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Inlägg av forex_trader_7497
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading System
Feb 23, 2010 at 01:08
Very interesting. How do you know that HiRIDER messed up on Feb 3 / Feb 4?I can only access Fusion's historical data from Jan 11, 2010 to Jan 29, 2010 (FRWC's forward test in demo account)Feb 5, 2010 to today (FRWC's live testing with real money & conservative risk)
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading System
Feb 23, 2010 at 00:58
I also see different lot sizes for HiRIDER. Strategy 4 HiRIDER for example have 0.01 lot size prior to Feb 8 and then 0.02 lot size subsequently. If you set useMM=false, and lotsize=0.01, then HiRIDER should not make diferent lot size trades. Alternatively, they could change the EA parameter with fixed lotsize to 0.02 starting on Feb 8 while still setting useMM=falseRegarding Straasha, the manual said the original system did not perform well in the competition but the concept is good and they modified it. So yeah, it's a modified version.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading System
Feb 22, 2010 at 15:58
Not sure who you are referring to. I've been trading for more than 2 years manually and made profit. I just recently got interested with EA and want to find more information and truth behind it. I do think there's a good promise in the EA field even though there's a lot of scam. EA is pretty new field, and it's constantly in development and I do think people can make profitable EA. It's when people expect too much and don't understand money management that they lose their shirt.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading System
Feb 22, 2010 at 14:56
I have finished studying FRWC live Fusion data that they recently supply. The data starts from Feb 5 with a deposit of $1000 and conservative risk. My analysis is up until last Friday. I venture to guess that their conservative risk setting sets useMM= true since I see various different lot sizes in the data. Granted that the month of February has not finished and they started the live account on Feb 5 (not Feb 1), but the result of my analysis so far is not as good as I'd like to.On the surface, the result is a pretty respectable 32.63% profit ($326 over $1000 deposit). But the details pe...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading System
Feb 21, 2010 at 23:52
Hi guys,Can you guys confirm if you enable stealth mode = true, then the profit target and stop loss will not appear on the MT4 open trade?Thanks.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading System
Feb 21, 2010 at 15:08
Hi guys,Thanks a lot for all the answers. You guys are very helpful! A few more newbie questions from me. I am rather new with EA. I've been trading manually for the last two years but I want to get more experience in automated tradings. Appreciate any answer and help from anyone. Please help:1. I have the free version of AVG antivirus in my PC. This AVG program doesn't let me run DLL files which usually come with the ex4 files in an EA. AVG will mistakenly warn me that the DLL file is a virus, then gives me options to either delete it or ignore it. I could ignore it, but then the EA w...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading System
Feb 21, 2010 at 05:43
Hi zornjaso,Thx for the comment. Yes, I agree with you. My post was actually in reply to redline187 who said that these bots are not good if you backtest more than 6 years, and that it's only tested for 2 months live. First of all, he didn't give any proof or chart of his 6 years backtest. I said I'd rather take a chance with well performing robots in live trading than the typical EA advertisement of 1000% / year ROI based on 6 years backtest. Backtesting is more easily manipulated by playing around with the parameters like GMT offset, risk level, or the data itself.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading System
Feb 21, 2010 at 02:42
I personally would rather have a well performing live robot than a robot that performed 1000% in backtest with various different ways to adjust to get the best backtest like playing with GMT offset value.Any commercial EA will have a ridiculous 500%+ return on backtest, but why would they perform way much poorly in live trading?
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading System
Feb 20, 2010 at 11:23
Thanks for the confirmation Steve. So I assume then that you actually don't have GBP JPY chart open and you do get SV trade with Fusion, right? Thanks again.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading System
Feb 20, 2010 at 11:05
Hi guys,I have some questions. Please help.1. The Fusion-V robot is supposed to trade Super Volcano (SV) system, right? However, the manual doesn't say we need to open any GBP JPY chart. Will Fusion be able to execute SV trade without GBP JPY chart open? How about your experience? Do you have any SV trade with Fusion and do you guys open any GBP JPY chart (and what TF)?2. Fusion is attached to EUR USD M1. But it seems like only HiRider trades with this time frame. If I switch off HiRider and Straasha, would Fusion still be able to execute any trade even though it's attached only to EUR...
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