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Adam's Demo Account (के जरिए Adam85)

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Adam's Demo Account चर्चा करें

Feb 27, 2014 at 04:25
397 व्यू
1 Replies
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 02, 2014   6 पोस्टों
Feb 27, 2014 at 17:06
Hi All

I was wondering if i could get some feed back on where to improve my trading any Possitive feed back would be good as i think i am doing alright but its only on demo and i want it to be the best i can get it before i go live with real money

Thank You 😄

P.s I am new to Myfxbook So if you would like slip over to my Demo acc an give me a few points from a couple of old Hand cos we know nothing beats experience
You win some you lose some
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 02, 2014   6 पोस्टों
Feb 27, 2014 at 17:06
Hi All

I am fairly new to Forex trading and i am looking for some feed back to see if i am heading in the right direction for live trading i currently am running on demo and would like some pointers from some old hand to help improve my trading before i have a crack at the real thing

Thanks 😄
You win some you lose some
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टिप: किसी चित्र या यूट्यूब या URL को पोस्ट करने से वे अपने आप आपके पोस्ट में आजाएगा!
टिप: @ चिन्ह को टाइप करें उपभोगता के नाम को अपने आप करने के लिए जो इस चर्चा में भाग ले रहा है.