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12 now offers 2min and 5min options
Feb 24, 2013 at 22:32
This is by far an amazing feature to add to your trading. allows you to pick your entry, and have the price expire 2min or 5 mins after expiry. I highly recommend studying smaller time frames and using this type of wagering.
Is compounding necessary?
Nya Handlare
Feb 24, 2013 at 22:07
Compounding is the form of wagering in which you reinvest your profit. It isn't simply using a larger lot size.Say for an example you depsoit 1k into an account. At which point on the first trade you turn a 100% profit. On your second wager your lot size is now larger then what it could of been before the first trade. You dont have to invest 100% of the profit. Yet with compounding your not protecting your profit.
Is compounding necessary?
Nya Handlare
Feb 24, 2013 at 16:41
Your correct Ironman. I'm not compounding because I'm using Martingale. There are times in which I want to compound, but if I fall into an accumulation zone. It will cause me to bias towards to the positions which I'm in.
Is compounding necessary?
Nya Handlare
Feb 24, 2013 at 16:31
Well honestly no. I mean its very easy to get tempted to. I have seen many good traders blow accounts due to compounding. Only to make back all the losses about 2 weeks later. Which of course would of resulted in more profit if he/she did not increase their risk. The temptation is there, yet one wrong move, and its all over. Only for you to have to start all over again. A person who is starting with maybe 50 usd can try compounding. Yet, there comes a point in which you must decrease your risk.
Trading System
Feb 24, 2013 at 16:28
My entries are pre-determined by calculating the extreme ends of daily pivots using fibs. I then get 16 possible entries. My larger wagers are on the first and second crosses of those entries. Through out the week those very prices remain the same assuming we have not broken the extreme prices. Very simple. The only things I respect are News releases along with nearing of pivots. In no way do I use higher time frames.
Is compounding necessary?
Nya Handlare
Feb 24, 2013 at 15:32
I havr not compounded and was able to earn 100% this past week.
Is compounding necessary?
Nya Handlare
Feb 24, 2013 at 15:31
We're not on the same page, because you've decided to be selective as to the information you reveal. Yet that is expected.Yet for mosst of my entries my pip drawndown is under 10. I did have one trade reach 33 pips yet i experienced a glitch with the ea i used top place an automatic sl. Most important only that trade. Simple compounding would of earsed the entire account. Which is why I dobt recommend it. As for assumtion as to how its calculated. You may be right or wrong. Yet if that was the case. It still should be able to calculate the information even if i held the position for 2 ...
Is compounding necessary?
Nya Handlare
Feb 24, 2013 at 14:54
why should you be sorry? You've failed to point out the following things1) Most of my winning positions doesnt reveal the accuracy of the position2) My avg pip drawdown even on losing positions (this month) has been 10 pips3) I also dont trade on avg. As using the compounding method one can have a 95%win percentage and margin call their account.4) fxbook also doesnt display how their accuracy is calculated. is it based on the currencies daily, hourly, or 15 min range. Please don't be swayed by avgs.
Is compounding necessary?
Nya Handlare
Feb 24, 2013 at 13:37
My entries are pre-determined by calculating the extreme ends of daily pivots using fibs. I then get 16 possible entries. My larger wagers are on the first and second crosses of those entries. Through out the week those very prices remain the same assuming we have not broken the extreme prices. Very simple. The only things I respect are News releases along with nearing of pivots. In no way do I use higher time frames.
Is compounding necessary?
Nya Handlare
Feb 24, 2013 at 13:03
Yet, the difference between my system and everything else seen online is that others don't focus on the entries. I can care less about my tp. I just want to be sure that upon entering. I won't end up 5 pips in red! If I'm able to perfect this form of entry. Then I would say compounding would make sense. Yet, it all goes back to what I said in the prior post. "You must make sure you entry is picture perfect". If it isn't then you will end up hurting yourself then helping yourself.
