Genesis System (By InfinityPhi)

Gain : +11.27%
Drawdown 30.33%
Pips: 1278.5
Trades 649
Type: Demo
Leverage: 1:400
Trading: Automated

Genesis System Discussion

Sep 12, 2013 at 03:49
55 Replies
Member Since Aug 28, 2013   46 posts
Sep 27, 2013 at 07:15
This is an automated, true market structure, trading system. It uses only our proprietary market structure indicators.
Member Since Aug 28, 2013   46 posts
Sep 27, 2013 at 20:59
I just thought of something that I want to clarify, as this will probably be asked at some point.

Will any of these systems ever be offered for sale to own? The answer is I say mostly because....well, if someone decided to offer us a few billion $......we might actually sell the system(s). But for a fee that most non-ultra rich people would be willing to pay, it would definitely not be for sale.

We have been discussing different possible solutions to grant access to the systems and those include managed accounts, and trade copy services. Both of these options are still under serious consideration, but will not be offered until after we have a live reference account trading to ensure system stability, and correction of any lingering bugs in the program code.

Member Since Oct 16, 2011   75 posts
Sep 28, 2013 at 01:46
I've added this ea performance to my watch list, it seems good since the ea started. But few days isn't enough to test an ea, i'd say 2-3 months would be the minimum. I agree that most of profitable ea won't be for sale for a cheap price. But for a fair price for a thin pocket trader like me, you could provide your ea as a signal provider, but if your ea is a time-sensitive ea which few seconds could give a different result, then providing a PAMM account would be the best option (i think).
Member Since Aug 28, 2013   46 posts
Sep 28, 2013 at 17:49
dunkdenk posted:
I've added this ea performance to my watch list, it seems good since the ea started. But few days isn't enough to test an ea, i'd say 2-3 months would be the minimum. I agree that most of profitable ea won't be for sale for a cheap price. But for a fair price for a thin pocket trader like me, you could provide your ea as a signal provider, but if your ea is a time-sensitive ea which few seconds could give a different result, then providing a PAMM account would be the best option (i think).

If you check the average trade length in the system page, you will see the average trade time is over 15 hours. So, this is not a time sensitive EA.

Also, this is just the demo account. Since the system has tracked in the demo as the backtests predict it should trade, we decided to go ahead and make the demo public. We are still making some updates and bug fixes. Primarily, before it is made available to anyone, we will have used it in a live account for a few months to ensure it is trading exactly as expected.
Member Since Mar 16, 2011   60 posts
Sep 30, 2013 at 08:54
This is on my watch list as well. I am very interested in this method of trading. :)
Member Since Sep 30, 2013   1 posts
Sep 30, 2013 at 10:42
Continental in the house, will be putting my system on too, still setting things up
Member Since Aug 28, 2013   46 posts
Oct 01, 2013 at 20:51
Just wanted to drop a quick FYI. Normally, we would not be allowing trading during a week like this with so many unknowns happening. That said....since this is a demo, and we wanted to see how the system deals with this situation to know if it these type of events need to be filtered, we made the choice to allow trading.

That said, there are several trades open currently, so we shall see how it all turns out! 😄
Member Since Jan 31, 2011   720 posts
Oct 03, 2013 at 20:07
Wild week to trade
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Member Since Aug 28, 2013   46 posts
Oct 03, 2013 at 22:30
Wow! That was a wild ride. So, we allowed the demo to trade through the US shutdown, and it performed like a haus! No stoplosses, a few conservative exits, and a lot of targets.

We did an early close for the last trades today. The AU set ran to TP shortly after we closed, and the EG still had a little ways to go (as of this time). The reason for the early close was we found a bug in the code and decided to go ahead and shut everything down to perform the fixes and update for next week.

So, how are the stats compared to our expectations for the backtests? Right on target. The accuracy should run somewhere in the 80% range, and it is doing that now. The expectancy is a little on the low side, but there are still only a few trades on record, so that average will likely come up. Add to that, there are still a few currencies/systems that have not traded yet, one of those currencies being the most active historically....the GBPUSD. The monthly average is finally starting to ramp up closer to historical expectation @ 30%. Still a ways off, but as was noted earlier, there are still not many trades on record and some systems/currencies have not yet traded.

All in all, it is headed in the direction we expect.
Member Since Mar 16, 2011   60 posts
Oct 04, 2013 at 05:38
Thanks for the update. I have been keeping an eye on the account but obviously I can't see the open trades so it isn't that exciting to watch just the equity amount! Impressive though. Long may it continue. :)
Member Since Aug 28, 2013   46 posts
Oct 04, 2013 at 17:38
dunkdenk posted:
I've added this ea performance to my watch list, it seems good since the ea started. But few days isn't enough to test an ea, i'd say 2-3 months would be the minimum. I agree that most of profitable ea won't be for sale for a cheap price. But for a fair price for a thin pocket trader like me, you could provide your ea as a signal provider, but if your ea is a time-sensitive ea which few seconds could give a different result, then providing a PAMM account would be the best option (i think).

We are looking at starting the live reference ($5K) account in mid-Nov and the demo will continue.

We are investigating the signal / copier options first vs. the PAMM (MAM) options. We want to show a 1yr+ reference before thinking about what we do with the PAMM option, as we want it to be different than a signal / copier service.

In a fast moving market, or low liquidity time, slippage will happen. Given that we try to keep all trades or basket of trades above the 10 pip mark, we are not too sensitive to the delay vs. a scalper or fast break-out system.

