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Jan 11, 2015 at 19:20
Jim, yes the swap is accounted for but it is handled a little differently than might be expected. Instead of calculating everything out then adding to the take profit each day for the swap, the program watches the total profit and when that is greater than a certain amount, then it will close all of the trades, the ones in profit and the ones out of profit, however the total will always be in profit by doing it this way.This is a good time to check out the aud-nzd as it is in serious draw-down. However, the total Draw is only at 35% or so. This is the first time that we have seen 10 itera...
American Forex Traders: Solutions to Low Leverage , FIFO and Hedging Ban's:
Erfaren Traders
Jan 03, 2015 at 15:28
I posted a reply yesterday, fairly lengthy, and today its gone. What do we think that means? Look at the name of the thread and wonder. Of course it could just be a coincidence, they had to reboot and the last posts were lost... What I wrote was a lawsuit won't work, remember I had tied in with this overlord back in 2008. In essence, our program traded for 6 months, hundreds of trades, zero losses. October, NFA announces rules and reg changes. Supposed to be a hearing. After many attempts to talk with someone a woman called me. Through the conversation, I found that the hearing was ...
I'm new to Forex trading and looking for some advice
Nya Handlare
Dec 23, 2014 at 14:09
There are good brokers everywhere but what Russians and Americans have to do is to find a small neutral country so politics can be eliminated. I like Lucror out of New Zealand but they have even stopped accepting US traders. Do us a favor if you don't mind and let us know who you settled on. Just for the record, I for one feel completely miserable about the sanctions and how our politicians can't seem to learn to get along with each other. Russians and Americans are good for each other, I offer our cooperation in WW2, space exploration, medical breakthroughs and more. I have a quic...
I'm new to Forex trading and looking for some advice
Nya Handlare
Dec 23, 2014 at 04:12
"I'm not very good in all this programming stuff"No one is good at anything when they first start out, but if you want to be professional then you need to learn all aspects about your business. However, until that day, there are good programmers available to help. If you can't make a patch on the program that you are trading through, then ask the developer to make the patch. He will charge you something but probably not too much as he will be interested in ways to improve his program. Anyway, you'll be ok, just take as much time as you need and strive to be the best, wh...
I'm new to Forex trading and looking for some advice
Nya Handlare
Dec 22, 2014 at 14:35
A programming patch.Bob
I'm new to Forex trading and looking for some advice
Nya Handlare
Dec 22, 2014 at 06:02
There are as many opinions as there are traders but since there are many ways to trade, all of the information that you get on this or any forum will be perfectly meaningless. Babypips, is good for technical trading, Investopidia is more general but you can learn the language from stocks to futures. Unless you have lots of money, trading the news (traditional fundamental trading) is only good for long term. By the time the “news” hits the publishers, it is already old news. Big corporation pay lots of money to get the news while it still is news. However, there is a third way to...
What do you see in this image?
Erfaren Traders
Dec 18, 2014 at 18:02
Well, not unknown,,1#?pt=2&p=1&ts=178&o=648589Bob
American Forex Traders: Solutions to Low Leverage , FIFO and Hedging Ban's:
Erfaren Traders
Dec 18, 2014 at 17:29
Vontogr wrote "There are US citizen friendly forex brokers without stupid US limitations."Had to mull that over for a bit. I had assumed that all but a couple new brokers had quit accepting US citizens but maybe I am wrong about this. The problem with new brokers is that they accept US citizens at first but when they get big enough, their lawyers tell them they can't afford a court case against the US government and they would be better off without us.Really can't blame the brokers, they are just trying to run a business. FXDD left the US completely because of the governme...
What do you see in this image?
Erfaren Traders
Dec 18, 2014 at 16:16
" I was the one who place a trade on... a broker who uses slippages as huge as 5 pips and delays as long as 6 sec."You can say who the broker was. Comparing brokers is one of our favorite pass times. I won't use because they changed the trading rules and didn't bother telling anybody. They lost me as a customer and I still tell others why. So who are we talking about? Bob
Erfaren Traders
Dec 18, 2014 at 15:25
(CrazyTrader vs Vontogr)Personally, I would feel comfortable doing business with either of the two, both are good at their jobs but both have different opinions about certain areas. Both have been on the forum as long as I have and both have generated a lot of good advice here. Both are good men that have let too much emotion get into the discussion, come on guys, who will be big enough to apologize and promise to refrain from angry posts? I will.Bob
What do you see in this image?