Trading System
Feb 24, 2013 at 13:00
Good Morning, To answer your question as to when I determine to use bigger positions. I enter a bigger lot size once the price has reversed over my original entry twice. Please have a look at the highlighted trade. If you were to load your 1m chart. You'll notice that my original entry failed, and once it recrossed it I entered on a pending sell. Which not only was activated, but was followed by a huge price surge down. All of my entries are pre-determined and once the price is touched, I'm then entered into the position. You've also noticed ...
Best Forex Cash Back
Tjänster för rabattprogram
Feb 23, 2013 at 23:08
Yadix is actually the best. If your scalping then rebates is something worth looking forward to. Exness has way to many requotes which is a scalpers nightmare. Most of the people who swing trade use small lots anyway. So not much sense in trading for rebates.
agung 2012
Feb 23, 2013 at 13:15
Everything is set to private. I wonder why? You can not make money selling an EA, then you can actually trading it yourself. I guess which is the reason why you've made your transactions private. None the less, I've out preformed you this month easily! No EA... Your trading in a one sided market. Would love to see how well you do in a 200 pip range market. I will almost bet you will have no % change at all.
Use of martingale strategy
Erfaren Traders
Feb 23, 2013 at 13:11
What a classic pessimistic response. Now he wants to generalize every ones profit or loss.
Use of martingale strategy
Erfaren Traders
Feb 22, 2013 at 21:00
I understand what your saying. Have you tried maybe using your entry based on daily pivots/ medians? You will be shocked to see that all trend reversals (resulting in 300+ pips) result from a bounce off a pivot. Take a look at yesterdays drop in eur/jpy. It happened off a pivot. The very good thing about pivots is that when the price accumulates at a pivot. You can almost tell where it will go next based on the formation at the pivot. Use those indicators and change the hour to LONDON time. It will back test the last 15 trading days. Look at how the price (on 1m) either bounces or accumulates...
Use of martingale strategy
Erfaren Traders
Feb 22, 2013 at 20:24
Well ppentz what is your avg drawdown pip wise while trying to catch the reversal? As for my system, If I could simply have a martingale ea which I can trust. I WOULD go from negative pips profit which resulted in 100% profit on the week. To maybe 250 pips profit on the week which would have this account over 1000% on the week while never using more then 40% equity.
Use of martingale strategy
Erfaren Traders
Feb 22, 2013 at 19:22
That is the question. Yet for me I believe I have found a very good way to identify it on the 1m time frame. So much so I can even get the tp if I wanted to. Yet I have been scalping so long that I jump on the 5-15 pips profit in 3 mins as soon as I get it. Although I could earn 2x as much if I held 15 mins longer.
Use of martingale strategy
Erfaren Traders
Feb 22, 2013 at 19:20
Hello Ppentz, Yes I am referring to that system. I have only been able to use martingale on about 3% of my total trades for the week. As I tried a reverse script, and it didn't work to well for me. Then of course when you do it Manually you have to be very fast on the trigger and not hesitate. Which is something I do most of the times. If I don't catch it on the actual reversal I'll wait for the next one. Yet, for me it literally comes down to ONE CANDLE. There is one candle which changes the trend, It is that candle which I am in research for. Most time I'm able to make 5- 10 ...
Use of martingale strategy
Erfaren Traders
Feb 22, 2013 at 18:35
Yet, in forex a REVERSAL is ALWAYS DUE. Even on a 200 pip spike, you will get a reversal. Even if it is of 10 pips. So please don't use the " red,black,evens, odds is due and compare it to forex. In forex you ALWAYS HAVE A PULLBACK! Stop being so pessimistic.
Use of martingale strategy
Erfaren Traders
Feb 22, 2013 at 18:32
Please check my system. I don't experience more then 4 losses in a row. Lets not speak in theory. Let us speak in fact. All thought this thread isn't about my system. The fact is that martingale DOES WORK, as it counters a losing trend! It boils down to the system which you use. As in the sense. If you have an entry and a stop loss of 200 pips. Once you stop loss you then enter a larger position. That to me is a roulette trade. As your basing your second order on OLD information. On trading bias. Instead of price action or any other important factor us scalpers use.
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