Took the first trade on this new account.

Got so fedup with all the "rules" of propfirm trading, I just needed to go my own way and create my own rules for a change.

I am with XM global, and TBH their spreads are rubbish. I cannot wait to make this account $100 to switch to IC Markets.

Trades will be "risky" at the start. I will trade 10% of account balance. Most people risking 1% in props will think Im crazy, however, they do the same when they trade 1%.


Anyways, let the profits come. Risking 10% and going for 26%, thats the plan anyways. Why? Well, compound 26% x 3 and you double your account.


Trading is a game of double, in fact, everything in business is doubles. to go from $10 to $1m+ I need to double my account 17 times.


If I had no losses, 17 x 3 = 51 winning trades in total to go from $10 to $1m.


Keep on keeping on