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Inlägg av forex_trader_16715
Trading System
Sep 03, 2010 at 14:08
September 3rd 2010 Friday, US Session, Frankfurt Close. Instaforex Servers disconnect: Ironically I was trying to login at the same time. I thought I had the wrong account # and password, but sure enough, it was Insta's servers. 7:00am (PST) USD ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI 51.553.6 54.3 InstaForex Servers Down on Singapore and USA. Singapore servers came back 1 minute before USA. Who knows, maybe this happened twice today, possibly at Non Farm =US open too,
Trading System
Sep 03, 2010 at 13:49
It almost sounds like you like this broker. 😄 But I am glad that you are High lighting the good aspects of this broker as I only focused on the negative aspects. I have considered to use InstaForex PAMM as the US has made more regulations and I really did love the 1000:1 Leverage. Maybe i'll throw in a $100 into a insta PAMM .lolWithin a year. I'll have a 13% gain and thats better than any Savings account. maybe take 1 position for the year and hold it for High yield as well. The AUD/JPY is looking hot for the next year......
Trading System
Sep 03, 2010 at 11:39
Once I started to use the scripts, I was able to decrease the requote box. I also started to use Entry orders, which improved execution time. Overall, once I found a way to prevent delayed execution from the inevitable requote I was able to scalp efficiently. A member from Instaforex Forex Form mentioned that requotes were only from lack of Liquidity and the broker was just giving you the next best price...... Then, I shared an article explaining that MetaQuotes designed a Broker Plugin that would allow Any MetaTrader Broker to automatically requote their clients. From my experience, most br...
Arbatov System
Trading System
Sep 03, 2010 at 07:23
No problem Stephanus. I've felt the same way as you. There are more scammers than profitable traders. The traders that lost their money (99%) often blame the brokers for many reasons, while some of the facts are in need very true, but often enough, the traders do not understand the irrational market behavior (100 pip spikes- Increased spread gaps at rollover, market opens, news etc). These traders that felt like the Broker Scammed them, often become hasty and want to earn their money back by many promotional ways- EA, mentoring, Money management, Ebooks, and any other devious venue that th...
Tubbies Wave
Trading System
Sep 03, 2010 at 06:59
Handle that DD and or Hedge before the Weekend. Labor Day weekend normally has a huge gap on the following open :-) Best luck with your recovery. You can pull it off. Don't be shy to take a loss and start from fresh.
Arbatov System
Trading System
Sep 02, 2010 at 10:28
Last months, Dukascopy Contest winner peaked at 1200% in one month and lost 800% before winning the JUNE 2010 Contest with 400% monthly return. Proof: for the previous months, the winners are between 80-140% a MONTH.. Making large gains are possible and consistent large gains are possible too.The comments about shady brokers/hacked versions, contests hoax, etc ARE in fact possible manipulation... They are only hallucinations to motivate idiots to compete and shoot for the stars. Very few traders make a profit, we a...
Trading System
Sep 01, 2010 at 16:00
I figured out his Lot sizes by determining his Pip gain vs equity growth in the beginning stages ( I didn't mirror his compounding method). If the trade is in his favor from the beginning, he is happy with that position, but if the DD increases he will add another position. Determining his exact entry wasn't needed. I could easily tell his direction by DD however, the trades that I did mirror were not favorable and the DD was 100+ pips which is not suitable for my methodology. As far as exits, He uses a similar S/R levels that I use, which is no surprise. As far as his entries, its a ...
Trading System
Sep 01, 2010 at 15:39
September 1st, 2010GBPJPY- Damage Control: I figured out how to mirror Arbatov's trading system. Unfortunately, the consequences were unpleasant. What I learned from this mishap is exactly what I tell others, "Don't worry about what other traders are doing, Just trade your own strategy."I started to panic due to the lack of margin and a 100 pip free fall seconds before London Session closed 24 hours ago.I started to liquid my positions (Long on GBP/JPY) and transferred funds from every possible source possible, in hopes of saving this account. Following the Asian session, I ...
Trading System
Aug 30, 2010 at 22:07
Account Blown. I noticed that Nordfx does not Margin call. Even though their website says they do margin calls. My trades were liquidated one by one allowing a FULL Bust. I love MetaTrader Brokers (instaforex was the same way)Are All MetaTrader Broker like this?? Or do you know of MT4 Besides FXCM BA MT4 that offers a Real Margin Call 50%? Do all MT4 brokers liquid your open positions allowing the Momentum to devastate the whole account?? I'll probably find another MT4 broker and Set this up again. The Beast Gpd/jpy prevailed.
