THGStraddle Trader (由 tradehouse)

收益 : +1882.74%
缩减 29.14%
点: 314.8
交易 111
类型: 真实
杠杆率: 1:100
交易: 未知

THGStraddle Trader讨论

Sep 03, 2013 at 17:21
37 Replies
会员从Oct 08, 2012开始   73帖子
Jan 06, 2014 at 09:09
You will always have a slippage problem.
I also tried with the same broker, and following the procedure.
Not the same results.

He sells it more well priced.

A leak
会员从Oct 08, 2012开始   73帖子
Jan 22, 2014 at 15:10
Updated:Nov 27 2013 at 09:44
会员从Nov 02, 2010开始   95帖子
Jan 22, 2014 at 19:51
Why did you stop trading on Nov 27 ??
会员从Aug 15, 2012开始   15帖子
Jan 24, 2014 at 09:29
Stopped trading bcos the old broker began giving heavy slippages..had to leave them and go somewhere that monitoring became inactive since Nov 27..

But I have added a new real account for monitoring below...Tripled my account within two weeks of
会员从Aug 15, 2012开始   15帖子
Jan 24, 2014 at 09:29
corinnette posted:
You will always have a slippage problem.
I also tried with the same broker, and following the procedure.
Not the same results.

He sells it more well priced.

A leak

Hey..I don't like Critics..try get better things to do ok..Cos you dont make money from news trading doesn't mean other people don't..I sell my software at price and worth i deem fit..if i sell at 30usd,my choice..if i sell at 1000usd,my choice....I sell at a price far lesser than its full worth..Millions of traders out there are dying to get a profitable system or ea or software,they wont mind an 60-70% accurate product....Here i have an 80-90% powerful EA and i sell at a good price..Wana blame me for not giving it free? If you need a free product,there are many websites to download that from....STOP criticizing people on here please!!!
会员从Oct 08, 2012开始   73帖子
Jan 24, 2014 at 13:09
as I said I've tested this robot.
Your price is not correct. Ea Amazing same trade with setting config and the free Ea

And I advice anyone to buy it, because it is too expensive and too risky (slip always come a day)
I better system does not worry me. I do not want to advertise, but warn people.

that's what I said!
Moreover's update this account to know skidding and loss ....
会员从Dec 15, 2010开始   784帖子
Jan 24, 2014 at 17:22
I can not read your text. you advice? or dont advise? I better system?
Click on my Name to see My Live Charts and Bio.
会员从Oct 23, 2012开始   341帖子
Jan 24, 2014 at 19:24
Looking good bro, keep it up!
if you follow the flock like sheep you always end up stepping in shit!
会员从Aug 15, 2012开始   15帖子
Jan 25, 2014 at 13:45
sirius1fx posted:
Looking good bro, keep it up!

Thanks,see two other monitored LIVE accounts at:


会员从Aug 15, 2012开始   15帖子
Jan 25, 2014 at 13:45
pipsquick posted:
Why did you stop trading on Nov 27 ??

I stopped the Liteforex account after Liteforex began giving crazy slippages..had to leave and go to other brokers with minimal or no slippages..Am testing two currently and performing very well.
会员从Oct 08, 2012开始   73帖子
Jan 26, 2014 at 09:29
No I do not recommend it. One day big slippage and big profit .
his price on the site is delusional. the source code is the same line as Amazing, open source

@ Tradehouse
update account LITEForex to see the slip that you had
会员从Aug 15, 2012开始   15帖子
Jan 26, 2014 at 22:13
corinnette posted:
No I do not recommend it. One day big slippage and big profit .
his price on the site is delusional. the source code is the same line as Amazing, open source

@ Tradehouse
update account LITEForex to see the slip that you had

@corinnette talk like an amature and in an absurd manner...First of all,you never bought my EA from my website,you probably got no good result from a fake EA you bought from "God knows where",and my code was never same with Amazing EA..they dont have same functions to begin with!!!so stop being an idiot!!..secondly,My price is my cant dictate to me what proce i should sell my stuff,i can decide to give it free and can decide to sell at $550 as long as i know its worth.

