Simple Manual Trading (由 phillip)
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Simple Manual Trading讨论
会员从Aug 10, 2010开始
Aug 17, 2010 at 07:34
会员从Aug 10, 2010开始
Very honorable. Keep it up. Dont worry.... everyone is always asking about how to obtain profitable strategies. Read my discussion on my Strategy. I think everyone should tell others the truth about Strategies.
'What Works for Him, May not work for You.'
'What Works for Him, May not work for You.'
会员从Aug 14, 2010开始
Dec 03, 2010 at 04:02
会员从Aug 14, 2010开始
zebra posted:
Very honorable. Keep it up. Dont worry.... everyone is always asking about how to obtain profitable strategies. Read my discussion on my Strategy. I think everyone should tell others the truth about Strategies.
'What Works for Him, May not work for You.'
If I remember correctly, a USDCAD Ruined this account in about 24hours after adding positions to a bad trade and than hedged at the wrong time ( at 30% equity). Hedging can be used successfully, but it is often harder to manage trades going both ways and should only be used at uncertain moments like news releases and market open/close.