Arbatov System
Trading System
Aug 30, 2010 at 09:53
Bwizard - Thanks. I have an oanda account too, but I havent spent much time going through the preferences. How is this "" % of account balance,"" calculate a Lot size? You can PM me if you like. I use a % of account a balance to determine Lotsizes but its based on Risk level per trade( Stoploss level determines Lot size in conjunction to my account balance. ) SO like I mentioned above, the compounding after each trade is still fascinating to me. Arbatov- I understand. We all have our own Secrets to profit. ;-)
$1000 to $1,000,000,000
Nya Handlare
Aug 30, 2010 at 08:29
I wanted to share this information with the new traders, because they often forget about the long term picture and focus on huge gains at day one. You do not need 100 pip swing trades or huge gains everyday. All you need is 20 pips consistently. So, yes some days you may make more and some days you may make less, but it order for you to become a full time trader, you must make 100 pips a week for years to come... This means that you do not need to risk your accounts, by trading news, or market opens. All you need is 1 good trade a day. Thats it.. -----------------------------------------------...
Tubbies Wave
Trading System
Aug 30, 2010 at 07:19
Thank you Dinxdinx.Your Results look impressive as well.I don't use indicators. Just s/r levels and 100,000 hours of screen time. I wish I knew of an indicator that could generate your results in the long run. Good luck with your trading as well. Welcome to the Fxbook community.
Trading System
Aug 30, 2010 at 07:19
Thank you Dinxdinx.Your Results look impressive as well.I don't use indicators. Just s/r levels and 100,000 hours of screen time. I wish I knew of an indicator that could generate your results in the long run. Good luck with your trading as well. Welcome to the Fxbook community.
Arbatov System
Trading System
Aug 30, 2010 at 05:00
Arbatov- Can you please explain Compounding to us? I have never had the Testicles (Balls of Steel) to increase my Lot Size after each winning position. I see the Advantages but I am also aware of the disadvantages ( a few bad trades can result in a month's loss of profit.)I am gaining confidence with my accuracy but I am still New to this concept of Compounding. Can you please explain how you calculate your Lot Increase or your methodology of increasing your Lot sizes? After observing your Trading activity I see that you are Not pyramiding (adding a smaller position to already profitable p...
Trading System
Aug 30, 2010 at 04:38
Last Friday I was monitoring Arbatov's trading activity. I spotted out his DD, confirmed what direction his position was going and confirmed his entry on the charts. He was Long GJ, before the Bernanke speech... He had a nice 100+ pip DD, added another position and held... Once he Closed out his Long for Profit, his exit was close to a level that I was watching. So I went short once he closed his LONG. Big mistake. London session closed by this time, and after Bernanke confirmed he will drive the Dollar to the ground by buying more T Bills, I knew I was S.O.L. on the GJ Short. I checked t...
Compuforex Jade Live
Trading System
Aug 29, 2010 at 02:13
Your Comments could have not been anymore appreciated. Your experience tells the Truth. I've experienced rollover spikes as well and experiencing these situations has changed my whole outlook and methodology of trading. I've been through several brokers myself and I continue to try more. Diversifying funds ( and in different currencies) as I put it. Regulations are no more than a way for government and regulatory bodies to push the little brokers around while limiting our choices, freedom, and prosperity. Belize may lack infrastructure, but if they can execute your trades quickly, No h...
Compuforex Jade Live
Trading System
Aug 28, 2010 at 06:13
hello Kenny. I spotted your system page and saw that you are using Jadefx. I read the info on their Website and it sounds legit and it has my interests.. Would you mind rating them from 1-10? Any problems? Thanks a million! Its easier for me to ask a real customer than read a review:-)_WillEDIT:::Never mind- I read the account details and my US citizenships fails to comply. ;-(
rubion real
Trading System
Aug 28, 2010 at 06:06
Wow. And I thought I traded a lot.. So far so good. Keep up the scalping/position building. So is this slight martingale? I see the Negative Pips.
Trading System
Aug 28, 2010 at 05:56
Trading System
Aug 28, 2010 at 05:56
100% agreed. I feel the same way. Heres the link for Duka Bridge: it comes with detailed instructions and you can test it on demo.. The whole setup takes about 5-10 minutes (rdownload, read, install, hookup, etc)Share some of your Mt4 Brokers, if you don't mind. I've used FXCM BA MT4 and It just made me realize that even some of the biggest brokers are crooks. (Broker Plugin, Off Quotes, Stop loss and TP pulled from client side, Not honored TP or SL. , It was Hell,) Yeah, I'm not happy with MT4 to say the least. But, there still seams to be some decent brokers that Only Offer MT4.
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