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Brokers - Why do we still pay spreads?
Jan 24, 2014 at 05:02
In theory it is a good idea.The main issue here is that establishing a brokerage company is pretty costly, requiring significantly larger sum than the 10k per month cost mentioned above.Nevertheless, 10-20 interested traders - most likely ones with stable winning strategies - might be able to pull it off. The practical aspects of such an enterprise would be a definite challenge as it would require complete strangers to trust each others.
Brokers - Why do we still pay spreads?
Jan 24, 2014 at 02:18
Yes, you are right. Brokers could go lower with commission and actually they go lower, but only for the big guys. From a reliable source I know about a reputable broker offering 0.2 pips ECN commission for its instituational client. In other words, whatever we pay above 0.2 pips/lot is an extraprofit for the broker.I also wonder why none of the hundreds of brokers would embrace the above outlined business model...
Brokers - Why do we still pay spreads?
Jan 24, 2014 at 01:32
Establishing a brokerage is a pretty costly enterprise, not to mention the maintenance costs. I guess brokers need to charge some fees to cover their expenses and to make some profits for their investment in the business. What is wrong with it...?
Is forex gambling?
Erfaren Traders
Jan 24, 2014 at 01:22
Well, it is a definite advantage to be a "wholesaler" (bank) on a market where there are plenty of retail shops (brokers) and customers (traders). The service provided by banks on the Forex market is a service similar to one casinos provide to gamblers.I agree that banks (as casinos) cannot be beaten, but who wants to beat the banks (casinos)...?
Is forex gambling?
Erfaren Traders
Jan 24, 2014 at 01:05
I disagree with the "no one" wording.There are constantly profitable private traders. The fact that they don't advertise themselves on MyFxBook does not mean that they don't exist.
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Erfaren Traders
Jan 22, 2014 at 02:02
DD is a significant psychological component of trading. In case you trade with large enough funds to make a decent living with, then probably you would not tolerate larger than 20% DD. I guess, you would start jittering at 10% already.So - in my opinion - any strategy is useless for the purpose of making a living which has a >20% DD. These strategies are good only as HOBBY activities and to show off on MyFxBook.
Broker's Game ATC
Trading System
Jan 21, 2014 at 03:56
Oooops... Did not last long...
Do you have a winning EA?
Jan 13, 2014 at 06:03
Bring it on! Show us the (real) money! Be The MAN!
Do you have a winning EA?
Jan 12, 2014 at 04:23
If it so good ("very sound") strategy, then why not risk 100 USD and run it on a LIVE account...? Good question, isn't it...Oh, got it! You are waiting for investors to risk THEIR monies... It makes sense...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Erfaren Traders
Jan 12, 2014 at 04:19
Well, the "Forex cemetary" is full of the corpses of strategies with an initial winning series of 4-6 months, after which they just fail REALLY badly, wiping out most of their profits within weeks. (Of course, there are numerous potential reasons why a stragy could fail after 4-6 months of stable profitablity.)To consider a strategy robust and stable, in my opinion IT DOES MATTER how long the strategy has been traded, as TIME would allow to assess how well the strategy can deal with different market scenarios or how stable the traders psychological setup is (among others factors). An...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Erfaren Traders
Jan 11, 2014 at 00:26
The history of this strategy is only 2 months old, it is too early to make any well-founded statements about it.
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Erfaren Traders
Jan 10, 2014 at 13:49
Well, actually I do not see "traders banking 6000% profit in Forex". Not even 600% (with decent DD, which means that the max. DD is not larger than the average Monthly Profit). Of course, we don't talk about arbitrage DEMO accounts or fancy Martingales. Do we?So far the only legit strategy fulfilling this thread's specifications has been quoted by @stevetrade (which strategy is running at a no-name, non-regulated Russian broker).The other option is that those 6000% Forex traders are quietly doing their job far from MyFxBook. Which is possible. However, they are only "San...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Erfaren Traders
Jan 10, 2014 at 09:19
Each losing trade teaches about something important, and by using these lessons, it is possible to avoid larger losses. It is just a question of context. By embracing the unavoidable losses this way they can be our friends. Also, losses are just part of the game in a statistical equation, so to stay in the game, one has to get used to them.As someone has stated it well: "Take care of your losses and your profits will take care of you."
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Erfaren Traders
Jan 10, 2014 at 07:51
Yes, I concur with Donex. I was just looking at it myself. I have opened the broker's site and it is a "no name" non-regulated Russian broker... Oh, well... No more comment.@Donex: "Hate your losers more than you like your winners" - Well, personally I do like my losers a lot, as they teach me more than my winners.
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Erfaren Traders
Jan 09, 2014 at 13:56
You are right, Steve. I am aware that the issue is more complex.Most (if not all) Forex retail traders are in this "business" with the goal of making a living. And not just an "average" living, but a good and generous living (nice house[s], cool car[s], trendy clothes, exotic trips, trophy wife AND all of these: FOREVER). To be able to achieve that 1k, 5k, 20k, 50k but even 100k accounts will not be enough. Not even closely. Just think about it. Maybe with a 500k-to-1M USD account and 50% (STABLE) net annual return (which is DOUBLE of the performance of the best private fu...
Do you have a winning EA?
Jan 09, 2014 at 00:04
With smaller accounts it may be OK to tolerate larger DDs (especially if it happens with your own strategy). But with large 100k-500k or 1M USD client accounts a 20% DD is PSYCHOLOGICALLY untolerable for most investors.Considering the fact that the most successful hedge funds make 30-40% per year for their investors with less than 5% DD, it shows that "BIG MONEY" prefers lower risk, even if the profits are only 3-4% per month. Otherwise these hedge funds would increase their risk and make 300-400% profits per year with 50% DD. But they don't.I have followed FxAmplified's rise...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Erfaren Traders
Jan 08, 2014 at 23:49
I guess "superscalper" is gone forever (he has unregistered from MyFxBook). Either his strategy has crashed or it has become so profitable with large investors that he does not need to advertise it here.
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Erfaren Traders
Jan 07, 2014 at 23:55
The question remains:Can you show a LIVE (i.e. real) account showing at least 5% average monthly profit for at least 1 year AND with less than 20% max. DD?
Do you have a winning EA?
Jan 07, 2014 at 23:38
Sorry to disappoint you, but -47% DD on MyFxBook (even -20% DD on HotForex PAMM) is simply too much for any serious investor. Investors freak out even at -10% DD. Seriously.You really have to be below 10% DD for RETAIL investors, and definitiely below 5% DD for PROFESSIONAL investors to be taken seriously.I don't say that your strategy is not good, but you should consider running a forward test (at least a showcase account) at a much lower risk setting to make it appealing for serious (i.e. professional) investors.______________________________________________________Click on "Vouch&q...
Do you have a winning EA?
Jan 07, 2014 at 11:27
Could you please give us a link to your LIVE account's MyFxBook page showing the performance of your Nobel prize candidate strategy?Thanks!
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