Recent topics discussed

personal In Trading Systems by bhanu545 - Jan 31, 2010 at 07:38
Good investors who expect decent profit are always welcome.I can trade your accounts for a normal fee.
BK4m In Trading Systems by yotti49 - Jan 31, 2010 at 03:51
hi ! like fx!i saw you in my fxdd micro discass.日本の方ですよね。始めまして。このBK4mのパフォーマンス素晴らしいですね。マーチンのロジックを使用している感じですね。取引回数、ドローダウンの低さが光ってると感じます。まあmyfxbookのドローダウンは私自身信用していませんがw質問させてください。自作EAでしょうか?販売されているものであれば紹介して頂けないでしょうか。宜しくお願いします。yotti49
Martingale In Trading Systems by Revan - Jan 31, 2010 at 02:31
My experience is that in general investors dont know whats good and whats not😇I just tell people to look at the monthly ROI, what happens in the interim is not important as far as im concerned
gstxspa In Trading Systems by bizWiz - Jan 30, 2010 at 11:19
this has nothing to do with myfxbook. if you're looking for clients, the clients will obviously want to see some track record to decide if to invest with you - this decision cannot be based on a couple of trades.
Change way of calculating Deposits / Withdrawals w... In Suggestion Box by Staff - Jan 30, 2010 at 09:08
xanatos, the custom start function acts as a "zoom-in" into your account's growth. Your way was also considered at the time of development, however we wanted to reflect the original account's growth so if someone "zooms out" by selecting the full history of an account, the growth section in the period of the custom ...
Gain and Absolute Gain In General by Staff - Jan 30, 2010 at 08:57
Yes, in case of MetaTrader accounts it is total swap, in case of Oanda accounts, it is total interest.
TheForexManager In Trading Systems by manager - Jan 30, 2010 at 08:30
thanx Elkart. I think I'm blending in real fine. yea, the pic is not mine.
TR Terminator A v1.01 EU UCH norev UY GU rev M15 In Trading Systems by billiboysclub - Jan 29, 2010 at 18:31
Shaheen : Never judge a system based on short term testing...This system seems that it will ( if it has not already) blow up the account. This type of martingale system will always be profitable in the short term, but sooner or later, the market will move without a correction and will blow up your account.
Total Gain not showing today In General by Staff - Jan 29, 2010 at 14:56
Yes, it might be (we haven't encountered such an issue before).Are you trying the webftp from the virtual machine also? If so, there's probably an issue with MetaTrader running on the virtual machine.You can also try to re-install MetaTrader.
Project Turnaround In Trading Systems by trademan - Jan 29, 2010 at 03:46
Hi there ...would you like to trade my account for me on a profit share .. can piggy back your under your broker maybe I have a few a MT4 accounts and Oanda..look forward to hearing from you David
Server Missing: Please add the Live MasterForEx-EC... In Suggestion Box by Staff - Jan 28, 2010 at 11:26
DougRH4x, can you please send us the missing server file? It is located in your MetaTrader installation directory, in the config folder (ends with ".srv").Please send it to [email protected].
Add Server MasterForEx-ECN In Suggestion Box by DougRH4x - Jan 28, 2010 at 10:01
Hi,Please add the ECN server for MasterForEx.Org and eMail me when you have it added.Thanks, DougRH4x
Floating Drawdown? In General by Staff - Jan 27, 2010 at 11:32
You have the equity information in % which is the account's true value, so the floating drawdown would be (100%-equity%).
Additional Statistics to Track In Suggestion Box by Staff - Jan 27, 2010 at 09:37
Mike, thanks for the suggestions!
broker rating criteria In Suggestion Box by Staff - Jan 26, 2010 at 11:55
Ok, we'll see what we can do.Thanks for the suggestion!
Weekly Trend Trading (Lgtj) In Trading Systems by mrezoot - Jan 26, 2010 at 00:20
All FXbook accounts have been reset and reconfigured to current set-ups. "The EA" accounts removed.Non-FX account added.
Either Way-FXDD Scalper In Trading Systems by mlollar - Jan 25, 2010 at 23:30
Began using this demo account for testing scalper settings of Either Way EA on 11/16/2009.
EA ECN Forward Test 2 In Trading Systems by jriechers - Jan 25, 2010 at 16:42
I call it a forward test because its not a back test and its generally accepted that testing on a demo account with live data is a forward test, however, you have a good point. Yes, the account died, went from 135% profit to 35% loss. I made some adjustments a couple weeks ago that proved to be a bad idea :(I guess I could have left it up, but...
Sharing / Not sharing In Suggestion Box by Staff - Jan 25, 2010 at 13:59
Well, this question would be a bit invasive, don't you agree?Anyway, we'll let you guys to vote on this one to let you decide. 😄
Website Downtime In General by Staff - Jan 25, 2010 at 09:28
Hi Guys,We apologize for the downtime we just had for nearly 60 minutes. Our hosting company had some network connectivity issues which were out of our control. Nevertheless, they have quickly fixed it.Thank you.