Erfaren Traders
Dec 18, 2014 at 14:55
Old story here. Prices for the feeds are generated by the liquidity providers, aka the bank. We've known for years that different liquidity providers have different prices at any given time. In fact there was once an arbitrage strategy that looked at several brokers to determine entry points and direction. Pass through brokers don't care if you win or lose, so long as you keep playing the game. If you lose too much, you quit trading and then they lose. So for pass through brokers, it is better if you win. We did have a slogan once, several years back that went something like &ld...
EAs do not work for me! Its much better to do manual trades.
Erfaren Traders
Dec 12, 2014 at 16:46
"leave this creative skills for those geeks from MIT, Harvard, etc that spend their lives creating indicators, ichimoku clouds and stuff like that...."Oh, ahem... I am afraid that is me.😳In fact if you really wanted to know me look up INTJ on the internet, its a personality type and do they have me pegged. Bob
EAs do not work for me! Its much better to do manual trades.
Erfaren Traders
Dec 12, 2014 at 15:26
"I´m sure you are gonna tell me that this is bulls...t but..."I'm not going to tell you that, those are skills for success no matter what the industry. The daily routines being the exception as that is only for left brained personalities, the right brain creative types get there by a different route.@Vontogr, because of your trading skills and time on the job, and because of your historical knowledge in trading with the exception of martingales of course, I will give way to your views as there may in fact be systems that require a 10:1 safety margin that I am unaware of. ...
any fulltime forex trader here ???
Erfaren Traders
Dec 12, 2014 at 14:45
Professional traders are the same as professional working girls. Could mean female managers but we all know what is generally meant. If the professional traders are working at Bear-Stearns (now Dead) Morgan-Chase or any of the other wall street brothels, professional is a negitive term.
EAs do not work for me! Its much better to do manual trades.
Erfaren Traders
Dec 12, 2014 at 14:27
“Agree that 29.09% is not a big profit. And drawdown is 75%?! man, it's not good.There are many manual traders with a drawdown less then 30% and their profit is more then 30%. You have to work with your trading system!”Well, it depends on what the 75% draw was the result of. The higher the percentage of draw, the higher the efficiency of the system so long as it never reached 100%. If the 75% is a worst case scenario not likely to be repeated within our life time and the constant draw is less than 50%, you actually have a pretty safe system. On the other hand, if you have o...
EAs do not work for me! Its much better to do manual trades.
Erfaren Traders
Dec 11, 2014 at 21:58
Yet to see an EA that has worked well consistently for several years at a stretch smiley I wish such an EA exists....I would put it on autopilot and just withdraw the profits!"OK, well that ones easy,
EAs do not work for me! Its much better to do manual trades.
Erfaren Traders
Dec 11, 2014 at 21:42
"Oh Bob, i know that money does grow on trees, thanks for your perspective"Hello MomaForex, I had hoped that you and everyone else would get a chuckle from the play on words. 😀Bob
EAs do not work for me! Its much better to do manual trades.
Erfaren Traders
Dec 11, 2014 at 18:13
Just for the record, money does grow on trees, that's where paper comes from and if what you mean by contrarian is taking trades against the trend, that EA already exists also. Last, Forex is not a zero sum market because of the business that need to exchange currencies without playing the market. They pay for the convenience, we collect interest off of the liquidity that we supply.. Bob
EAs do not work for me! Its much better to do manual trades.
Erfaren Traders
Dec 11, 2014 at 00:30
"One strange thing is nobody never speak about optimization on the forums."??? I thought we did.
American Forex Traders: Solutions to Low Leverage , FIFO and Hedging Ban's:
Erfaren Traders
Dec 10, 2014 at 16:43
"i have dual citizenship and i can say that usa is a very super great country,love this place so much"I was born here in 1952. I see the country today from a perspective of what we were and what we lost, you are coming from somewhere that hadn't quite achieved what we did so it is a great country but it was even greater. And what we lost is more precious than the ability to make money. You know how to tell when you really love something, it is like ripping your guts out when you lose it. I love my country, I love it enough to tell the truth, we lost our liberty, we are a police...
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