XPDUSD Exchange Rate


Palladium mot US-dollar Exchange Rate (XPD to USD)

-0.45% -429.0 pips
Bid/Ask: 962.62/966.91
Dagligt intervall: 960.63 - 966.91
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U.S. Consumer Sentiment Plunges To Lowest Level In Over Two Years

U.S. Consumer Sentiment Plunges To Lowest Level In Over Two Years

Largely reflecting a substantial deterioration in consumer expectations, the University of Michigan released a report on Friday showing a much steeper than expected drop by its reading on U.S. consumer sentiment in the month of March. The University of Michigan said its consumer sentiment index plunged to 57.9 in March after tumbling to 64.7 in February.
RTTNews | 2 dagar sedan
U.S. Weekly Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Edge Down To 220,000

U.S. Weekly Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Edge Down To 220,000

A report released by the Labor Department on Thursday unexpectedly showed a modest decrease by first-time claims for U.S. unemployment benefits in the week ended March 8th. The Labor Department said initial jobless claims edged down to 220,000, a decrease of 2,000 from the previous week's revised level of 222,000. The dip surprised economists, who had expected jobless claims to inch up to 225,000.
RTTNews | 3 dagar sedan
U.S. Producer Prices Unexpectedly Flat In February

U.S. Producer Prices Unexpectedly Flat In February

With an increase in prices for goods offset by a decrease in prices for services, the Labor Department released a report on Thursday showing producer prices in the U.S. were unexpectedly flat in the month of February. The Labor Department said its producer price index for final demand was unchanged in February after climbing by an upwardly revised 0.6 percent in January.
RTTNews | 3 dagar sedan
U.S. Producer Price Index Unexpectedly Unchanged In February

U.S. Producer Price Index Unexpectedly Unchanged In February

With an increase in prices for goods offset by a decrease in prices for services, the Labor Department released a report on Thursday showing producer prices in the U.S. were unexpectedly flat in the month of February.
RTTNews | 3 dagar sedan

XPDUSD Exchange Rates Analysis

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XPDUSD Volatilitet - XPDUSD Analys av valutavolatilitet i realtid.

XPDUSD Korrelation - XPDUSD Analys av valutakorrelation i realtid.

XPDUSD Indikatorer - XPDUSD indikatorer i realtid.

XPDUSD Patterns - XPDUSD prismönster i realtid.