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My Live EA
Trading System
Apr 28, 2010 at 13:54
huh?well it you say so..randy
My Live EA
Trading System
Apr 27, 2010 at 21:41
Illegal site steals developers hard work and more.. Please read and take note this is a public service announcementLet all of us do our share to close down this illegal site.I am posting this in hope that it will bring the awareness on illegal sites that steal other peoples work.This site is was shocked on this site is every commercial EA for free and every trading system for free including our Max trading.This site gets every single trading tool EAs,manual systems,indicators that are all commercial then decompiles them and runs test on them in the name of sharing.Ho...
My Live EA
Trading System
Apr 27, 2010 at 17:50
How to make money and not loose it with Martingales...We all know the story with Martingales that they work wonderfully until they don't and you blow your account or suffer a big loss that took out all your profits and more.I use to be the same way until I made a system to turn off the EA when my dd gets over 20% and in a special formula I use to manually trade out and close all trades with break even or a very small loss.Take a good look at my chart. Since March 2 all the profits are from my EA. However there are some manual trading but not to make profits but to get out of the trades man...
My Live EA
Trading System
Apr 26, 2010 at 12:07
Thanks I will let you know. As you can see my live account is doing very well with my EA and recovery system..Happy tradingRandy
Trading System
Apr 16, 2010 at 22:21
As I said before it's a scam. I have no idea why people fight so hard to try to make something real and true when they know it's not. With the utmost respect The Forex industry of traders is filled disproportionally with people who truly want to be conned and they will fight for it even It's true you ask any real confidence man he will tell you the personality make up of people that are the most easy to be conned. The startling fact really is most of them are here in Forex, watching and hoping.The truth is the industry is very akin to a Casino in Vegas but at least in Vegas they gi...
Trading System
Apr 14, 2010 at 22:15
This is very fishy . I hate to say it but it is a scam Steve no way around it as I see it.Here are my reasons:1. It's another cheap one page website. If your selling a item with that price page you make a real website . It's another clickbank special but with a $2000 price tag-Flag number one.2. this is by far the most telling that this is a scam. Ask yourself this question if you indeed had a robot that was as good as this and you wanted to be nice and share it for $2000 a pop would the only 2 live accounts be non-verified accounts on myfxbook.Hell no who would ever market this way! T...
Apr 14, 2010 at 21:38
No your a nut ..S.A is used in many parts of the world as the symbol of of a corporaation..
$$$ Manager
Trading System
Apr 14, 2010 at 18:47
Robert you really nailed it here..I am sorry to say but myfxbook is not like the CIA or NSA when it comes to be hackersafe. Any real good hacker could come in and fudge the account and if not verified that is probably what happens.I can more or less tell if a account is real and not fudge by watching it every day for a few days..Happy tradingRandy
My Live EA
Trading System
Apr 14, 2010 at 16:35
Hi,Yes I have used the Blessings 3 and that is my name on their. Jeff is a super guy and what is so sweet about this EA not only is it a very good EA it's a outpouring of kindness from many traders that have worked on this EA for years and it has always been free.You can download the latest version righ tthere on his website and there is a super thread on Blessings 3 on Forex-TSD..Randy
My Live EA
Trading System
Apr 14, 2010 at 16:32
Sorry about your looses but if your in Forex it will happen.Your comment really does not hold up. As Steve said you can look and see and get a good idea of the dd.I always try to get my dd not more than 20% or so. But just because a trader has a low dd does not mean he will not blow your account when using a martingale. I will tell you this much very few people besides me really know how to trade a martingale safely and when you do not know how then all you can do is watch and hope that you get a retrace. Guess what hope will kill you quicker than anything else in this market. You better make ...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading System
Apr 14, 2010 at 07:17
They can and they do survive. However you need to know how to run a martingale and all martingales are not the same. Some have math that is very logical making recovery much better than others. I trade martingales all the time and never blow my account. But if you do not trade my way with them they are very dangerous like anything else you need to know how to handle themRandy
My Live EA
Trading System
Apr 14, 2010 at 07:05
Thank you Steve you got it.The only reason why someone wants to see your trades is simply to try and figure out how you trade.There is no other reason in my opinion. They already know that my account is real with real money and is a standard not a micro. Happy trading London has opened.Randy
My Live EA
Trading System
Apr 14, 2010 at 00:54
no problemmany good traders with their own EA do not show the trades. there are reasons for it.It does not take long to see how the EA trades and I am not conformable handing out my secrets.As far as account management I do not go looking for them they come to wellRandy
My Live EA
Trading System
Apr 13, 2010 at 22:30
The Live EA recovery system..Not a extra system but a necessary system just as necessary ass a spare wheel in your car even more so.Dear traders I welcome your feedback on this . I may go commercial with this.I like many here trade EAs live and do well. However unlike many here I have a recovery system that works.I have found that most traders using a EA to trade never intervene. A intervention is almost Taboo in the EA circles.This is pure nonsense and it is the reason you see so many blown accounts. Most people trading with EAs know little about manual trading. I am not saying that they nee...
My Live EA
Trading System
Apr 13, 2010 at 21:51
Not a problem Steve you did nothing to offend me.What system is your cast-iron for men?ThanksRandy
My Live EA
Trading System
Apr 13, 2010 at 20:35
Like I said this is my live testing account. It's not uncommon to see a big loss like that.First thing I was testing a different EA and also this one in those months.One failed and it not with me anymore I sent it away to a EA camp to train and get better lolHowever the other EA is doing fine and what you now see is my finished productWhat you see now is the finished product in live trials..Randy
My Live EA
Trading System
Apr 13, 2010 at 20:21
Ahh I see what you mean..I told you I do not advertise if I did it would be a clean account.I miss understood you it is not the same EA. I did not know that those 2 months were visible so I thought you were talking about Mar to up to now.That was a different EA. This account I have I use for live testing and trials as I do not believe in backtesting or forward testing You need live feed to be accurate. Having said that I do not mix EAs on my account that is why I started from Mar 2Randy
FX Robot
Trading System
Apr 13, 2010 at 08:17
I see your question all over here.I am not sure what your asking?A short lesson if you like to know if the person manages his own account you say thisWho manages your account?If you do account management and your trying to ask someone if they would like you to work there account you say this" I do account management"If your asking the person if he would manage your account you say this" Would you manage my account?"Hope that helps a itrandy
Trading System
Apr 13, 2010 at 05:45
I will close with this. Personally I have no problem at all with your account and why should I . But I have a big problem when your using this site to sell people on trading a EA that you do not even put on live accounts.Why would anyone do such a thing to begin with demo accounts mean nothing. I have EAs that will make $50,000 a day on demo accounts and will loose your account on live accounts.I guess you jut take a shot and hope there are people that do not know the difference and will sign up anyways..Good luckRandy
$$$ Manager
Trading System
Apr 13, 2010 at 04:02
When are people going to wake up and see reality in Forex trading. It always amazes me that o many will fall for something that is so dumb and so far from any common sense.Look at what I wrote belowstart with a $5000 seed end of 1 month of trading is$ $9800$13720$19208$26891$37647$52705$73787$103301$144621$202469$ 283,456 1-yearThe above is with a EA that only makes 40% per month at the end of only 1 year you would have $283,456in 2 year it would be high in the millions and remember only 40% per month.You see not one that posts here on myfxbook has a ea that will do 40% per month on a live acc...
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