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I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Erfaren Traders
Jun 24, 2013 at 08:00
Nice scalper (2.7 pips profit / trade) with an accepatable R/R. It is unfortunate that the strategy is struggling with its worst ever max. DD. Hopefully it will come out. Will keep an eye on it. Good job!
Trading System
Jun 23, 2013 at 12:21
In addition there are much better and safer strategies available. For example:
Trading System
Jun 23, 2013 at 11:54
Yes, I agree. To fork out 400 USD, some trade history should be shown. At least to the interested parties.Also, a live forward test of the EA should be initiated if commercial plans are in the pipeline.
Trading System
Jun 23, 2013 at 11:20
It is so weird... No serious investor would risk even a cent with a strategy which shows -46% DD. They would not even look at a strategy with a DD below -10%.Not to mention that the average monthly profit is only 5%, resulting in a pretty pathetic R/R ratio. In demo mode. Due to the significant slippage and execution delays experienced with most of the brokers, the R/R ratio would be probably much worse on a live account. Which is the exact reason why this is a demo account, functioning in a "perfect world" without slippage and execution delays.
Trading System
Jun 22, 2013 at 22:01
I am signing up with 1 Billion Demo USD. OR.... let's make it 99 Zillion-Billion!
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Erfaren Traders
Jun 21, 2013 at 17:15
I am still amazed how many people display their fancy demo accounts here on MyFxBook... Like this one above.I guess they must be living in a pink demo world full of demo mansions, demo Bentleys, demo yachts and demo model girlfirends...On the other hand they would not even risk 50 USD of their real money on a REAL micro account to prove what they can do with real money.Come on people! Grow up!!
Trading System
Jun 21, 2013 at 17:13
I am still amazed how many people display their fancy demo accounts here on MyFxBook... Like this one above.I guess they must be living in a pink demo world full of demo mansions, demo Bentleys, demo yachts and demo model girlfirends... Just as "Aplmudtdie" stated above.On the other hand they would not even risk 50 USD of their real money on a REAL micro account to prove what they can do with real money.Come on people! Grow up!!
Anyone Trading For A Living?
Erfaren Traders
Jun 19, 2013 at 12:39
Yes, that is very true. Risk can be very subjective and also very real when REAL money (USD, not cent...) is at stake. Most people simply oversestimate their risk tolerance. It is just a word until it becomes flesh cutting reality.Playing around with cent account is just for fun. At best. But more actually it is just wasting of time. I have not seen anybody buying a Porsche or even a motorcycle from cent account profits. Not to mention making a living out of it.Except for one case: when they sell the promising strategy to newcomers and noobs... Well, that is the only exception!
Anyone Trading For A Living?
Erfaren Traders
Jun 19, 2013 at 11:04
No, not being jealous at all, especially looking at the -52% DD. I would run for the exit even before hitting -20% DD....Although I am somewhat cautious, no regular trader would tolerate larger than -30% DD's. Even at -33% DD one needs to make 50% profit just to break even.At -52% DD (as in this case) one needs to make more than 100% profit just to recover losses. Since 99% of the investors would desert any strategy before hitting -50% DD, most of them would not even be around to recover their losses hoping for a 100% gain. Just common sense. By the way, large investors would not even look...
Invest 100к
Trading System
Jun 17, 2013 at 21:14
1. Adding more and more lots to losing positions is Martingale.So:June 6th: 12 lotsJune 7th: 24 lotsJune 11th: 44 lotsJune 13th: 66 lotsJune 14th: 88 lots with large floating DDWhat is THIS if not Martingale...????__________________________________________________2. If you are the "happy rich guys" with the HOLY GRAIL, you can become billionaires in 2 years. Why do you care convincing others about your truth...?? I have a few ideas...__________________________________________________3. Even if the 4000% profit within one year were real, I could not care less if it comes with 53% DD....
Anyone Trading For A Living?
Erfaren Traders
Jun 17, 2013 at 17:57
Yes, impressive Martingale money management on a MICRO account. Based on the below 'lot pattern' recorded by MyFxBook and the large persistent floating DD since mid-February, it does look like a Martingale-type of money management:June 6th: 12 lotsJune 7th: 24 lotsJune 11th: 44 lotsJune 13th: 66 lotsJune 14th: 88 lots with approx. 100k FLOATING DRAWDOWN! (Probably 1k in reality, as likely a micro account.) The lot numbers can be clearly seen on the enclosed balance graph (see the original, if not removed).P.S. North West Financial Broker DOES offer MICRO accounts...!! Read this co...
Invest 100к
Trading System
Jun 17, 2013 at 17:50
It looks like the above statements are copied from a different account.For today both MyFxBook and the above statement record 2 trades. Which is correct.1. BUT: According to MyFxBook the account is in -475 USD LOSS after 2 trades, while the above statement shows +5917 USD PROFIT after 2 trades today. There is NO WAY that the above statements belong to this account.2. Based on the following "lot pattern" recorded by MyFxBook and the large persistent floating DD since mid-February, it does look like a Martingale-type of money management:June 6th: 12 lotsJune 7th: 24 lotsJune 11th...
Invest 100к
Trading System
Jun 17, 2013 at 12:43
It is a NANO account (i.e. divide all equities and balances by 1000) until proven otherwise. It is hard to image that anyone would stomach a -52% DD with a real account above 200k.BE AWARE: The BALANCE chart shows that it is a typical MARTINGALE strategy in a lucky streak for the past 4(!) months...We all know the final faith of all Martingale strategies. It just a question of time... (I am still to see the first one surviving for more than 2 years...)
SolidFX Invest
Trading System
Jun 17, 2013 at 07:48
What happened? For 1 week there has been no one single trade from your 4 EA's. Prior to that there were trades every day... Also, no response to inquiry via PM...Are you stiill around? Are the strategies still running...?
TC - Program - ForexTIMOBI, LLC.
Trading System
Jun 14, 2013 at 15:35
I just wonder why this strategy is traded on a CENT ACCOUNT with 160 USD real investment and about 200 USD real equity...?? Apparently the developer, "ForexTIMOBI, LLC" has the trust and confidence investing not more than $160(!) of its own money in this commercial strategy. Calculating with 7.5% average monthly profit you have to invest min. 600 USD just to pay the 45 USD monthly fee to the "captain". So to make a "real" net 7.5% profit per month for yourself, you have to invest (and risk) at least 1200 USD (while your captain is risking only a fraction of it, i....
Trading System
Jun 13, 2013 at 06:36
I have some other much "fancier" ideas how to get rid of surplus money... 😉
Trading System
Jun 09, 2013 at 20:28
I guess it has a trailing stop moving to 3-4 pips profit at certain profit level, and apparently (as of now) the price could never reach full TP level before testing back to the trailing stop level (best trade ever +5 pips).Also the full SL has not been hit by any trade as of now (worst ever trade -17 pips), which means that the SL is probably dynamic with a hard SL around 31-33 pips (in case the bottom fell out).By the way, it is interesting that the EA trades only in SELL direction.
RTC Scalper/UJ
Trading System
Jun 09, 2013 at 16:08
Another Demo Hero with 2 weeks' worth of trading history...Come on! Don't even bother to post a strategy with at least 3-4 months stable history on a real live account!
Trading System
Jun 09, 2013 at 15:56
Has anybody tried the EA version?So far there is only one review about it on FPA:
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Erfaren Traders
Jun 09, 2013 at 09:58
Thanks, Milan! By the way, your strategy is one of the bests I have ever seen. Although it is not cheap, but hey, "You get what you pay for."
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