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- Volatility Factor EA REAL
Volatility Factor EA REAL
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Volatility Factor EA REAL Diskussion
Medlem sedan Jan 25, 2010
1288 inlägg
May 30, 2013 at 08:50
Medlem sedan Jan 25, 2010
1288 inlägg
What happened at the beginning with the huge losses? Did you change the settings to make this EA more profitable, or did the market change? Will the current stable results continue do you think?
Medlem sedan Jun 06, 2012
1434 inlägg
Jun 06, 2013 at 13:27
Medlem sedan Jun 06, 2012
1434 inlägg
good Q s
BluePanther posted:
What happened at the beginning with the huge losses? Did you change the settings to make this EA more profitable, or did the market change? Will the current stable results continue do you think?
Medlem sedan Mar 06, 2012
6 inlägg
Jun 06, 2013 at 14:56
Medlem sedan Mar 06, 2012
6 inlägg
Thank you for the interest in our robot!
Yes, we've made plenty of optimizations on the EA - the settings and the trading logic are updated. The stop loss levels are much lower now - they are close to 50 pips. The drawdown has reduced significantly with the 5.0 version of the EA. You can find on the home page of our website new 13-year backtests. Of course, we expect this version to continue performing in the same good way in future.
Yes, we've made plenty of optimizations on the EA - the settings and the trading logic are updated. The stop loss levels are much lower now - they are close to 50 pips. The drawdown has reduced significantly with the 5.0 version of the EA. You can find on the home page of our website new 13-year backtests. Of course, we expect this version to continue performing in the same good way in future.
*Kommersiell användning och skräppost tolereras inte och kan leda till att kontot avslutas.
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