Febron Fx (由 forex_trader_2858668)
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Febron Fx讨论
会员从Mar 11, 2022开始
Mar 14, 2022 at 14:24
会员从Mar 11, 2022开始
it's a complete disaster i burned my account using febron fx.......before they used only operations in EURUSD and it was profitable now they trade with different major and minor pairs and it didn't work.....they put 100% at risk % of the account in a single trade.... febron fx lost all my money
Mar 16, 2022 at 23:57
会员从Jul 05, 2021开始
Please don't blame their system. The first rule of automated trading is to test out the EA yourself and optimize it according to your own trading conditions (spreads, timezone etc.) as well as risk tolerance. Then you test it on demo accounts for a period that satisfies you. And THEN you put real money into it.
会员从Mar 11, 2022开始
Mar 18, 2022 at 06:38
会员从Mar 11, 2022开始
no hables sin conocer la historia yo compre el bot y no funcionaba en mi pc asi que escribi a soporte y ellos me dijeron que para que funcione pueden conectar mi cuenta de mt4 directo con ellos con el servidor vps (eso hicieron con muchos usuarios) entonces empezaron a operar y un dia perdio el 70% del capítal.... por eso no han hecho actualizaciones desde el 14 de marzo no publican sus operaciones porque tiene una perdia de mas de 60 pips quizas perdio todo el saldo de la cuenta