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Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Nov 01, 2011 at 17:50
same here. maybe it is better to stop MDP after the NY mid-day till Europe open
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Nov 01, 2011 at 15:54
I think Prof is not about giving some groundshaking solution to beat them all, rather offering a sensible option for those who does not want to engage on a quest of finding VPS and a Broker suitable for MDP. Also some Windows optimization may indeed help too. I think this is all, he does not post mind-bogging performance nor asking for any high price for his service. I have no idea why people are so worried about others' success?
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Nov 01, 2011 at 09:59
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Oct 31, 2011 at 20:07
This has nothing to do with volatile markets or MDP trading, it is simply that MDP shows average execution time for the whole bunch of trades. Try to test in parallel several platforms with max orders set to 8 another to 2-3 and another to 1 and see how big difference will be.
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Oct 31, 2011 at 15:21
Price moved back faster than broker could place stop orders. I.e. slow execution.
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Oct 31, 2011 at 11:51
I think you are confused. MDP does not cause any market movements, it's just too small for it and trades mostly on artificial market created by dealers. What you are doing is simply front-running MDP, it has nothing to do with one winning and another one losing, both can be winning or losing. HFT of Hedge Funds front-run dealers frequently, there is nothing new here. You are right about why gaps do happen and brokers don't care to prevent them, however in dealer market gaps maybe small or non-existent, this is from experience trading them. However it has nothing do to with MDP, as in 9...
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Oct 31, 2011 at 08:49
Leeres, I am a seasoned news trader and aspiring order flow trader so I know a lot about spikes, gaps and liquidity. In an event-drived flow spikes always happen AT THE BEGINNING of the move, where MDP is inactive, MDP is activated when price has traveled as far. GAPs tend to close so MDP trading against a gap is actually a good situation. Market opening has nothing to do with MDP, as unless you are trading on a dreadful bucket shop your spreads will be wide and MDP will stay away, besides that market may gap on opening immediately, there is not a single chance mDp will be a in trade. PS and a...
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Oct 31, 2011 at 08:42
My condolenses for the loss in uj, but Yen intervention was coming and everybody knew about it. I was staying away from any yen related stuff for 3 weeks at least now.
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Oct 28, 2011 at 14:25
Farewell. When you said that you are coder/programmer it explained me everything about your attitude. Great coders and analylists make worst traders. Sad reality.
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Oct 28, 2011 at 14:22
Here is pretty much 2-month live history with all other activity filtered out, don't care about many slopes, this is traded via PAMM account so every trade on master generates unique magic number that doesn't correspond to real used magic numbers.
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Oct 28, 2011 at 14:09
Steve, I honestly don't understand why you are spending so much time talking to people you don't believe anything we said? What's a point? It works for us, people who run it on live accounts with "normal" brokers from MyFXBook list of brokers. You don't use it but know it does not work better than us, who use it. Isn't it ridiculous?PS I know MDP works better with some MM brokers, but since I don't care about having more pips and care only about having more money I use it only at trusted broker where I can load up and rack money from MDP, knowing they don'...
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Oct 28, 2011 at 13:37
Sure what I mean is it took time for people to start actually using it on live accounts, I personally started 26th of August. So even better - you have even better proof it works if you know what you are doing.
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Oct 28, 2011 at 13:20
This is bullshit. The only setup that is profitable over the longer period of time on ECN feed broker is the default one. Period. I tested nearly everything. Risk 4 setups will kill you very fast. Risk 3-3 setup may work at the slow feed brokers, only Market Makers like Oanda for example, that does have very smoothed and non-volatile price action comparing to real market feed.Why are you still here, though?
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Oct 28, 2011 at 13:14
I just don't care about people who don't put actions where their mouth is. Talkers talk walkers walk. You should be called Talker36 instead. BTW I am not sure there is a possibility to have 3 months of history of MDP since it was barely released back then. I have been running it for 2 months and made a load of cash already.
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Oct 28, 2011 at 12:58
Who cares about what you want. You said good bye already, why are you still here? Fade away.
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Oct 28, 2011 at 11:33
Great! Hope many will follow you: more liquidity left for us and less brokers server load!
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Oct 28, 2011 at 09:05
Sure, look at my profile.
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Oct 28, 2011 at 09:03
Well my account is public, I run there MDP and FGB. You can easily assume 60% belong to MDP, 30% to FGB and 10% to anything else in there.
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Oct 27, 2011 at 23:10
In practice. I trade MAM at TF, yes MDP is over 2000ms for 8 max orders, but in most cases it still fine. However individual trade is about 600 ms. I have opened 25 standard lots recently, no bigger delay no special slippage (it was relatively calm market), MDP works same way with microlots and with 8-12 standard lots positions. So this is a bit of practical evidence for you guys theorising here..
Million Dollar Pips
Trading System
Oct 27, 2011 at 16:17
Jesus.. So much bullcrap is being said here with a scientific tone.. FYI information I have same execution speed for a minilot as for a 10 or 20 standards. Currenex accepts orders as little as 0.04, anything less is not aggregated but offset by broker internally, effectively broker becomes dealer and creates a market, it manages only a complete exposure by offseting inventory, not by gluing orders together. So small orders like micro lots are executed faster. Integral takes orders starting from 0.1 so Integral brokers like Pepperstone will be making markets for orders less than that, there is ...
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