RoFx (By rofxnet)

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RoFx Discussion

Jan 01, 2019 at 23:16
255 Replies
Member Since Nov 28, 2018   5 posts
Jan 06, 2019 at 09:11
Any one trading Please share your experience.
Member Since Nov 25, 2018   5 posts
Jan 09, 2019 at 08:37
Yes, I have been using it for more than a month and it has seemed clear to me and you can see all the historical transactions that generate the benefit, which gives confidence that they are capable of generating the benefit they publish.
Member Since May 25, 2018   2 posts
Jan 10, 2019 at 08:25
Inverisso, it's so obvious that you're part of the rofxnet team.
Member Since Nov 28, 2018   5 posts
Jan 13, 2019 at 07:32
I agree with you Jedi, Inverisso from part of the team.
Member Since Jun 20, 2017   10 posts
Mar 25, 2019 at 07:15
so does anyone know if rofx is good or bad and can you withdraw money?
Member Since Feb 15, 2019   19 posts
Apr 17, 2019 at 06:56
I'm responding here because of my personal experience and seeing how nobody else has ever posted w/out getting "must be a part of the team" response, I hope my report will be better received.

I opened an account with RoFX on May 18, 2018 with $1000 just to test them out as I too had my doubts. I had no issues with their system at all. The only thing that was cumbersome was having to go to my bank and wire transfer the cash to an EU country with all the inquisitive looks from the bank manager. After uploading my confirmation document into RoFX, I had instant access to that cash plus the $50 wire transfer fee was credited in my account (total $1050 - starting on May 21st).

I went a step further and reinvested each day's profits (very small due to the large performance fee) and by July 3rd it was up to $1100. It tracked with my projected growth spreadsheet very well. I then had to let it sit for another 30 days due to the fact every time you reinvest daily profits, it starts the clock over (now at $1151.68).

Only issue I had was understanding the timing from initial request for withdrawal and when it was executed/received. They do them in batches at specific intervals. However, I did in fact receive the entirety of my account as requested 10 days later (less the wire transfer fee $18.68, total $1133).

Their support team is very good and very responsive. Every question I've ever had was responded to in short order. Also, when I brought it to their attention (I was one of many) about how negative trading days were not being counted against the number of days in a contract. A couple of days later I received notification stating: "We hereby inform you that due to the multiple requests of our Clients, from now on Negative Trading days will be included in the trading period for all packages".

The only issue with RoFX, is that they are not registered with the NFA/CFTC. Per the advice of my accountant, I'd called these agencies and both state that if RoFX deals with Forex, then they must be registered to accept US citizen's money. RoFX's response to this critique was to say: "RoFx is not a broker, RoFx is an international company, owners of AI and Neural Network Technology that cooperates with the best brokerage platforms". I contacted the CFTC back after receiving RoFX's statement, and they specifically stated that it is Illegal for them to accept funds from US citizens if they are not registered.

So unfortunately, until RoFX is registered with the NFA/CFTC, I will not be able to invest with RoFX. Once they are registered, I plan on investing a larger amount. Hope this helps some people, and I hope RoFX sees this and hurries up and gets registered, so I can again invest with them.
E Pluribus Unum
Member Since May 04, 2019   3 posts
May 05, 2019 at 08:37
@lavee383 Thanks for your message. Do you know if RoFX has registered with the NFA/CFTC yet? Thank you.
Member Since Jun 20, 2017   10 posts
May 06, 2019 at 06:19
No they are not registered anywhere. And most registrations arent worth the paper they are on. Unless the ceo is living in uk usa or aud. Where prosecution is assured. Plenty companies are registered but are companies that exist outside the country of registration. Even mastercard and visa refuse to shutdown trading with numerous dogy companies despite numerous chargebacks and allegations being issued.
Member Since May 01, 2019   17 posts
May 06, 2019 at 06:19
lavee383 posted:
I'm responding here because of my personal experience and seeing how nobody else has ever posted w/out getting "must be a part of the team" response, I hope my report will be better received.

I opened an account with RoFX on May 18, 2018 with $1000 just to test them out as I too had my doubts. I had no issues with their system at all. The only thing that was cumbersome was having to go to my bank and wire transfer the cash to an EU country with all the inquisitive looks from the bank manager. After uploading my confirmation document into RoFX, I had instant access to that cash plus the $50 wire transfer fee was credited in my account (total $1050 - starting on May 21st).

I went a step further and reinvested each day's profits (very small due to the large performance fee) and by July 3rd it was up to $1100. It tracked with my projected growth spreadsheet very well. I then had to let it sit for another 30 days due to the fact every time you reinvest daily profits, it starts the clock over (now at $1151.68).

