REDBOX Hedging System (由 FXspitzer)
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REDBOX Hedging System讨论
会员从Dec 15, 2011开始
Dec 18, 2011 at 15:34
会员从Oct 15, 2011开始
popcorn11 posted:
mungkin plan iseng...
kaya boleh g keliatan yg lain yg g bagus...
50 pips ketahanan?
hehe...he..serem cuman 50 pip, namun disinilah seninya karna trading ternyata bukan ilmu pasti ada kenikmatan tersendiri saat2 melepas hedgingnya bro kayak tim penjinak bom - tim gegana.....gitolah siapa tahu bisa menjadi 1000$ baru deh ane wd dan kasih deh biar Scalperior yang ngurus gain perhari dgn target 30 - 123$...salam profit
simplicity and just simple... like a camel.
Dec 18, 2011 at 15:36
会员从Oct 15, 2011开始
more info for my EA...
simplicity and just simple... like a camel.
Dec 20, 2011 at 06:50
会员从Oct 15, 2011开始
more info:
when you paste the key into guardian , make sure there is no space --- please try to load this key into guardian you can try this key: EDB0E7B7C91EE436216968B0CE8C34F6 or BEF7B91EE7854B57208382DD6DE7F3F1
Tip: try to change value: RiskCounter = 0.5 ; ProfitTarget = 10 ; ProfitCounter = 10 ; FlatStoploss = 90
Trader is Fighter - you must fight them -- i you hope gain 10 point you must fight with 90 point
when you paste the key into guardian , make sure there is no space --- please try to load this key into guardian you can try this key: EDB0E7B7C91EE436216968B0CE8C34F6 or BEF7B91EE7854B57208382DD6DE7F3F1
Tip: try to change value: RiskCounter = 0.5 ; ProfitTarget = 10 ; ProfitCounter = 10 ; FlatStoploss = 90
Trader is Fighter - you must fight them -- i you hope gain 10 point you must fight with 90 point
fxwinners posted:
Hi Bernard,
I went through the link ( and tried to follow the download mentioned in it.
But when I input the license key in it, it says invalid key.
Would apopreciate if you'd let me know how to go about it.
Thanks in advance.
simplicity and just simple... like a camel.
会员从Nov 23, 2011开始