Bitcoin Wizard Live (由 alanmhd7)

收益 : +109.09%
缩减 15.56%
点: 4236.0
交易 268
类型: 真实
杠杆率: 1:1000
交易: 自动的

Bitcoin Wizard Live 讨论

Aug 13 at 18:26
1 Replies
会员从Mar 22, 2015开始   1帖子
Aug 22 at 07:20
Hello, how are you?
I'm the author of Bitcoin Wizard, I'm very impressed with your results for Bitcoin Wizard, can you share your settings?
A little bit but many
会员从Aug 26, 2024开始   1帖子
Sep 15 at 14:20
Hello sugifx,

How is it possible to get in contact with you?
I have developed a strategy myself that is similar to bitcoin wizard.

I am very interested in your ea and in a cooperation.

feel free to message me.
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