
30 मिनटों की रेंज
1 घंटे की रेंज
4 घंटों की रेंज
दैनिक रेंज
साप्ताहिक रेंज
मासिक रेंज

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Upcoming Events for USD and SGD

FRB and MAS Interest Rates

United States Federal Reserve 4.5% 4.75% 7 दिनों
Singapore Monetary Authority of Singapore 2.25% 2.25% -

Latest USDSGD News

U.S. Industrial Production Jumps In December As Utilities, Mining Output Surges

U.S. Industrial Production Jumps In December As Utilities, Mining Output Surges

Industrial production in the U.S. increased by much more than expected in the month of December, according to a report released by the Federal Reserve on Friday. The Fed said industrial production jumped by 0.9 percent in December after rising by a revised 0.2 percent in November.
RTTNews | 5 दिनों पहले
U.S. Housing Starts Skyrocket To Ten-Month High In December

U.S. Housing Starts Skyrocket To Ten-Month High In December

A report released by the Commerce Department on Friday showed new residential construction in the U.S. surged by much more than anticipated in the month of December. The Commerce Department said housing starts soared by 15.8 percent to an annual rate of 1.499 million in December after tumbling by 3.7 percent to a revised rate of 1.294 million in November.
RTTNews | 5 दिनों पहले

Analysis for USDSGD

Dollar Eases, Stocks Soar, Yields Fall on Softer US PPI

Dollar Eases, Stocks Soar, Yields Fall on Softer US PPI

A softer than expected rise in US producer prices (PPI) in July, up 0.1% against estimates of 0.2% lifted Wall Street stocks. The Dollar Index (USD/DXY), which weighs the value of the Greenback against a basket of 6 major FX, eased to 102.59 (103.10).
ACY Securities | 161 दिनों पहले

USDSGD Exchange Rates Analysis

USDSGD ऐतिहासिक डाटा - हिस्टॉरिकल USDSGD डाटा जो डाटा सीमा और समय सीमा के आधार पर चुनी जाती है.

USDSGD अस्थिरता - USDSGD वास्तविक समय की मुद्रा का वॉलटीलिटी विश्लेषण.

USDSGD सह-संबंध - USDSGD वास्तविक समय की मुद्रा के सह - संबंध का विश्लेषण.

USDSGD निदेशक - USDSGD वास्तविक समय के संकेतक.

USDSGD पैटर्न - USDSGD वास्तविक समय के मूल्य स्वरूप.

USDSGD Technical Analysis

Technical Summary:
पैटर्न खरीदें (2) बेचें (4)
Engulfing Pattern
Long Line
m5, h4
Spinning Top

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