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MulderFX (By MulderFX)
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MulderFX Discussion
Mar 14, 2011 at 22:13
Member Since Mar 13, 2011
4 posts
Dear Forex Traders,
Feel free to ask any questions about our Trading System. For all details and more information, www.mulderfx.com.
After strategy change in 2011 we are very satisfied with our performance.
Kind regards,
Byung Koo Mulder
Director of Mulder FX
Feel free to ask any questions about our Trading System. For all details and more information, www.mulderfx.com.
After strategy change in 2011 we are very satisfied with our performance.
Kind regards,
Byung Koo Mulder
Director of Mulder FX
Forex Managed Accounts, the best investment.
Member Since Mar 14, 2011
4 posts
Mar 14, 2011 at 23:46
Member Since Mar 14, 2011
4 posts
Beste mensen,
Momenteel speel ik ruim quite met mijn investering in de Managed Account FX van u.
Van harte proficiat.
Tobias Dijkstra
Beste Tobias,
Bedankt voor je bericht. Wij zijn zeker tevreden over de recente resultaten, alleen we willen dit natuurlijk graag voortzetten.
Bedankt voor het vertrouwen in ons, ook na vorig jaar. Laat 2011 in zijn geheel een mooi jaar worden.
Met de bijstorting zal rekening worden gehouden met de performance fee berekening. We houden alleen performance fee in over het netto gerealiseerde rendement.
Mocht u een positieve recensie willen achter laten op internet over resultaat en/of contact met Mulder FX, dan kunt u dit doen op de volgende websites:
Bedankt voor uw medewerking en mocht u nog vragen hebben dan horen wij dat graag.
Met vriendelijke groet/Kind regards,
Byung Koo Mulder
Directeur Mulder FX
Herengracht 442 T: (+31) 20 820 23 76
1017 BZ Amsterdam
I: www.mulderfx.com
E: [email protected]
Mulder FX
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This message (including any attachments) is confidential and may be privileged. If you have received it by mistake please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this message from your system. Any unauthorised use or dissemination of this message in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Please note that e-mails are susceptible to change. Mulder Venture B.V., which has its seat at Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and is registered in the Commercial Register under number 34348408, shall not be liable for the improper or incomplete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt or damage to your system. Mulder Venture B.V. does not guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been maintained nor that this communication is free of viruses, interceptions or interference.
Bespaar papier - tenzij hiervoor anders vermeld- is het niet noodzakelijk deze mail te printen. Don't waste paper- before printing this email- think about the necessity thereof.
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Momenteel speel ik ruim quite met mijn investering in de Managed Account FX van u.
Van harte proficiat.
Tobias Dijkstra
Beste Tobias,
Bedankt voor je bericht. Wij zijn zeker tevreden over de recente resultaten, alleen we willen dit natuurlijk graag voortzetten.
Bedankt voor het vertrouwen in ons, ook na vorig jaar. Laat 2011 in zijn geheel een mooi jaar worden.
Met de bijstorting zal rekening worden gehouden met de performance fee berekening. We houden alleen performance fee in over het netto gerealiseerde rendement.
Mocht u een positieve recensie willen achter laten op internet over resultaat en/of contact met Mulder FX, dan kunt u dit doen op de volgende websites:
Bedankt voor uw medewerking en mocht u nog vragen hebben dan horen wij dat graag.
