Dynamic scalper 0.23 (由 cach)

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Dynamic scalper 0.23讨论

Jul 22, 2010 at 20:37
4 Replies
会员从Aug 31, 2010开始   3帖子
Sep 14, 2010 at 11:30
hey, your EA is so awesome.
what Can I do to try to use it ?
会员从Nov 02, 2009开始   3帖子
Sep 15, 2010 at 07:40
Hi, thanks for considering my EA. This EA works with very tight stoploss and when I put the EA on a live account the slippage degraded the performance, a problem you do not have on a demo account. I have reworked the EA and it is now on forward test on a live account and is not yet available for public use.
会员从May 23, 2010开始   11帖子
Sep 19, 2010 at 11:51

Does this EA run in FXCBS true account?
I like your design for tight stoploss.
Can I try it or buy it?
会员从Nov 02, 2009开始   3帖子
Sep 20, 2010 at 12:39
It is not reliable to backtest scalping strategies that executes within one minute using the minute data provided my FXCBS (or any other MT4 broker). Instead I have used tickdata from Dukascopy which is more reliable, but somehow the comission was excluded in that process. Another thing that degrades real account performande is slippage. I made new backtests using spreads that compensate for slippage and commistion in addition to the normal spreads. I found that to still be profitable, the stoploss has to be increased to 10-20 pips.

Unfortunately I can not yet release the EA due to IPR reasons, but I will soon publish the live results here at MyFXbook.
会员从Nov 02, 2009开始   3帖子
Sep 21, 2010 at 08:04
You can follow DynamicScalper live trading here:
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