The Skilled Trader (由 leapfx)

收益 : +161.64%
缩减 2.84%
点: 165743.9
交易 1469
类型: 真实
杠杆率: 1:200
交易: 自动的

The Skilled Trader讨论

Mar 28, 2020 at 18:51
37 Replies
会员从Jun 22, 2013开始   102帖子
Jul 22, 2020 at 18:59
I figured out what was wrong. You were promoting your Edison as a skilled trader, not the EA. Could you update the myfxbook more regularly, please? The best would be if you put myfxbook EA on a chart so it updates every 5 min.
会员从May 22, 2018开始   224帖子
Jul 24, 2020 at 00:35
Ah now it makes sense you were looking at a backup page we never used and has nothing to do with skilled trader software.
会员从Jul 23, 2020开始   6帖子
Jul 29, 2020 at 13:05
i would pass on this, as it was last updated on jul 27, why dont you update it regularly??????????......
会员从May 22, 2018开始   224帖子
Jul 29, 2020 at 20:13
It is updated regularly
会员从Jul 23, 2020开始   6帖子
Jul 29, 2020 at 20:32
its been 3 days since its updated, You call it Regularly????

会员从Jun 22, 2013开始   102帖子
Jul 29, 2020 at 21:28
I agree u should update it every 5 min not 1 per day or less. That way you cheat real DD.
会员从Aug 18, 2020开始   10帖子
Sep 17, 2020 at 09:41
since 3 september not been updated 14 days hmm..why?? Looks like a nice EA but leapfx needs to be more transparent with it. Please upadated it at least once a day.
会员从Apr 04, 2019开始   4帖子
Oct 03, 2020 at 12:41
I think I'm intentionally trying not to know the DD.

Others have verified this EA, but there was a DD in September.
会员从Aug 10, 2013开始   18帖子
Oct 03, 2020 at 15:37
I actually stopped using this EA because its very dangerous it lost 39% in one day, yet it didnt show on their myfxbook tracker. I know myfxbook can be manipulated and EA vendors are taking advantage of that.
Wealth Building to close poverty Gap.
会员从May 22, 2018开始   224帖子
Oct 05, 2020 at 02:57
Yeah that's entirely false. We did NOT have a 39% drawdown on our account ever. And if you did it's either a) your account is very small or b) you used too high risk.

And second the myfxbook cannot be manipulated when you have both verifications checked, which Myfxbook now requires where as in teh past they didn't and allowed people to manipulate results.
会员从Aug 18, 2020开始   10帖子
Oct 05, 2020 at 15:52
If you've got nothing to hide why you don't update your account regularly? You don't need to explain anything just show the results that's all. Instead of that you go with polemic with someones settings it doesn't matter means nothing if you don't show the results.
会员从May 22, 2018开始   224帖子
Oct 06, 2020 at 02:57
Please stop spreading false information. If you blew an account with either it's because you were using it entirely wrong. Or you are lying and never used it at all.
会员从Jun 30, 2020开始   47帖子
Oct 19, 2020 at 13:09
Would want to see your past trades.
会员从May 22, 2018开始   224帖子
Oct 19, 2020 at 16:05
Seems updated to me...
会员从May 22, 2018开始   224帖子
Oct 19, 2020 at 19:05
Gleywilleyy posted:
Would want to see your past trades.

They are right on the trading history.
会员从Jun 29, 2020开始   2帖子
Dec 02, 2020 at 01:25 (已编辑 Dec 02, 2020 at 01:37)
The setting is concealed, the GBPUSD double investment has caused serious losses,Positions continue to overlap and double, causing huge risks,Please see the attached picture。If you think I set it wrong, please send me a correct 'set' file,OK?!


会员从Nov 17, 2020开始   23帖子
Dec 23, 2020 at 09:25
The leverage you have used is good. I don’t usually go more than 1:200 on my trades and I find it quite risky. Good system.
会员从May 22, 2018开始   224帖子
Jan 07, 2021 at 17:25
No that's not at all true but thank you for your input. This system trades 1 trade at a time and trades last a few hours max. It can't have a big drawdown as a result.
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