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Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
Aug 26, 2019 at 02:59
Hey have any of you guys had your account stop updating? I just got the 400% return mark and I wanted to to a little bit of anlysis and it's not sending the data anymore I guess.
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
Aug 03, 2019 at 18:22
@OTheFuture I am running 3 pairs at the same time on the same account, for some reason it works and some trades enter and others cannot be entered because the account is being used up, no buying power.I dont turn off the bot for any news, its a 50/50 shot it will be good or bad, if i keep it on always i will probably net evenly. It is trading right before nyse close.but i did trade by hand, some futures for the fed meeting and made money there.
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
Jul 26, 2019 at 23:03
@OTheFuture No I have it running on 3 pairs at one time currently, with reduced size so I can try and take all trades at one time.I liked EURUSD the most for myself though, best results for me.
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
Jul 26, 2019 at 19:11
in like October of 2018 thats when I put in $500, the account had $0.00 before that I think. From that date the bot has been the only thing trading and you can then figure returns from Oct 11th i think to present from $500 deposit to get an actual return.
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
Jul 26, 2019 at 14:49
@jjdenver That is a fantastic question, I have a similar question because I don't have that kind of money. When I first opened the account I am pretty sure I put in around $200 initially. When I started using Forex Fury I put in $500 and thats where the 260% came in I think. But that massive $1002550.00 I have no idea how it came into the account, I even asked MyFXBook to fix it and they didnt do anything...
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
Jul 10, 2019 at 03:25
Have you guys had your demo accounts blow up recently? It feels like all my demos just died and my live account started doing better. How are all you guys doing?@OTheFuture @GrooveDelicious @gchang01
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
Jun 24, 2019 at 12:33
@gchang01 It was a while ago that I ran the test before V2 was released, (I don't think there is a difference in v1 to v2 for the regular trades it is trading the same for me) so I am not 100% sure but I am like 99% sure it was the brokers time., which I think is on GMT time zone.
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
Jun 19, 2019 at 03:09
@OTheFuture Not really much here either. But I am running EURUSD from hour 0-18 on Oanda to test out other time frames more accurately.
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
Jun 05, 2019 at 17:04
@OTheFuture just time really since forward testing is the best way, back testing this is only useful to find a pair that will trade and some rudimentary settings to get started.@GrooveDelicious I used Amazon AWS it's sooooo slow it's annoying but cheap/free for a year. I just bought a computer from a pawn shop and I'm using it and teamviewer to build my own VPS.@GrooveDelicious I thought that was real weird too, no idea why they have the same settings I guess it's just a good strategy at those levels. I wondered why I wasn't getting the same trades as their accounts though,...
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
Jun 05, 2019 at 03:50
@OTheFuture yeah I want to know what puts a trade on too, like what indicators they are using to open a positive.Check this link out account they screen shotted sure does look interestingly familiar to me... It's my account haha.
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
Jun 03, 2019 at 13:06
If I find the time I will try to set up a lot more demo accounts and run them on my server (if it can handle it) and run a few more thoughts on the EA. What is your most profitable settings so far, and how long have you been running it?
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
May 31, 2019 at 14:59
If anyone gets a chance and is interested in trying to run Fury on futures or crypto please help me test it out. is the broker I am using to try and do crypto and futures on, let's work together and try to find the right spread, take profit, and stop loss settings to get this running and trading even if it isn't profitable at the moment just getting it trading on the different instruments is the first step.
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
May 31, 2019 at 12:03
@GrooveDelicious Yeah, thats how I checked my time vs my brokers time. Time comparisonsLocal (my time) = = 12:00:00OANDA = 15:00:00Coinexx = 15:00:00GMT = 12:00:00my time zone is -5 GMTput your location in the search bar a little down on the page and it will tell you your GMT offset
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
May 30, 2019 at 13:28
@OTheFuture Those are some interesting ideas on it, I didn't delve into "why" what happened happened, but it is interesting to see it now that you mention it.It looks like your live account is only in EURUSD, is that correct? Were you trading it with base settings given by the fury .set doc?I want to run more tests and better tests with more optimizations but I am too lazy to make so many different emails to get the demo accounts with my broker to test it more efficiently. As well as I don't have a good VPS and don't want to run my PC all the time. I am very interested to...
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
May 29, 2019 at 23:17
@OTheFuture Yes, I am opening a few demo accounts to try out futures and cryptos again with this EA, im also testing the new V2 fury with some parameters on OANDA.
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
May 29, 2019 at 22:08
@OTheFuture MT4 says its 17:00 when its noon my time, right now its 5pm and it says its 22.
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
May 29, 2019 at 12:27
@OTheFuture I am pretty sure I did not adjust the time from the platform detailed statement output, and I am pretty sure is set to GMT time. Yeah that would be cool to see your results from the tests too. Are you running anything live yet?Also I think your account might be private so no one can see your results.
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
May 28, 2019 at 12:07
@OTheFuture Running it 24/7 still only allows the max number of trades, to do a better test for hours I would need to have 24 demos running the same pair and same settings but each on a different hour. The way I did it, was decent but it cannot always enter an available trade.Time zone is GMT I think, I did that testing a while ago.
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
May 24, 2019 at 13:59
@GrooveDelicious It is all forward testing actually, it was a 6mon period where I tested the best time period for trades by letting the listed pairs run without a time constriction. The theory was that each pair would have an optimal trading window where they would outperform in a certain time period. So after the testing was complete I organized the data to show what hour or hours were the best windows of time for each pair. I also was using this data to try and find any other tradable pairs that are not listed by FOREX Fury already. Backtesting does not leave useful results with this EA in m...
Fury Live Account FOREXcom
Trading System
May 23, 2019 at 12:24
@OTheFuture No, I have the pairs set on this EA. EURUSD NZDUSD, AUDJPY, and GBPUSD. I let it run fully automated, and the timing is what I think was the original settings they suggested.This is the first I am hearing of a new version, I will have to check on the version I have.@GrooveDelicious My settings are the basic settings except I adjusted the number of trades it is allowed to enter and I adjusted the size of taking profit. I only did those changes for NZDUSD and EURUSD. @GrooveDelicious @OTheFuture @Mark0815 The picture I attached has the latest results from the testing I did running th...
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