Last Price Action- XXX-EU (由 alunix)
收益 : | +53.29M% |
缩减 | 2.04% |
点: | 6297.0 |
交易 | 308 |
赢得: |
损失:。 |
模型质量: | 90.0% |
测试中的条数。 | 13064 |
模拟的点数: | 102499 |
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Last Price Action- XXX-EU讨论
Feb 17, 2012 at 15:11
会员从Feb 15, 2012开始
Deposits: $100.00
Profit: $53,286,690
In lies than one Month ??????!!!!!!??????!!!!!!????!!!!????!!!!???!!!??!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Come on How did you do it ?? where are you from ? i guess diffident world .
Could tell us what is your broker / Account type .
How we can fallow you please .
Profit: $53,286,690
In lies than one Month ??????!!!!!!??????!!!!!!????!!!!????!!!!???!!!??!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Come on How did you do it ?? where are you from ? i guess diffident world .
Could tell us what is your broker / Account type .
How we can fallow you please .
会员从Dec 15, 2010开始
Mar 30, 2013 at 18:39
会员从Jan 05, 2012开始
hey everyone yes it did, its fail on real live.
have modified this ea to use higher high and lower low per time frame, and use 4H as the anchor as the main comparation. this version backtest only use higher high and lower low on 1 min Chart. and use last 400 BAR of data on the chart.
the modified version did the same but on 6 Different timeframe and use last 400 data on the Chart per timeframe.
will test this modified EA very soon, but want to try on USA VPS as its should be faster execution.
so anyone interested to try on your VPS ?
see you
have modified this ea to use higher high and lower low per time frame, and use 4H as the anchor as the main comparation. this version backtest only use higher high and lower low on 1 min Chart. and use last 400 BAR of data on the chart.
the modified version did the same but on 6 Different timeframe and use last 400 data on the Chart per timeframe.
will test this modified EA very soon, but want to try on USA VPS as its should be faster execution.
so anyone interested to try on your VPS ?
see you
No Risk - No Gain
Apr 02, 2013 at 02:09
会员从Apr 06, 2010开始
Goodnight alunix, I really liked your system, I would conversar you about it .. I have an account standing .. maybe we could do a partnership .. my email is [email protected]
Apr 03, 2013 at 17:59
会员从Mar 27, 2013开始
会员从Apr 01, 2013开始