SouthEast (tlap dot com)

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Demo (USD), Alpari INT , 1:500 , MetaTrader 4

Uttag: 99.93%

Balans: $1.00
Eget kapital: (100.00%) $1.00
Högsta: (Oct 16) $1,431.40
Vinst: -$999.00
Ränta: -$73.90

Insättningar: $1,000.00
Uttag: $0.00

Uppdaterad 19 timmar sedan
Spårning av 1
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Förstärkning (Skillnad) Vinst (Skillnad) Pips (Skillnad) Vinn% (Skillnad) Trades (Skillnad) Lots (Skillnad)
Idag - - - - - -
Den här veckan +0.00% ( - ) $0.00 ( - ) +0.0 ( - ) 0% ( - ) 0 ( - ) 0.00 ( - )
Den här månaden +0.00% ( - ) $0.00 ( - ) +0.0 ( - ) 0% ( - ) 0 ( - ) 0.00 ( - )
I år +0.00% (+99.90%) $0.00 (+$999.00) +0.0 (+1,875.1) 0% (-65%) 0 (-397) 0.00 (-7.39)
% progress
Inga dagliga mål.
% progress
Inga veckomål.
% progress
Inga månadsmål.
% progress
Inga årliga mål.
Trades: 397
Pips: -1,875.1
Genomsnittlig vinst: 28.89 pips / $2.81
Genomsnittlig förlust: -69.23 pips / -$12.75
Lots : 7.39
Provisioner: $0.00
Långt Won: (107/151) 70%
Shorts vunnit: (154/246) 62%
Bäst handel ($): (Sep 26) 56.28
Värsta handel ($): (Oct 29) -103.31
Bäst Trade (Pips): (Sep 26) 1,876.0
Värsta handel (Pips): (Sep 26) -1,074.0
Medel Trade Längd: 1d
Vinstfaktor: 0.42
Standardavvikelse: $16.846
Sharpeförhållande -0.16
Z-poäng (sannolikhet): 1.53 (87.39%)
Förväntan -4.7 Pips / -$2.52
AHPR: -1.24%
GHPR: -1.72%
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Uppgifterna omfattar de 200 senaste transaktionerna baserat på den analyserade historiken.

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% Årligen

Andra system av Merlin777

Namn Förstärkning Uttag Pips Handel Hävstångseffekt Typ
Hacked Pro 1,199.38% 72.75% -80,013.4 - 1:100 Demo
VelociGrid 165.98% 47.35% 13,163.3 - 1:500 Demo
Survivor 645.80% 30.83% 13,589.9 - 1:500 Demo
Gold Chervonets ( 100.05% 47.41% 45,875.0 - 1:500 Demo
Impulse candle ( -5.76% 16.55% -329.3 - 1:500 Demo
Trio Dancer ( 209.80% 38.24% 17,480.1 - 1:500 Demo
Challenger ( 2.79% 49.58% -15,273.4 - 1:500 Demo
Tron EA 43.82% 9.06% 2,435.3 - 1:500 Demo
RF 4,051.44% 44.01% 6,423.7 - 1:500 Demo
TLAP Market ( 38.60% 42.68% 6,423.2 - 1:500 Demo
TLAP Capatal ( 182.16% 35.19% 8,766.4 - 1:500 Demo
TLAP CAPITAL Scalping ( 9.30% 14.61% 7,123.8 - 1:500 Demo
TLAP Bumblebee ( 25.25% 17.59% 2,661.4 - 1:500 Demo
Stropa MT5 ( 38.83% 19.12% 4,417.0 - 1:100 Demo
Franklin ( 17.65% 39.99% 11,748.6 Automatiserad 1:500 Demo
Cucumber Mt5 ( 3.22% 11.85% 104.4 - 1:100 Demo
Merin USDJPY ( 49.29% 24.19% 2,730.4 - 1:500 Demo
ShootingStarFX ( 34.94% 30.36% 999.2 - 1:500 Demo
Incognito Scalper ( 15.40% 29.27% 871.4 - 1:500 Demo
Kakadu ( 16.79% 3.03% 1,012.4 - 1:500 Demo
AUDCAD (tlap dot com) 9.65% 11.20% 473.4 - 1:500 Demo
Leva (tlap dot com) -1.02% 29.67% 1,993.0 - 1:500 Demo
Gex (tlap dot com) 6.86% 11.47% 201.6 - 1:300 Demo
Trio Dancer Restart (tlap dot com) 62.52% 16.69% 5,013.0 - 1:500 Demo
Asphalt Restart (tlap dot com) -99.90% 99.92% -9,885.1 - 1:100 Demo
Triangle (tlap dot com) 19.19% 40.63% -238.0 - 1:500 Demo
Correlation (tlap dot com) 32.72% 42.85% 4,096.3 - 1:500 Demo
Gex restart (tlap dot com) -1.55% 23.51% 357.1 - 1:300 Demo
The Lawnmower Man (tlap dot com) -0.10% 0.10% -481.0 - 1:500 Demo
Wizard (tlap dot com) -4.04% 9.85% -755.0 - 1:500 Demo
Scarlett (tlap dot com) -20.77% 23.95% -199.6 - 1:1000 Demo
Advanced Gold Trading (tlap dot com) -94.47% 95.15% -21,023.0 - 1:500 Demo
Shutter 3 (tlap dot com) -99.90% 99.90% -18,394.9 - 1:100 Demo
Pipiska (tlap dot com) 10.36% 5.86% 211.9 - 1:500 Demo
US30 (tlap dot com) -1.53% 3.20% 28.0 - 1:500 Demo
Lost and found (tlap dot com) 6.63% 5.00% 99.4 - 1:500 Demo
VelociGrid Restart (tlap dot com) 4.76% 9.57% 1,474.8 - 1:500 Demo
VelociGrid 2025 (tlap dot com) 2.11% 15.41% -157.1 - 1:500 Demo
Klondike (tlap dot com) 2.67% 0.57% 2,809.0 - 1:100 Demo
Otaku (tlap dot com) 19.88% 0.00% 312.8 - 1:500 Demo
Hacked Pro restart 2025 (tlap dot com) 0.14% 0.46% 169.8 - 1:100 Demo
Baton (tlap dot com) 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:500 Demo
Account USV