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Inlägg av forex_trader_1819
Trading System
Aug 11, 2010 at 16:00
Again? You need to seriously review your trading. I don't trade with a stoploss but I also don't get margin called or blow accounts every two months. I also don't attain percentage results like you because I trade low leverage so I don't have the all too familiar "boom and bust". I don't usually say things like this but you are trading other people's money. That's my issue.
Trading System
Aug 10, 2010 at 15:18
Nice results - well done
Trading System
Aug 08, 2010 at 09:30
This does not mean the account has a lot of floating positions. Every time a deposit is made the absolute gain percentage decreases. When money is withdrawn the absolute gain percentage does not re-adjust to the new balance. I move money in and out of my accounts all the time. If I carry on doing this my absolute gain percentage will go negative. It's not a very good way of measuring performance if you are constantly depositing and withdrawing funds but not many people would know this on myfxbook because they probably don't get the opportunity to make a lot of withdrawals. The on...
Trading System
Aug 07, 2010 at 17:04
Holy Moly! You guys bitch like a herd of office secretaries. ROLF ROLF ROLF
LJB Financial
Trading System
Aug 07, 2010 at 14:23
Wassup? I was liking your performance. Kapend Investments let me down. It seems they've disappeared off the face of this earth. So I was kinda hoping you were still around.
Big Bank
Trading System
Aug 04, 2010 at 12:30
What? Still no update? I've been waiting two months now to learn from the pros.
End of OTC Forex and Gold trading
Erfaren Traders
Aug 04, 2010 at 06:44
Oh, it must be an English term then, mostly used for the "wives and girlfriends" of football players.
End of OTC Forex and Gold trading
Erfaren Traders
Aug 04, 2010 at 05:11
Yeah, I know, it's just a bit early 😇Anyway, if it does come into force, I'm sure all the WAGS will be happy.
End of OTC Forex and Gold trading
Erfaren Traders
Aug 04, 2010 at 05:06
I saw something about this on FF yesterday. I am lost for words (as I cry into my bowl of cereal) ...So what's this about then? End one thing and re-start another
Alpari Systematic
Erfaren Traders
Aug 03, 2010 at 17:48
Okay, demo account has expired. I didn't realise it was only for 30 days so I didn't get the chance to see the account decimated 😁 If I had gone flat yesterday, profit made on NZ$20,000 would have been about NZ$500.00. The systems seem to do what most traders do - take lots of small profits and let the losers run and run till they are stopped out (some with 300 pip stops).Personally, I would have liked to have tested it for longer (at least 3 months). You can, of course, open another demo account if you email them.
Alpari Systematic
Erfaren Traders
Jul 31, 2010 at 13:20
No, don't worry about digging out your password. I'm just interested to see how it works out. Don't worry - I'm not about to stick any hard earned money with it 😀 I'll just keep plodding along with my low leverage manual trades generating low percentage results (rofl)
Alpari Systematic
Erfaren Traders
Jul 31, 2010 at 12:33
Oh, that's a shame. Would have been good to compare results/systems etc. If I went flat as of now, account would have made nearly $600.00. Been running since 6 July. I've got 10 systems running on it now as there weren't enough trades being generated for me so I added some high trade systems to see how long it takes to decimate the account - lol. I've realised I'm a control freak as I kept controlling the trades so I am now trying my best not to interfere with them and just let them do their own thing even if I don't like the look of the trades being made.
Alpari Systematic
Erfaren Traders
Jul 31, 2010 at 11:54
Elkart - how is your account going? Has it made any money yet? What systems have proven the most profitable? Thanks
Genius Primary
Trading System
Jul 26, 2010 at 21:06
No, it doesn't. Absolute gain, in my opinion, is useless. I move money in and out of my accounts all the time so each time I deposit money, the absolute gain percentage goes down because the profit is calculated on the total amount of funds that have been deposited into the account which gives you the absolute gain percentage. But when you withdraw money, the absolute gain percentage stays the same - it doesn't readjust itself when you withdraw money. If I continue to move money in and out, my absolute gain will start going into negative territory.
Trade small to win
Erfaren Traders
Jul 25, 2010 at 10:58
I like the idea of several styles in one trading strategy although, at the moment, I am struggling to let my profitable trades run for longer. It's an ongoing psychological battle. Most of my trades are long A/J so if I get stuck with a few trades, at least the rollover is positive. There is nothing worse than getting stuck with a trade that is costing you money every day. The intraday volatility is also great on A/J and fundamentally, I can't see the BoJ raising interest rates for a while. If only Oanda offered the Brazilian Real [sigh] When I perceive A/J to be at a level I'...
Trade small to win
Erfaren Traders
Jul 24, 2010 at 13:18
I haven't played poker but I like pokie machines. I don't have to bluff the pokie machine. It just smiles at me and usually takes my money. With forex it doesn't have to be like that - a slot eating all your money. Depending on your pain threshold and money management, a little (or sometimes a lot) of time can turn that losing position into a winning one. When I was a noob my friend and I managed to get our account in a right mess. We kept seeing charts differently, he always wanted to place big trades, I wanted to place smaller ones so in the end I just took over the account ...
Your definition of a junk system!?
Jul 21, 2010 at 10:18
Nope, didn't figure but at least they are brave enough to show their equity 😲 Guess that rules me out then - the 2 figure gains a month - dreams are free - rofl. This chop fest is putting me to sleep. My accounts are gonna need a defibrillator soon. Think I'll come back in September.
Your definition of a junk system!?
Jul 20, 2010 at 18:40
Ewwww, I can't believe you've said that. You know we all have our own way of extracting money from this market. Okay, I've just checked - I see you had a bad day on 28 June - I'll let you off. Chin up 😀
Trade small to win
Erfaren Traders
Jul 20, 2010 at 16:03
I think that is all a matter of personality and circumstances. If you work then you have to trade longer term. If you don't then you are free to trade as you like - long, medium or short. Some days I'll sit down and play the market like a pinball machine and yet I still feel naughty because a lot of people say scalping is bad, bad, bad. Other days I'll only place a trade or two. So as to how to get a consistent 2% a month, I am clueless because, for me, the market doesn't work like that. It giveth and it taketh 😀 Anyway, I'll put my accounts up so that you ca...
Any ideas of reliable Broker which allows scalping ?
Erfaren Traders
Jul 20, 2010 at 11:14
ROFL. It's too many years in this game that makes one cynical. Anyway, I haven't had a problem with Oanda but I'm talking manual scalping not that EA stuff.
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