Only issue I had was understanding the timing from initial request for withdrawal and when it was executed/received. They do them in batches at specific intervals. However, I did in fact receive the entirety of my account as requested 10 days later (less the wire transfer fee $18.68, total $1133).

Their support team is very good and very responsive. Every question I've ever had was responded to in short order. Also, when I brought it to their attention (I was one of many) about how negative trading days were not being counted against the number of days in a contract. A couple of days later I received notification stating: "We hereby inform you that due to the multiple requests of our Clients, from now on Negative Trading days will be included in the trading period for all packages".

The only issue with RoFX, is that they are not registered with the NFA/CFTC. Per the advice of my accountant, I'd called these agencies and both state that if RoFX deals with Forex, then they must be registered to accept US citizen's money. RoFX's response to this critique was to say: "RoFx is not a broker, RoFx is an international company, owners of AI and Neural Network Technology that cooperates with the best brokerage platforms". I contacted the CFTC back after receiving RoFX's statement, and they specifically stated that it is Illegal for them to accept funds from US citizens if they are not registered.

So unfortunately, until RoFX is registered with the NFA/CFTC, I will not be able to invest with RoFX. Once they are registered, I plan on investing a larger amount. Hope this helps some people, and I hope RoFX sees this and hurries up and gets registered, so I can again invest with them.

I think you are mistaken. It is illegal for a USA based trader to open an account with a foreign broker. If RoFX is not a broker in the USA, the CFTC has no jurisdiction over foreign firms that manage your money.
Member Since May 04, 2019   3 posts
May 06, 2019 at 13:48
@Russtotal I spoke with them and they said they don't consider themselves to be a money manager. They said they consider themselves to be a service because they are selling the robot and the robots automatically makes the trades with the brokers.

What is your evidence that it is illegal for a USA based investor to open an account with a foreign broker? Rule 15a-6 permits US investors to do business with foreign brokers as long as the transactions are unsolicited.
Member Since May 04, 2019   3 posts
May 06, 2019 at 13:49
Member Since Feb 15, 2019   19 posts
May 07, 2019 at 06:28
Russtotal posted:
I think you are mistaken. It is illegal for a USA based trader to open an account with a foreign broker. If RoFX is not a broker in the USA, the CFTC has no jurisdiction over foreign firms that manage your money.

Sorry Russtotal, I don't know how I can be mistaken when I called both the NFA/CFTC myself that that's what they told me. Please feel free to contact the NFA/CFTC yourself. As stated in my OP, when I contacted them, they specifically stated that if RoFX deals with ForEx at all, then they have to register, otherwise it is illegal to accept money from US citizens. I also then called the CFTC after I got RoFX's response to this fact, and they (CFTC) again said it doesn't matter if they perform a "service" they still deal in ForEx and so MUST be registered otherwise it is illegal to accept US citizen's money. Again, this is what I was told directly from the CFTC when I called them last year. I can only go by what government regulators tell me...
E Pluribus Unum
Member Since Feb 15, 2019   19 posts
May 07, 2019 at 06:29
Also, in the last email I got from RoFX's Security Department they stated the following:
RoFX Security Department:
No, we are not registered with the US CFTC yet, albeit we plan to apply for the registration.

RoFx Security department
E Pluribus Unum
Member Since Feb 15, 2019   19 posts
May 07, 2019 at 08:36
I'll go ahead and post up their email in it's entirety. In order for me to even get this information, I had to tell [email protected] how much I was going to be reinvesting and they wouldn't respond until I told them of my investment plans...which I thought was a little off-putting.

My questions were as follows (Questions 1, 3, and 5 were questions my Accountant wanted me to ask):
Lavee383's questions:
As always, I appreciate your timely turnaround in your responses so I hope you can help me with the following questions I have prior to increasing my account balance with RoFX.

1. For my personal tax preparation, I need to know the following in order to build a case for electing 1256g tax status with the US IRS (I do understand you do not report anything to the IRS, this is why I need the following information to properly set up my personal taxes):
a. Is RoFX a broker on the interbank market?
b. What trades does RoFX make – Spot trading? Forwards?
c. Does RoFX only trade in the Majors or are trades done with minor currencies as well?
d. Where is RoFX clearing their trades?
e. Where do the trades take place? In my account or otherwise? I’m assuming trades are all done under the RoFX name since previous support responses have stated RoFX is providing a service.
2. Protection of funds – I’ve read your FAQ on “Is it possible to lose money” and I’m needing further clarification please:
a. What internal protections does RoFX provide besides the “stop-loss” system?
i. What is your stop-loss system and what does it entail?
b. What protections are in place for internal rules violations?
c. What protections are in place for the reserve fund that is used to cover negative trading days?
d. What protections are in place to prevent an internal breach by hackers?
i. Are you PCI compliant and/or other financial regulatory compliance requirements?
3. Daily trades and the daily performance rates
a. Is RoFX audited? If so, by whom?
b. Are those audits made public or at least the auditing company able to certify those audits?
4. Company located/based
a. Understand that RoFX states they are based in England, but this can be just for regulatory capabilities and could actually be located in a tax haven and only affiliated thru the UK.
b. Would you please provide information/documentation/links to verify this information.
5. Regulatory
a. Are you registered with the US CFTC? If so, would you please provide approvals. If not, please answer why.