Met vriendelijke groet/Kind regards,
Byung Koo Mulder
Directeur Mulder FX
Herengracht 442 T: (+31) 20 820 23 76
1017 BZ Amsterdam
I: www.mulderfx.com
E: [email protected]
Mulder FX
Dit bericht (inclusief de eventuele bijlagen) is vertrouwelijk. Wanneer u dit bericht ten onrechte heeft ontvangen, dient u de afzender hiervan onmiddellijk per kerende e-mail op de hoogte te brengen en dit bericht te verwijderen uit uw systeem. Elk onbevoegd gebruik en/of onbevoegde verspreiding van dit bericht is niet toegestaan. U wordt erop gewezen dat e-mail berichten aan wijziging onderhevig kunnen zijn. Mulder Venture B.V., statutair gevestigd te Amsterdam en ingeschreven in het handelsregister van de Kamer van Koophandel onder nummer 34348408, is niet aansprakelijk voor de onjuiste en onvolledige overdracht van de informatie in dit bericht noch voor mogelijke vertraging in de ontvangst van dit bericht of schade aan uw systeem als gevolg van dit bericht. Mulder Venture B.V. staat er niet voor in dat de integriteit van dit bericht behouden is gebleven noch dat dit bericht vrij is van virussen, niet is onderschept of vatbaar is geweest voor tussenkomst (door derden).
This message (including any attachments) is confidential and may be privileged. If you have received it by mistake please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this message from your system. Any unauthorised use or dissemination of this message in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Please note that e-mails are susceptible to change. Mulder Venture B.V., which has its seat at Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and is registered in the Commercial Register under number 34348408, shall not be liable for the improper or incomplete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt or damage to your system. Mulder Venture B.V. does not guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been maintained nor that this communication is free of viruses, interceptions or interference.
Bespaar papier - tenzij hiervoor anders vermeld- is het niet noodzakelijk deze mail te printen. Don't waste paper- before printing this email- think about the necessity thereof.
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Member Since Mar 14, 2011
4 posts
Mar 15, 2011 at 01:25
Member Since Mar 14, 2011
4 posts
It took a while. In October I invested in Mulder FX. It was a tough ride. But now I am above water now with my investments. I only choose for Managed Accounts now.
I think they are saver for your money to hold in.
I am always looking for new investment opportunities to diversify my portofolio. Mulder FX is one of those investments.
I am a Value Investor inspired by Warren Buffett. So it was for me an unknown step to put my load of cash in FX instead of government bonds. The normal place for a value investor to put his cash in. Interest rates are low. Inflation is a danger. So this can be an option to do.
I think they are saver for your money to hold in.
I am always looking for new investment opportunities to diversify my portofolio. Mulder FX is one of those investments.
I am a Value Investor inspired by Warren Buffett. So it was for me an unknown step to put my load of cash in FX instead of government bonds. The normal place for a value investor to put his cash in. Interest rates are low. Inflation is a danger. So this can be an option to do.
Member Since Oct 18, 2009
230 posts
May 03, 2011 at 01:04
Member Since Oct 18, 2009
230 posts
Dijkstra posted:
Fortunately it is a small part of my portofolio.
Well that's good to hear. Quite the rollercoaster ride. Might be a good idea to look around for someone that has more stable returns which usually equates to lower returns but it might save on the heart attack material this manager is handing out.
All the best anyway.
Member Since Mar 14, 2011
4 posts
May 08, 2011 at 00:15
Member Since Mar 14, 2011
4 posts
What do you think of www.trendwatch.com?
It is a spread betting managed account company.
In FX I have some accounts at Zulutrade.com.
I am always interested if you know other reliable FX managers. Thoroughly tested.
It is a spread betting managed account company.
In FX I have some accounts at Zulutrade.com.
I am always interested if you know other reliable FX managers. Thoroughly tested.
Member Since Oct 18, 2009
230 posts
May 08, 2011 at 20:48
Member Since Oct 18, 2009
230 posts
Hi Dijkstra
I don't have any money invested with anyone at the moment but I was looking at this manager.
Contact Paul Murphy if you have any further queries - [email protected]
All the best.
I don't have any money invested with anyone at the moment but I was looking at this manager.
Contact Paul Murphy if you have any further queries - [email protected]
All the best.
May 09, 2011 at 07:23
Member Since Jan 09, 2011
23 posts
cant view the website: www.quantts.com ..'Service Unavailable'
T1FX, Making Money Is Automatic
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