Gold EA Live (2) (由 simonleung)


Gold EA Live (2)讨论

May 09, 2020 at 04:35
3 Replies
会员从Aug 18, 2015开始   17帖子
May 11, 2020 at 14:53
Starting another new account with $1,500 principal.
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会员从Aug 10, 2013开始   20帖子
May 11, 2020 at 21:26
Just be careful with Martingale, they always disappoint, they be fooled. I have advised you. I have tested many martingale, grid and hedging strategies, they end up blowing your account.
Wealth Building to close poverty Gap.
会员从Aug 18, 2015开始   17帖子
May 12, 2020 at 12:59 (已编辑 May 12, 2020 at 13:24)
Totally agree. Need to be very careful with Martingale. I have tested many martingale grid and hedging strategies, they ended up blowing your account.

Bring wealth to people
会员从Aug 18, 2015开始   17帖子
May 12, 2020 at 13:26
skilaso posted:
Just be careful with Martingale, they always disappoint, they be fooled. I have advised you. I have tested many martingale, grid and hedging strategies, they end up blowing your account.

By the way, on the other hand, I came across some martingale strategy that is excellent and able to make money for a long time. It is just a matter of whether you can discover one or found one. So, even you did stated the fact that need to be very careful when using martingale, I won't totally disapprove it usage. It is like saying, be very careful when you drive a sport car, because many people die of driving too fast.
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