CADJPY Exchange Rate

कैनेडियन डॉलर बनाम जापानी येन Exchange Rate (CAD to JPY)

Bid/Ask: 0.00/0.00
दैनिक रेंज: 0.00 - 0.00
1 मिनट की रेंज
5 मिनटों की रेंज
15 मिनटों की रेंज
30 मिनटों की रेंज
1 घंटे की रेंज
4 घंटों की रेंज
दैनिक रेंज
साप्ताहिक रेंज
मासिक रेंज

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BOJ and BOC Interest Rates

Japan Bank of Japan 0.25% 0.25% 32 दिनों
Canada Bank of Canada 3.25% 3.75% 37 दिनों

Latest CADJPY News

BoJ Keeps Rate Unchanged For Third Straight Session

BoJ Keeps Rate Unchanged For Third Straight Session

The Bank of Japan left its key interest rates unchanged for the third straight session on Thursday as it awaits more information on spring wage negotiations amid higher uncertainty over the US government policies. At the policy board meeting, members voted 8-1 to maintain the uncollateralized overnight call rate to remain at around 0.25 percent. This was the highest since late 2008.
RTTNews | 3 दिनों पहले
Yen Falls As BoJ Keeps Policy Rate Unchanged

Yen Falls As BoJ Keeps Policy Rate Unchanged

The Japanese yen weakened against other major currencies in the Asian session on Thursday, after the Bank of Japan left its key interest rates unchanged as policymakers were concerned about risks related to economic activity and prices.
RTTNews | 3 दिनों पहले
Yen Falls Against Majors

Yen Falls Against Majors

The Japanese yen weakened against other major currencies in the Asian session on Thursday.
RTTNews | 3 दिनों पहले

Analysis for CADJPY

Weekly Recap August 07 - 11, 2023

Weekly Recap August 07 - 11, 2023

Participants in the foreign exchange (forex) market focused their attention on Chinese economic data and U.S. inflation statistics during this week. These factors have a significant impact on monetary policy predictions and overall market sentiment.
ACY Securities | 496 दिनों पहले

CADJPY Exchange Rates Analysis

CADJPY ऐतिहासिक डाटा - हिस्टॉरिकल CADJPY डाटा जो डाटा सीमा और समय सीमा के आधार पर चुनी जाती है.

CADJPY अस्थिरता - CADJPY वास्तविक समय की मुद्रा का वॉलटीलिटी विश्लेषण.

CADJPY सह-संबंध - CADJPY वास्तविक समय की मुद्रा के सह - संबंध का विश्लेषण.

CADJPY निदेशक - CADJPY वास्तविक समय के संकेतक.

CADJPY पैटर्न - CADJPY वास्तविक समय के मूल्य स्वरूप.

CADJPY Technical Analysis

Technical Summary:
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