Thank you again as always and I look forward to your responses to the above questions as I am excited about moving forward on a more long-term basis.

Here's their response email:
RoFX Security Department:
in relation to your request, Ticket #xxxxxxx, dated 17th August 2018, we would like to have you informed of the following:

RoFx is not a broker, RoFx is an international company, owners of AI and Neural Network Technology that cooperates with the best brokerage platforms.

RoFx trading strategies include both: Spot trading and Forwards.

EUR/USD and GBP/USD are the major currency pairs RoFx trades with. To obtain more information, please, visit the Trading Reports page here:, and by clicking on any year/month/day you’d be able to see the performance statistics.

Regarding clearing the trades, we would like to refer you to MyFxbook, once we provide our Customers with the access, where this information will be available.

That`s right, RoFX is providing you with a service.

The Reserve fund is being formed from a part of the performance fee we take for our service. It guarantees the loss coverage that no one of our competitors is able to provide. RoFx Reserve Fund has been established in 2009.

The stop-loss system is set to minimize your losses on "bad" days. In addition, our AI & neural network technology analyzes financial and global markets constantly, making prognoses and selecting the best brokerage platforms. Our AI reacts immediately and if there is a slight risk, we change strategy and relocate funds to other brokerage platforms.

The RoFx Company Policy anticipates that we do guarantee profits to our Customers. Hence, we take responsibility for profit guarantee.

Risk disclosure is a standard procedure, a formality, required by the external controlling authorities. However, we indeed guarantee that you won`t lose your funds, first of all, as we have been testing our technology for almost 9 years and have highly improved its settings.

Security and data protection has always been our top priority. In order to guarantee the highest security levels, we perform cybersecurity audits on a regular basis to identify and prevent threats, vulnerabilities and risks our organization may face.

Indeed, we're fully PCI compliant, as we do not process any credit card related data on our servers, and redirecting to the hosted payment page of the payment gateway.

Yes, we are audited by FCA, though these audits are not public. All public information is presented on our website (See annual and trading
reports) and on the annual VIP conferences.

This particular information regarding documents is usually provided by making a request to the London Head Office. It shall be considered and approved by the Security department.

No, we are not registered with the US CFTC yet, albeit we plan to apply for the registration.

RoFx Security department
E Pluribus Unum
Member Since May 01, 2019   17 posts
May 07, 2019 at 08:49
Your correct and I was wrong. It's just that a foreign has to be registered with CFTC and NFA and have minimum of $20 million in funds. Most all foreign brokers do not accept US based traders due to this.
Member Since Jun 22, 2013   91 posts
May 21, 2019 at 10:00
The broker they use is not regulated by any good authority like FCA, ASIC and I wouldn't trust such company. The trading can be fake, I've seen it before. If they have so many accounts why don't they post them as evidence here and why don't they use a well-regulated broker.

I bet the excuse will be that the spread or order taking is not good. Ask yourselves why would they choose some broker in offshore island of Vanuatu that has only a PO Box in some house which is not even a real office... They are working with the broker either as owners or getting rebates on your behalf plus one day such broker will disappear...

Member Since Jun 20, 2017   10 posts
May 21, 2019 at 13:44
Ive tested the api and first trade lost 80pips i pulled out at 50
Member Since Aug 21, 2019   1 posts
Aug 21, 2019 at 20:04
Being a Forex trader with 20 years of experience, I can say that Esther Holding is not the best broker, but certainly far rom the worst! I`ve never worked with rofx, so can`t say anything at the moment, but next month I`ll take a gold package. Then I will surely share my experience regarding this company!
Member Since Aug 26, 2019   1 posts
Aug 26, 2019 at 14:00
I started testing ROFX with a VIP package, at its minimum amount in euros. Now I 've got VIP PAMM. My money is at my broker's account. ROFX was granted access to his account just as a manager of trade. And they clearly display results on my trading account, as well on myfxbook. Andthey take a considerable fee for their service.
Member Since Jan 25, 2019   36 posts
Sep 02, 2019 at 14:18
Wish they list RoFX signal to which is a MyFXbook service)
I can pay $400-500 for monthly fee...
But anyway they maybe greedy. Its may take 10 more years to make this happen :-))
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