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- 4xsignal
4xsignal (के जरिए 4xsignal)
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4xsignal चर्चा करें
तबसे मेंबर है Oct 29, 2011
12 पोस्टों
Dec 13, 2011 at 12:25
तबसे मेंबर है Oct 29, 2011
12 पोस्टों
Wont you using 400:1 Leverage make it much easier to reach your high profit curve? U.S. can only use 50:1, much lower.
Time is your friend; impulse is your enemy. - Jack Bogle
तबसे मेंबर है Dec 09, 2010
14 पोस्टों
Dec 13, 2011 at 12:38
तबसे मेंबर है Dec 09, 2010
14 पोस्टों
davidjames123 posted:
Wont you using 400:1 Leverage make it much easier to reach your high profit curve? U.S. can only use 50:1, much lower.
We are concerned only Profits in pips. Hence leverage is not a criteria.
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 19, 2010
45 पोस्टों
Jan 24, 2012 at 22:37
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 19, 2010
45 पोस्टों
On 12/20 u had two losing trades, -6% and -12%. Can you explain if this is normal risk to lose this much on one trade? thank you.
तबसे मेंबर है Dec 09, 2010
14 पोस्टों
Jan 28, 2012 at 03:06
तबसे मेंबर है Dec 09, 2010
14 पोस्टों
sgibbs2000 posted:
On 12/20 u had two losing trades, -6% and -12%. Can you explain if this is normal risk to lose this much on one trade? thank you.
In fact December is a month where we have to adjust our strategies to a certain extend. However for the coming months we will have stabilized strategies and SL that won't go over 150 pips. We never hang on to losing trades.
We regularly email our members with any changes in any strategies , and give them an updated .set file .
Apr 26, 2012 at 20:29
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 06, 2012
1 पोस्टों
At the end of the day, it's about profit and you're still up over 80% over the past 7 months..... Amazing!
How do you generate your signals, i.e. strategy, fundamentals, sentiment, technical analysis, system, person, etc.? What is the average number of signals/positions per day with your system?
What happened in February? Dropped from a high of 305.96% gain to 21.25%. The history shows that none of the trades exceeded 150 pips on the losses as you indicate new SL strategy was implemented in Dec/Jan, but had 9 trades drop over 100 pips. Over 50% of the losing trades during this period.
Going to keep my eye on the performance over the next few week, best of luck.
How do you generate your signals, i.e. strategy, fundamentals, sentiment, technical analysis, system, person, etc.? What is the average number of signals/positions per day with your system?
What happened in February? Dropped from a high of 305.96% gain to 21.25%. The history shows that none of the trades exceeded 150 pips on the losses as you indicate new SL strategy was implemented in Dec/Jan, but had 9 trades drop over 100 pips. Over 50% of the losing trades during this period.
Going to keep my eye on the performance over the next few week, best of luck.
*व्यवसायिक इस्तेमाल और स्पैम को ब्रदाश नहीं किया जाएगा, और इसका परिणाम खाता को बन्द करना भी हो सकता है.
टिप: किसी चित्र या यूट्यूब या URL को पोस्ट करने से वे अपने आप आपके पोस्ट में आजाएगा!
टिप: @ चिन्ह को टाइप करें उपभोगता के नाम को अपने आप करने के लिए जो इस चर्चा में भाग ले रहा है.