Thirdly,The LITEFOREX account has been closed since November..i stopped trading with Liteforex after i noticed heavy slippages and move on to another using two brokers currently and am making good money...see my active and current accounts: and

Watch these two account closely and see my results..follow it and you will see huge progress before the end of the month..My EA fucking rocks..if you wana remain a critic,God help you!

The only legitimate copy is sold at my website, and it has many functions your "free" amazing EA do not have!!Because you make losses doesnt mean others are not making never actually bought my EA or tried it,..if you have nothing decent to say,shut the fuck up!

会员从Aug 15, 2012开始   15帖子
Jan 26, 2014 at 22:15
Professor53 posted:
I can not read your text. you advice? or dont advise? I better system?

Every1 has liberty to buy and test an can choose not to,no one would hold you!! my EA is commercial in nature,its expensive though but it's worth it price. I use this EA on Liteforex for a long time and made so much money..i left Liteforex after i noticed crazy slippage behavior.i moved on to another broker with decent or no slippage. see my current accounts on monitor: and

Of course as a news trader,once the slippage conditions becomes unbearable,you ought to leave that broker and move on...thats what happened between me and Liteforex..i made some new recent live trade videos on youtube that shows my EA in action...i also have some videos on my website .

please ignore Corinnette,he is just a critic because i chose to sell my EA,and he made losses with his own free Amazing EA,he never bought or tested my EA,now,he's criticizing other EAs because he had troubles with his..Look at his MYFXbook page,he has no active account on monitor,his last monitored account was in 2012..thats crazy!!!check my page,i have two active REAL accounts on monitor (with great profitability)
...Be wise mate!!
If you are interested in my stuff,i could sell one month License of my EA for you would make money with that..then you would later come back and buy 6months full pack @ 550USD..
会员从Oct 08, 2012开始   73帖子
Jan 28, 2014 at 14:07
What language! I beg you to moderate your words. I do not think you're very polite and understanding. What do you sell your product? I think.
I've never dealt with shut up.
I warn others. I know whereof I speak.
Or is your copyright? Here are the sites that sell ....

there are many.
Strange for an EA that works too well?

As I say and repeat, this topic is often discussed. Even with the best ECN broker, there will be large slip one day or the other. I invite you to read the topic here

Oh also, finally, to show you that I am not alone in thinking this
会员从Oct 23, 2012开始   341帖子
Jan 28, 2014 at 18:22
@tradehouse naysayers exist in every facet of life, unfortunately that means forex too its best to just ignore them..😉
if you follow the flock like sheep you always end up stepping in shit!
会员从Aug 15, 2012开始   15帖子
Jan 28, 2014 at 22:18
corinnette posted:
What language! I beg you to moderate your words. I do not think you're very polite and understanding. What do you sell your product? I think.
I've never dealt with shut up.
I warn others. I know whereof I speak.
Or is your copyright? Here are the sites that sell ....

there are many.
Strange for an EA that works too well? ....... sorry if you were offended with my words,don't be annoyed😉..anyways,i want to let you know that our EA truly works and you just need a good broker to work with low slippage...some brokers don't even have any slippage!!

And about """"..........Those sellers were thieves who begged me for free trial during the launching of my EA and there-after started re-selling at ridiculous prices..they are illegal sellers,illegal sales and should be disregarded.Those thieves are the reason i stopped giving free!!😡

I own and, ...those are the only legitimate websites to order my EA. The copies sold on Ebay are outdated and obsolete versions and i cant guarantee profit with them..the latest versions are sold at my website...EA is Expensive,yes..but it works..that what matters,if you dont believe my EA work,check my currently monitored accounts on Myfxbook and see
会员从Aug 15, 2012开始   15帖子
Jan 28, 2014 at 22:19
sirius1fx posted:
@tradehouse naysayers exist in every facet of life, unfortunately that means forex too its best to just ignore them..😉

会员从Jun 03, 2013开始   79帖子
Mar 28, 2014 at 08:45
Anyone has bought this EA and run well result ?
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