So if all goes as plan, maybe as soon as Jan 2014 we can kick things off, maybe a few months later.
Member Since Aug 28, 2013   46 posts
Oct 06, 2013 at 17:49
OK, all the updates that we needed to do are in place. Not sure if there will be any fireworks this week, but I'm sure there will be a lot of sideways action until the US gets pass Raising the Debt issue. But this is a demo so we do want to see the 'ninja' effect if we get it on the trades, if they are open.😎
Member Since Aug 28, 2013   46 posts
Oct 08, 2013 at 15:12
Well, looks like the bugs are out of the system and the collective of EAs are trading back to historical backtests.

So what is this thing? It is a combination of 16 EAs running in an account that have specific pairs and structure logic coded in. By now, you can look at the history and see all pairs that trade.

Is this a grid? No. Each EA 'can' open up as many as 18 trades each, three sets of buys and three sets of sells, but that has not occured, even in the back test history. Sometimes you might see the same pair many times, but doesn't mean it is from the same EA. One thing that we can't do in a backtest accurately is see the overlapping effect on the DD and this is what this demo is stressing, I hope, before we go live with the correct risk settings. NFA folks, well, we'll see if anything makes sense in the future, and will provide an update if there is one.

So what is the TP and SL? Each set works with a total of 360 pips for an SL. Each TP, well, depends. It can be a BE TP or upwards of 100+ pips of a TP, depending on the market structure that is attempting to reach. 100% for certain, the TP is never the same twice. With the current settings on the demo each SL will result in ~ 10% of a loss.

As stated in an earlier post, given the US issues this month, on the live account the trading mode, pairs, and risk level would be different. But it is actually good to test with 'infinitie ninja news' until US Congress gets real.
Member Since Mar 16, 2011   60 posts
Oct 08, 2013 at 17:09
Fascinating stuff. Keep us updated. :)
Member Since Aug 28, 2013   46 posts
Oct 09, 2013 at 07:04
DMFXTrader posted:
Thanks for the update. I have been keeping an eye on the account but obviously I can't see the open trades so it isn't that exciting to watch just the equity amount! Impressive though. Long may it continue. :)

Yeah, that viewing pleasure will probably never change when it comes to open trades. We will be putting out the strategies that go back to April 2007 with 99% tick data as we finalize things to give everyone a ranging idea.
Member Since Aug 28, 2013   46 posts
Oct 09, 2013 at 07:08
Well, the account is flat again. Kinda glad since they were 4 sells on the AUDUSD and boy the swaps can add up...but, that is what we want to see too.

Anyway, couple other points we want to make.

1) There are 4 strategies that we made public and will be 100% used going forward on the live demo. The name of the strategy has a meaning: version-strategy-pair-trademode. Strategies are CONTinuation and REVersal setups that it is looking for. In the trade comments, we show the CONT or REV trades, and we think we got them all standardized now. I have about 28 more to do final testing and I will post them as ready.

It doesn't matter if we're going sideways, up, or down, since structure is structure. The two modes are STanDard and CONservative.
The intention is that when there is stress on a pair, it might be better to trade in conservative mode. Standard mode is go for max TP you can get. So what you can expect is that the results are between the two modes, per strategy (EA).

2) This is an expert advisor, but we know best. We have a ranking system of when to not let the EA open any new trades. We use an intelligent news filter that is customized to keep us out of 7.5+ years of news that can make things go bad, and 97% of the time it is hands off. Our goal is not to show a system on pace for 30% a month, especially if we're on the wrong side of the trade and news breaks that the US Congress is singing 'kumbaya my lord' like the debt issue was never an issue. So while we think the last week experiment proved it can trade in normal chaos, we do want to trade as if this was real money. But just like this system was build from manual trading rules, we wouldn't be trading at this time. Besides, when Japan's Finance minister says to hurry up US and solve the Debt, the US must be looking stupid.

3) We expect to restart on Oct 21st...or maybe earlier once the dust settles in DC. We expect to start our live account on Nov 4th.

Member Since Aug 28, 2013   46 posts
Oct 11, 2013 at 05:18
Added the GBPUSD strategies. Looks like we might be trading next week too if DC subsides.

Member Since Aug 28, 2013   46 posts
Oct 14, 2013 at 22:06
Uploaded the USDCAD and AUDUSD strategies for all to see.

Ok, well, based on our news ranking system looks like we start trading tomorrow. Why you ask, because, there are limits to everything. We've developed a manual, yet standardized method of rating that is unique to these EAs. Also, the ranking system is a bit different than the news system we use in the EAs.

Normally with no obvious stress in the financial markets, we run the EAs in STD mode. When we are in a crisis mode where there is a bit more doubt than normal, we may, as in the case this week, shift things down into CON mode. This is why we post two strategies. 90-95%+ of the time we expect to be in STD mode, so results historically should track to those results. And was also the way things were operating last week where we left some pips on the table and went into this with a bit more caution.

When pips are gained, we want to make sure we don't give them back. It maybe a demo, but even when the live account is up, we treat it as a live account.
Member Since Aug 28, 2013   46 posts
Oct 16, 2013 at 07:49
Well we've just noticed in our cut-and-paste of common things across the EAs we have put the wrong settings for the EURGBP. That is why it is a demo. Who know what will happen, but if it hits SL, at least we can see if the SL part of the code is doing its job.
Member Since Aug 28, 2013   46 posts
Oct 16, 2013 at 12:42
EURGBP closed at BE (pip wise for the set) so I guess we're all good in the end. With the account flat, I'm going to let the drama that will be happening for certain in the 11th hour of the US Congress go by then restart the demo and put everything back into STD mode.
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