Contest - rail (由 rail)

收益 : -98.45%
缩减 99.94%
点: 481.1
交易 48
类型: 演示
杠杆率: 1:100
交易: 未知

Contest - rail讨论

Dec 01, 2013 at 00:44
9 Replies
会员从Feb 05, 2011开始   45帖子
Dec 04, 2013 at 14:31

How did you to trade 70 gold lots with u$s 10000??

It's not possible ...

会员从Jun 24, 2013开始   6帖子
Dec 04, 2013 at 14:59
i think this competition has some cheating...
会员从Aug 01, 2013开始   5帖子
Dec 04, 2013 at 19:41
all competitions have some cheating ...
Why trading contest wouldn't ?
会员从Apr 23, 2012开始   2帖子
Dec 04, 2013 at 19:41
He is done nice profits before those trades, but if i am right, u need around 85k to open 70 gold lots, and even whit profits that´s not possible if use 100 leverage.. maybe i am wrong..
会员从Nov 10, 2011开始   3帖子
Dec 04, 2013 at 19:42
agree, just trade unbelievable risk and unbelievable lot, that is not crazy
control Risk first and make profit second
会员从Nov 25, 2013开始   1帖子
Dec 04, 2013 at 19:43
all protocols duly observed... pls what is going on in this competition..., can't seem to find or track the top ten guys that I saw some 12hrs ago... Anything going on that I don't know...?! Where is Richmoney, Sinathra..., and the rest...?!
Money Answereth All Things..!
会员从Sep 13, 2013开始   3帖子
Dec 04, 2013 at 19:43
That 's OK! cause they are wiping off those trading records which exceed the official 1:100 leverage, GRADUALLY and CONTINUALLY !
However the system is just too unstable!
They should correct any mistakes after the US trading hours! and particularly shouldn't interrupt us in such a busy moment!!!
会员从Aug 19, 2010开始   8帖子
Dec 05, 2013 at 04:31
lamontli711 posted:
That 's OK! cause they are wiping off those trading records which exceed the official 1:100 leverage, GRADUALLY and CONTINUALLY !
However the system is just too unstable!
They should correct any mistakes after the US trading hours! and particularly shouldn't interrupt us in such a busy moment!!!

it's so easy to find the participant with over leverage.... with 10K account left , they can't open trade more than 10lots in the same moment..because it's free margin will be depleted.... look for ten top trader.... how come.....i think price market has not ready yet to establish this competition, just my offense...bro
Sky is limit sober in battle.
会员从Apr 27, 2013开始   2帖子
Dec 05, 2013 at 11:36
В конкурсе участвовать не дают, Украина типа в группе риска, зато спам на почту хуярят как так и надо.
会员从Apr 27, 2013开始   2帖子
Dec 05, 2013 at 12:46
The competition is not allowed to participate, Ukraine type at risk, but the spam mail huyaryat as it should be. Fuck
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