Scalping_Kiwa's_Way (由 Master_Kiwa)

The user has made his system private.


Mar 17, 2014 at 22:01
2 Replies
会员从Apr 14, 2013开始   398帖子
Mar 24, 2014 at 20:27
Can someone help me. I have uploaded the EA and nothing works. Well my stats hasn't been able to been updated. Does anyone know why?
Focus on pip-drawdown
会员从Oct 23, 2012开始   341帖子
Mar 24, 2014 at 23:58
goto add account then click on the account settings for this EA and hit connect, it just start updating again..

looks like a awesome EA keep it up!
if you follow the flock like sheep you always end up stepping in shit!
会员从Apr 14, 2013开始   398帖子
Mar 29, 2014 at 04:44
Thanks so much so it didn't work :( I was able to withdraw automatically within broker. So the profit from last week is revealed in these two newly posted accounts. I was just not able to get the first account updated with myfxbook. Lets have another excellent week.
Focus on pip-drawdown
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