Contest - Fresco (由 Fresco)
收益 : | -93.46% |
缩减 | 99.55% |
点: | 160.0 |
交易 | 45 |
赢得: |
损失:。 |
类型: | 演示 |
杠杆率: | 1:200 |
交易: | 未知 |
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Contest - Fresco讨论
Sep 17, 2012 at 18:55
会员从Aug 09, 2011开始
??????? 😕 WHy my rank is 2984 - Silver is not for trade in contest? if true so block them or if really silver not trade in contest remove silver orders in my history and I stay 1 place. In rules dont talk about that// maybe it some error 🙄 ... will see maybe it some error 🙄 ... will see
Never give up!
会员从Apr 07, 2011开始
会员从Jun 22, 2010开始
Sep 18, 2012 at 13:40
会员从Aug 11, 2011开始
Probability001 posted:
Hey Daqusto ,
Well done so far,what's your method?
The guy bet his whole account, and scored. What's the secret? none. It's a casino.
Now, his goal should be to sustain this lead. If he continues to win in that matter - my hat off to you Daqusto.
You see the shit on the street, you do not step into it.
会员从Jun 22, 2010开始
Sep 18, 2012 at 14:10
会员从Jun 22, 2010开始
Sarkel posted:Probability001 posted:
Hey Daqusto ,
Well done so far,what's your method?
The guy bet his whole account, and scored. What's the secret? none. It's a casino.
Now, his goal should be to sustain this lead. If he continues to win in that matter - my hat off to you Daqusto.
Yes he is using large lot sizes but it is a contest,he has also won the last 15 trades in a row so he is doing something right.
When was the last time you went to a casino and won 15 times off the bat
会员从Apr 07, 2011开始
Sep 18, 2012 at 16:32
会员从Apr 07, 2011开始
Yes he is using large lot sizes but it is a contest,he has also won the last 15 trades in a row so he is doing something right.
When was the last time you went to a casino and won 15 times off the bat
He has duplicate positions where he enters 3x in one market after a few minutes. He`ll blow up before the end of the competition. One trade and he`ll wipe out most of his gains mark my words.
Everyone stop getting a stiffy over it. Wait until the end of the competition, I see this every time they have a competition.
"Taking responsibility is the cornerstone to a winning attitude"
Sep 19, 2012 at 02:32
会员从Aug 11, 2011开始
Probability001 posted:
.......When was the last time you went to a casino and won 15 times off the bat
Yes, that's right, he is doing something right. Just remember, with this kind of risk it takes only one wrong trade and all winnings will be gone with the wind.
You see the shit on the street, you do not step into it.