OTS FX Present Moment Trading Campaign (由 Oceantrading)
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OTS FX Present Moment Trading Campaign讨论
会员从Jan 25, 2011开始
Apr 05, 2011 at 13:38
会员从Jan 25, 2011开始
Due to exponential increase in trading volume, we were forced to move our accounts to ATC Brokers - ATC Brokers has established the connection between an ECN pricing model integrated with the Metatrader Software. This technology was designed to provide clients with the well-known Metatrader platform combined with institutional price feed.
So we have removed our previous account statement. Although it is saved due to be part of our track record and available at client request. For more information please visit us at www.otsfx.com
So we have removed our previous account statement. Although it is saved due to be part of our track record and available at client request. For more information please visit us at www.otsfx.com
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